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Item Analysis of quality service factors and passengers’ satisfaction at bus terminals in Dar es Salaam and Morogoro regions - Tanzania,(Mzumbe University, 2011) Lushakuzi,Simon ShabanThis research was conducted in Dar es Salaam city at Ubungo bus terminal (UBT) and in Morogoro municipality at Msamvu bus terminal (MBT). The main objective of the research was to analyse relationship between quality of services as measured by reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and conduciveness of materials on the one hand and passengers‟ satisfaction at bus terminals in Tanzania, on the other. This research focused on passengers at bus terminals who were thought to be forgotten in the sense that there exist low standard terminal services for them. Literature review focuses on key concepts, service quality and diverse service quality models including servqual, servperf, serviscape and servuction. A case study design was adopted, with a sample of one hundred and thirty one (131) respondents. Primary and secondary data collected were tested and found to be fit, reliable and valid for making meaningful interpretation. Furthermore, the result indicated that multi-methodology approach was appropriate in gathering information. The research findings were based on all Total Score Value (TSV) results at Ubungo and Msamvu bus terminals which indicate unfavourable opinions and the association of all attributes were at 0.05 and 0.01 significant levels. The study came up with the conclusion that the understanding of quality management for vehicle operation has a significant influence on standard of service at the bus terminals. As such, form of operators licensing should be appropriate to ensure that operators of public transport services meet specified standards of competence and integrity to enhance customers‟ satisfaction at bus terminals.Item Assessment of the factors influencing shortage of health care providers in rural and remote public health facilities in Morogoro Region(Mzumbe University, 2013) Mwemfula, AlexanderSevere shortage of qualified health workers in rural and remote public health facilities in the workforce in many low income countries including Tanzania require the national health sector management to closely monitor and address issues related to the distribution of health workers across various types of health facilities. This dissertation discusses the factors influencing shortage of health care providers in rural public health facilities in Tanzania. A Qualitative research design was used to elicit in depth information on health workers preferences for workplace. Data were obtained from 29 respondents who filled semi structured questionnaires and 8 respondents who were indepthly interviewed. Respondents involved in this study were health care providers in cadres of Clinical Officers, Nurses and Laboratory Technicians and Members of District Council Health Management Team. The study found out that there is a substantial shortage healthcare provider in Kilosa District. This shortage was associated with poor working environment, poor motivation strategies to attract health care providers to work in rural public health facilities, low job motivation, and low monetary compensations (allowances). Health workers acknowledged that they have hard working environment and they don’t have enough time to rest because of overloaded tasks. This study observed that decisions of health care providers to choose or not choosing to work in rural public health facilities among other things depends mainly on one’s job satisfaction, motivation, career decisions, relationships with others and personal health. Job satisfaction of healthcare workers is also an essential part of ensuring high quality care and there is evidence of a positive correlation between job satisfaction and patient satisfactionItem Assessment of work-stress among Public Sector Employees in Tanzania: A Case study of the Ministry of Home Affairs Headquarters (MoHA), Tanzania(Mzumbe Unversity, 2013) Kaminyoge, NelsonThe study aimed at assessing the level of work - related stress and how it impacts the organization performance. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the causes of work stress among employees in the Ministry of Home Affairs, to identify the work related stress level of employees in the Ministry of Home Affairs in Tanzania, to assess the possible effects of stress on Job performances in the Ministry of Home Affairs in Tanzania and to suggest strategies that can be employed to reduce the effect of stress in the Ministry of Home Affairs in Tanzania. In this study data were collected using a questionnaire survey and interview method where the sample size of the study was 56 respondents. The study was conducted at the Ministry of Home Affairs Headquarters, Dar es Salaam. The study findings revealed that there is high level of stress among public sectors employees which affect work performance. This work – related stresses were caused by many factors such as poor pay, too much work, lack of recognition of employees performance, failure of recognizing employees skills and profession, lack of promotions and poor working environment. The study findings also revealed that there were many effects associated with high level of stress among employees including poor work performance, frequencies of absenteeism, frequent sick leaves and many endless complaints which if not attended can erode employee morale and result into poor work performance. The major limitation of the study is based on data collection. Respondents were busy with their daily ethos and could not answer questionnaires within the time so researcher had to use extra time to persuade them and much energy to collect questionnaires. Also some of the respondents were not ready to be recorded during interview which costed much researcher’s time. It is generally recommended that the government should take serious measures to eradicate/reduce stress among its employees because if not attended can result into poor employee performance among work organizationsItem Assessment of the effectiveness of performance appraisal in private secondary schools: The case of Mawengi secondary school(Mzumbe University, 2013) Irene E. SangaThe aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Performance Appraisal System in private secondary schools. The study was carried out at Mawengi Secondary School in Dar es Salaam using case study design. The sample size was 35 respondents from teaching and non-teaching staff.Sampling techniques used were purposive and random sampling methods.Data collection techniques were questionnaire administration, personal interview, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and documentary review. Data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. Simple frequency analysis and tabulations were used. The findings revealed that majority of respondents at Mawengi Secondary school were aware of the Performance Appraisal System and performance appraisal was mentioned to be effective. The result also shows that employees at Mawengi Secondary School had positive attitude towards the Performance Appraisal System and the way it is implemented. It is recommended that that in order for Performance Appraisal System to be more effective the top management must give enough support to ensure that Performance Appraisal System is under control. There should be good and proper training of the employees in case there are problems of failure to attain their objectives to improve the employee‟s competence. Also, Performance Appraisal at Mawengi Secondary School should be fair to the employees rather than being biased and lastly, management decision on promotion, transfer, demotion and wage increase should rely on the performance report. This will help employees to develop a positive attitude on the Performance Appraisal System.Item Recruitment and management in local government authorities of Tanzania: A case of Masasi district council(Mzumbe University, 2013) Mboyi, WishegaRecruitment and Management in Local Government Authorities of Tanzania is experiencing a serious factors which affecting it and this is problem study. This study was conducted at MDC located in Mtwara. The selection of this district Authority was based on consideration of the available resources dissertation, both materials and non materials. The population of (40) respondents participated who were purposively and randomly selected. The main objective of the study was to explore factors affecting Recruitment and Management in Tanzania’s Local Government Authorities. Specific objectives were: to determine the level of understanding of the aim, procedure and expected outcome of Recruitment and Management to both supervisors and employees, to evaluate if the HR Department support to HODs match with Recruitment and Management Strategic Plan and to identify the economic, environmental, social, political and psychological factors that are affecting Recruitment and Management in the Tanzania’s Local Government Authorities. The study used a case study method to gather data. Other data collection methods were questionnaires; interviews and documentary review. The SPSS were used for data analysis. The key study findings indicated that bureaucracy has been the major hindering factor for effective recruitment process in the local government authorities. Other factors included lack of qualified personnel, lack of sufficient budget for supporting recruitment process and the government’s intervention. It has been identified that most of the human resource officers lack sufficient skills regarding recruitment and selection of suitable candidates for a particular vacancy. Also, the government intervention has been too much which causes the delays in process thereby hindering effective recruitment. The financial budget for public service recruitment is also not adequate to cater at once for all recruitment needs of all local government authorities. Also, this study identified that apart from the economic factors, psychological and social factors also contributed in affecting recruitment and management process in Tanzania’s LGAs. The major recommendations include the followings: There is a need for reviewing Public Service Management and Employment Policy in Tanzania and the Public Service Reform Program so as to cope with the dynamic changes of the recruitment and selection process. Also, the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat requires more improvements in their undertakings; also, there is a need for insisting and giving HP planning process great attentions before any other HR practices and the need for the central government to allot more financial resources for supporting recruitment in the local government authorities.Item The implications of employees motivation to human resource retention at Stanbic bank Tanzania limited(2013) Kyaruzi, Albert R.The importance of motivation in retaining employees cannot be over emphasized. Therefore keeping the best employees continue to remain a challenge for most managers. The current study entailed at examining the implications of employees motivation to human resource retention. The study set to address four specific objectives as to identify the types of motivation required by employees, to explore the strategies employed to enhance motivation as a factor to human resource retention to, determine the relationship between employees motivation and human resource retention, and to identify challenges involved in attaining motivation strategies that lead to human resource retention at Stanbic Bank. The study used Stanbic Bank as a case study whereby the organization has a total number of about 587 employees. However, this study used a cross section sample of 160 employees mainly located in Dar es Salaam due to resources constraints. The research made used primary and secondary data. Opened ended questionnaire and interviews were used to collect data from respondents. A selected number of managers, senior as well as junior staffs were also interviewed as part of the data gathering process. Data collected were subjected to analysis that involved data coding, editing and consolidation and later presented in tables, charts and quotes. The study found that majority of the respondents was of the opinion that they were not satisfied with their current motivation packages. Respondents strongly agreed that good management to employee relationship enhances employees retention. Few, respondents certain level of dissatisfaction with the house allowance and has led to feeling of inequity, de-motivation and labour turnover. It is therefore recommended that Stanbic bank should provide both staffs house allowance not depends for the manager and senior staff. The study also recommended that management should provide a competitive and attractive salary in order to retain the employees of Stanbic Bank.Item Assessment of citizens participation in public meetings in Tanzania: A case study of Rorya District council(2013) Nyamanga, Wilson J. - MPA - SOPAM- 2013Each author has a specific purpose in mind when writing an academic work, this search intended to assess the citizens’ participation in Public Meetings in Tanzania. The research title designed to respond to the statement of problem. The research findings is presented in six chapters, Each written, structured and scanned according to Mzumbe University guide lines. Believing that visual emerge can enhance learning, the contents are presented in the most lucid manner. All abbreviations are provided in the afore pages to help the reader to get the full words. About twenty three tables, three figures and six pictures are used not only to transform information easily but also to helps in getting complete knowledge of all chapters. The presentation of research data is followed by strong argumentations and critical thinking discussions attached by fresh examples in order to strengthen understanding of the readers from diverse background. Chapter one provides comprehensive introduction of the study including background of problem, statement of problem, objective, significance, scope and limitations, delimitation of the study, conceptual framework and definition of the key terms. Chapter two deals with literature review where both theoretical and recent studies critically viewed. Chapter three is about Research methodology comprises research design, area of the study, sample and sampling techniques and data collection methods. Presentation, analysis, interpretations and conclusion of the research is deal to with in chapter four. In the presentation of the findings, the specific objectives are followed. Chapter five is the discussion of the findings and the last chapter is the conclusion and recommendations. To sum-up, the overall findings of this study is that the citizens’ participation is low, estimated to 33 percent and the reasons are from the fact that the education level is low, the citizens are not empowered for effective participation, unfulfilled promises hence distrust of the leaders, corruption, poor social services delivery, poor meeting facilities, corruption, irresponsibility of leaders and poverty . It also discovered that there is no legal framework guiding public meetings in Tanzania with an exception of village general assembly. The study also reveals two types of meetings, defined and undefined. Generally, the citizens have lost trust to their leadersItem An assessment of human resource practices on health sector staff in local government authorities in Tanzania: The case of Bukoba district council(Mzumbe University, 2013) Franciscar,JoachimThis is both quantitative and qualitative case study which assessed human resource practices on retention of health sector staff specifically at Bukoba District Council in Tanzania. The overall objective of the study was to assess human resource practices on retention of health staff to local government authorities. More specifically the study sought to identify reasons responsible for the failure of the national Health policies in retaining health sector employees; to investigate challenges on implementing human resource practices like work environment and communication facilities to health staff retention and to determine interventions that can be useful in retaining health staff. This study has identified job satisfaction, career development opportunities, rewards, compensation, supervisors‟ support, working environment and working facilities as an important factors for health staff retention in the organization. Data were collected from health sector department and involve staff from all cadres. Primary (questionnaires and interview) and secondary (documentary) methods of data collection were involved. The study involved sample of one hundred (100) respondents who was both randomly and purposively selected. The study was limited to Health Sector Staff at Bukoba District Council. Quantitative data were analysed through statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and qualitative data were pertinent to factual and logical interpretation. The findings show that employee's retention in the organization is influenced by human resource practices. The elements of dependent variable „employee's retention‟ found to be affected by intermediate variables which are job satisfaction, career development opportunities, rewards, compensation, training and development opportunities and supervisor's support. This information might be useful for human resources managers to develop other means of increasing health staff retention in local government authorities in Tanzania. The study therefore recommends that, health staff retention should be implemented effectively so as to enable employees to stay with local government authorities particularly Bukoba District Council in order to improve performance.Item Assessment of the current status of students academic performance in science subjects in relation to the initiatives implemented in secondary schools in Tanzania : A case of Gairo district, Morogoro(2013) Masatu, Samwel M AThe study was about Assessment of the Current Status of Students‟ Academic Performance in Science Subjects in Relation to the Initiatives implemented in secondary schools in Tanzania A case of Gairo district, Morogoro. The central argument of the study was to assess the current status of students‟ academic performance in science subjects in relation to the initiatives implemented to improve students‟ academic performance in these subjects, a case of Gairo district, Morogoro. The study reviewed some literature and came up with the following objectives: To examine the students‟ current status academic performance in science subjects, to identify the current factors contributing to students‟ poor academic performance in science subjects. Also was to examine initiative used to improve students‟ academic performance in science subjects and was to examine the possible measures to be taken to improve students‟ academic performance in science subjects. The research conducted in Gairo‟s ordinary public secondary schools. The research is a case study and the researcher used two research techniques of data collection whereby face- to face-Interview was conducted to secondary schools‟ administrative leaders and questionnaires were distributed to science teachers and students. Statistical Package for Science (SPSS) software was used in data analysis. It was found during the study that, students‟ academic performance in science subjects in ordinary secondary schools in Gairo district is poor. The state of students‟ academic performance in science subjects in Gairo District is contributed by some factors as analyzed by the study and some initiatives has been taken to improve students‟ academic performance in science subjects. In solving the problem of students‟ poor academic Performance in science subjects the study has suggested some measures to be taken. Insightful conclusion was drawn from the results obtained and recommendations are made for future researchers and for Government. Researcher is in position to ix recommend that, the government should modernize the available public secondary schools before continuing with constructing other public secondary schools. Also the government should take motivation as the means of arising teaching and learning science subjects at any level of education.Item An assessment of the effectiveness of sports administration in Tanzania. A case of public secondary schools in Morogoro municipality ”(Mzumbe University, 2013) Mtengule, Valestas LThe poor sports performance in Tanzania has been the main reason towards the conduct of this study on assessing the Effectiveness of Sports administration in Tanzania: A case of Public Secondary Schools in Morogoro Municipality. Various researches have been conducted but the gap is still there because they have failed to clearly show to why Sports in Africa, specifically in Tanzania enter into trouble. Therefore the study using the theory bureaucracy of Max Weber has been done to supplement present knowledge. The variables which were put under investigation were the quality of the sports administrators, the organisation of the sports activities, relationships of sports activities and structures and the influence of policy in sports activities; the variables which are analysed in the theory of bureaucracy. In order to reach to the objectives of the study, case study research design was used and the researcher selected only 60 respondents from the population of 14814 sports stakeholders. The sample size was obtained purposively, under stratified random sampling and under simple random sampling. On the aspect of data collection, the study employed both primary and secondary methods of data collection. The data collected have been analyzed by various statistical means like frequency and percentages Moreover, the study identified the most common problems related to sports administration so that the government and the sports stakeholders know the problems surrounding them. The problems identified are poor sports administrators, poor sports organisation, poor sports relationships and poorly formulated sports policies that undermine the progress of sports activities in Tanzania. The ways on how to combat these problems have also been disclosed in this study like having well qualified sports administrators, well formulated sports policies, well organized activities and effectively related sports structures. If these are done, Tanzania may shine in the international competitions like other countries like Brazil, England, etc.Item Challenges of implementing D by D to the lower local governments (LLGs)(Mzumbe University, 2013) Haule, WilliamThe study is about the challenges of implementing D by D to the lower Local Governments in Morogoro Municipality. The study focused on three objectives namely to identify the advantage or expectations from D by D to the lower local level, to explain the success brought by D by D to the lower local level and the last objective was about to analyse challenges faced by the lower local authorities. The study uses a case study design to achieve its objectives. The sampling techniques used in this study were purposive and random techniques. Both primary and secondary data were used. The main sources of information gathered were self administered questionnaires and structured interviews which were designed to obtain primary data while secondary data were collected through journals, policies, literature and other documented information in the local government. The study uncovered that people expected the reform to create environment for mass participation, local authorities to have appropriate autonomy, quality provision of public services, good accountability and transparency of the local government, increasing local government officials‟ sensitivity to local conditions needs and completion of projects at the right time. In view of success brought by Decentralisation by Devolution it was observed that the program increased community participation, the government is close to the people, there is also autonomy in the ward and mitaa compared with before the implementation of the policy as well as conducting local elections and citizen access information easily. However, still there are many challenges such as delay and shortage of funds, low awareness from the community, lack of qualified personnel and limited autonomy because of interference from the upper authorities. It was concluded that though the decentralisation by devolution to some extent has advantages to the lower local authorities and livelihood of the community, still more efforts are needed so as to yield the required fruits of decentralisation by devolution. The study recommends that early fund allocation from the central government to the local governments under decentralization is very important for quality delivery of services. More seminars and capacity building should be conducted for Mitaa Executive Officers and Ward Executive Officers. Development of capacity of local government functionaries, more education to community about decentralization by evolution, proper sequencing of decentralization measures is important for success.Item Challenges of human capital management information system (Lawson version, 9) in local government authorities; A case of Shinyanga municipal council(Mzumbe University, 2013) Kassam,AmneHuman Capital Management Information System (Lawson Version, 9) as a software helped the employees‟ information to be kept safely such as their responsibilities, salaries, retirement and compensation. As today's organizations are more strategic occurrence of HCMIS helped them to expand and compete with others and fulfill their organizational goals. The purpose of this was to examine the challenges of Human Capital Management Information System (Lawson, Version 9) in local government authorities as it helped better performance in local government authorities. More specifically the study sought to find out types of data stored in Lawson; explore if the employees are competent in using Lawson; investigate the problems of using Lawson in local government authorities and identify factors influencing the use of Lawson. The objective of this study was, to find out whether employees were satisfied with existence of HCMIS (Lawson version 9), to find if the employees were well educated of HCMIS, if there were strong implementation strategies of HCMIS and to find out the challenges of implementing HCMIS. In the study a case study design was used. The study collected both qualitative and quantitative data. Purposive sampling and random sampling were used to obtain 64 employees which were 20% of all employees as a sample. Primary and Secondary data were applied during research findings. Literature review from different scholars was used to support this study through illustrating various concepts of HCMIS (Lawson, 9). Also the study made use of research questionnaires, and interview to collect data from the population. Descriptive statistics and SPSS were used for data analysis. Based on findings, it was found that alternatives mechanism should be employed to improve performance of HCMIS (Lawson Version, 9) in LGA‟s. The study recommends that HCMIS (Lawson, Version 9) is very important but more training to improved its utilization could be adopted in local government authorities.Item Challenges of administering OPRAS in district councils in Tanzania: The case of Lushoto district council(Mzumbe University, 2013) Mwanaamani, MtooThe Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS) is an open, formal, and systematic procedure designed to assist both employers and employees in planning, managing, evaluating and realizing performance improvement in the organization, with the aim of achieving organizational goals. It is expected to drive the transition from a focus on Human Resource Management to Strategic Human Resource Management. OPRAS not only adds a valuable dimension to the human resource function, it also changes the competencies that define the success of human resource professionals and practitioners in an institution or organization. The study aimed at investigating the challenges of administering OPRAS in District Councils. Its implementation aim at achieving organizational goals and is expected to maximize the production. Effective running of this appraisal was seemed to be partially implemented by public employees something that calls for an inquiry. The study was conducted at Lushoto District Council November 2012 to March 2013. In attempt to meet the objective of the study, questionnaires and interviews were carried out to the selected sample to get responses from the respondents. The findings revealed that the employees see OPRAS as good but its implementation needs some improvement to meet the expected goals. The challenges identified were setting of unrealistic budget to meet the required resources for the whole process. Budgetary leads to other challenges such as lack of integration between the supervisor and supervisee objectives on one hand and that of the organization on the other. Lack of support from the supervisor and lack of training also minimizes the efficiency of the OPRAS process. Other challenges noted from the employees were openness, selection of indicators, clear setting of goals and standards. In order to improve the situation all stake holders should act appropriately on these challenges so as to bring smooth sailing of the OPRAS implementation in Lushoto and in Tanzania at large.Item “Community participation and sustainability of national water projects: The case study of Chalinze water supply project in Bagamoyo district(Mzumbe University, 2013) Shayo, DeogratiasThe main objective of this study was to examine community participation and sustainability of National Water Projects with case study of Chalinze National Water Project, in Bagamoyo District. Specifically the study intended to (1) determine community‟s involvement in decision making in Water Supply Project; (2) examine community‟s contributions in development and sustaining Chalinze National water supply project; and (3) to assess the roles of the local government in sustaining Chalinze National water supply project. The study was conducted in Chalinze whereby 130 respondents were selected to obtain both quantitative and qualitative data. Structured questionnaires, Focus group discussions, observations, interview of key informants and documentary reviews were used to obtain relevant information. Checklists and observation kits were used for interviews and Focus group discussion and observation. It was that the community participation in planning and implementation Chalinze Water Supply Project was very poor while monitoring mechanism of operation and management as well as community participation on decision-making was poor. The Local government does not yet implement its role of building community capacity to manage Chalinze Water Supply Project. Community still knew that Chalinze Water Supply Project is government property and not theirs. It was recommended that before implementation of any community based project, community must be educated on current government policy on community participation and involvement in decision-making. COWSOs as WAMACHA should have enough knowledge and skills required to manage water projects. They should financially be good and there must be well known established structures from the grassroots water users to the top management of the project. The Local government who is a main stakeholder must play its role of empowering and regulating Water User Association.Item Conflict management in local government authorities; a case study of Bunda district council, Mara, Tanzania(Mzumbe University, 2013) Gisema, Getruda MaduhuThe study intended to investigate conflict management practices in Local Government Authorities particularly in Bunda District Council. The specific objectives of the study were: to identify types of conflict which existed in Bunda District Council, to find out areas of conflict, causes of conflict, effects of conflict on performance and the styles or strategies for managing conflict in Bunda District Council. A sample of 100 respondents was selected and the data were collected by using a questionnaire, interviews and documentary review. The research findings revealed that the conflicts which occurred in Bunda district council were goal conflicts, scarce resource conflicts, authority conflicts and procedural conflicts. Those conflicts were caused by lack of teamwork, scarce of resources, differences in attitudes, perception and values and poor communication. The conflict which existed in BDC had both positive and negative effects on performance. The major strategies or styles used in solving conflict in Bunda District Council were bargaining, meetings, compromising, accommodating and avoidance. The researcher recommends the following measures to minimize the occurrence of conflicts in the council: there should be regular meetings, sound TNA and comprehensive training programme, looking for new source of funds to finance various projects, fairness in promotion, use of clear rules, regulations, vision and mission, good communication, instituting effective mechanisms for dealing with employees complaints, developing strong employees management skills through sharing information, motivating staff and providing feedback, orientation to new and experienced employees. Therefore, on the basis of the findings of the study, it is concluded that there is no one particular style that can be used to solve every conflict. The success or failure in solving any particular conflict is determined by the style used in handling that vi conflict. The Council should facilitate and support a culture of healthy response to conflict. Unsolved Conflict affects relationship, productivity, profitability and prosperity of the Councils in LGAs.Item The contribution of information management to administrative decision making in Kinondoni Municipal Council(Mzumbe University, 2013) Hitler, Sanchawa DThe objective of this thesis was to study the subject of information management or knowledge management in general, and identify the role of it to administrative decision making in the KMC. To achieve this objective the study has three interlinked objectives which are first to identify the structure of information management in KMC, Secondly to identify information uses in KMC and lastly to identify the role of internal stakeholders for effective information management in KMC. Furthermore, the study is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is introduction which includes the background of the problem; statement of the problem; objectives of the study (general and specific objectives); research questions; significance of the study; scope/limitations of the study; delimitation of the study; structure of the report; the conceptual framework, the ethical consideration of the study and the definitions of the key terms of the study. The second chapter is literature reviews which among other things include theoretical, empirical and synthesis of the reviewed literatures. On the other hand the third chapter is research methodology which encompasses the methodological approaches of the study which are research design, population of the study, sample, sampling procedures and research instruments. Other chapters are chapter four which is about the presentation of the research findings, chapter five is about the discussion of the research findings and chapter six presents a summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study. A sample of 60 respondents was used .Simple random and judgmental sampling techniques were employed. The data were collected by the use of questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentary sources where obtained data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by the use of Microsoft world, ME and Manual techniques. The study found out that the structure of information management in KMC is a bottom up structure which is some sort of decentralized structure, the information is used for, planning, controlling, leading, staffing and budgeting, and the role of internal stakeholders for effective information management are to collect, store, monitor and disseminate information when required. The study recommended that information users should lead by examples, to provide training about the subject of IM, establishment of information resource center, provisions of enough facilities to the public relation office, Establishment of Municipal radio for dissemination of information and the like and many more as presented in chapter six of this thesis.Item The contribution of non-monetary incentives in improving employees’ job performance in Nachingwea district council(Mzumbe University, 2013) Yogwa, Bihaga John.Many organizations are struggling to make sure that available employees exert reasonable effort to make sure that organizations can achieve its desired goals. In order for employees to perform better their duties toward achieving organization goal, there is a need to be rewarded accordingly in exchange of their labour power, in rewarding employees organizations make them capable of doing better, try harder and expend more energy. With scarcity of monetary reward mainly in public organizations, organizations have alternatively considered using non monetary incentives in inducing employees to exert more effort toward accomplishment of tasks provided. Performance of employees in any organization is vital not only for the growth of the organization but also for the growth of individual employee. The challenges facing many organizations are how to induce employees’ efforts in the production process. An organization must know who are its outstanding performers, those who need additional training and those not contributing to the efficiency and welfare of the company or organization. This study tried to investigate relationship between non-monetary incentives and job performance in LGAs. Non-monetary incentives such as participation in decision making, verbal or written recognition of good work etc., are the kinds of incentives that do not involve direct payment of cash. In this study a sample of 134 male and female staff members of NDC were studied. All HODs and Units were included in the sample including the Council Director, supervisory employees and lower level staff. Data collected was analyzed by use of IBM SPSSItem Contribution of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority in improving welfare of the communities: The case of Ngorongoro and Endulen villages in Ngorongoro(Mzumbe University, 2013) Nkuyumba, PolycarpThis study intended to assess the contribution of tourism to the communities’ welfare in Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Specifically, the study aimed at (i) identifying services provided by the NCAA to the community within the area; (ii) examining the involvement of the people in deciding the kind of services to be offered; and (iii) assessing the effectiveness of the tourism development strategies to improve the standards of living of the community. The study interviewed a total of 180 respondents from two villages namely Endulen and Ngorongoro. Questionnaires, observation, interviews and documentary reviews were used to collect both primary and secondary data. The findings revealed there were a number of development projects established in the areas. These projects include water services, infrastructure (roads, buildings, and dams), health services and education services. It was also found that there were various locations where the community members marketed their products, mostly meat and milk, in hotels and tour companies. The study also found that community members were mainly involved in revenue collection especially in walking safaris and guiding tourists. Community involvement was very high in walking safaris as well as in donkey/camel hiring. The findings further reveal that participation was low in coordinating walking tourist and permit control. Further, it was found that community members were benefiting financially through social services provision due to tourism activities that generated income to the NCA, as well as to individual through the involvement in the community tourism projects like cultural bomas. It was in addition found that tourism and livestock were the two fast growing economic activities in the NCAA. The study made several recommendations to Ngorongoro Pastoralist Council (NPC), NCAA and to tourism companies as well as communities in the sense that community engagement is of value in the tourism industry so as to acquire license of operation and the maximization of the benefits that are derived from the industry.Item The contribution of internal audit in achieving integrity and reliability of accounting information: Case study in President office, Public Service Management(Mzumbe University, 2013) Chale, JoyceInternal audit functions plays a unique role in governance process by assuring that risk are effectively identified and monitored, organizational processes are efficient, effectively controlled. However to ensure this contribution this study aimed at evaluating how and through what function does internal audit assist in achieving integrity and reliability of accounting information. Objective of this study was to examine the contribution of internal audit in achieving integrity and reliability of accounting information. The purpose being to understand more internal audit functions and how they can contribute to the integrity and reliability of accounting information. A case study approach was adopted with the PO-PSM as the main case. Information from relevant sources including internal auditors, accountants, member of audit committee, and other stakeholders were collected using questioning and interview method. It was noted that the results of this research was that internal Audit functions contribute to the, the integrity and reliability of accounting information and the findings shows that the function of internal audit was analyzed the accounting information, compliance with law and regulation, checking budget implementation, the reliability and soundness of financial information, unethical behavior and fraud detected and organization strategy. Also the essential element of internal audit analyzed and findings show the internal audit need to be independence, staffing, due care and relationship also the limitation of internal audit was analyzed there is lack of technical knowledge, independence of internal audit unit, shortage of staff, and lack of recognition by management. The general findings of this research shows that internal audit function are well placed in the ministry of President Office, Public Service Management and contribute to the reliability and integrity of the accounting information although there some weaknesses found this is because internal audit function have been introduced in recent year therefore it is the belief of the researcher that contribution of Internal Audit will be strengthen.Item The effectiveness of human resources training and development in public organization as provided by National Board of Accountant and Auditors (NBAA) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania(Mzumbe University, 2013) Mallya, Digna TTraining and Development of human resources are the most valuable assets of any organization, with the machines, materials and even money nothing gets done without man-power. The effective functioning of any organization requires that employees learn to perform their jobs at a satisfactory level of proficiency. Employee training tries to improve skills or add to the existing level of the knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to do his present job or to prepare him for higher position with increased responsibilities. NBAA has put efforts to ensure that employees are equally trained and developed to align with the general government policy. General objective of this is to examine the effectiveness of human resources training and development at NBAA most considerable factors being training conducts, its contribution to organization performance and employee’s development. The study was held at National Board of Accountants and Auditors at Dar es Salaam region from May to August 2013 where 40 respondents who are NBAA employees were involved. Simple random sampling was used in collection of data because the sampling frame was not too large and easy accessibility of unit, also study population had similar characteristic which is all NBAA employees are entitled to training. Purposive or judgment sampling was employed in this study due to the nature of respondents whom are classified in the nature departmental. The sample was picked as follows; Corporate service department 15 respondents, Examination department 12 respondent, Member Service department 07 respondents, Technical Service department 02 respondents and Management committee 04. Likert Scale question and interview guided were used to collect data for 40 respondents involved in a study also documentary review such as NBAA training policy, training records was employed This study reveals that training programmes enables employees to acquire knowledge and skills, human relation competencies, newcomer understands comprehensively about organization, norms and values. Through this study it has been revealed that NBAA has productive succession plan as Executive Director, majority of the management team, head of units were trained and developed to their presence position. However it has been revealed that organization benefits out of training as enabled to train her manpower hence moved from use of manual system to computerized system hence corresponding with world competitive environment. With mentioned findings positioned NBAA training and development effective. Despite of mentioned achievement NBAA fulfill its training policy partially, employees do not participate in determining the training they need, quality and suitability of external training programs are not considered, trainee are not given time to reflect and plan improvement because some of line manager are conservative. Therefore NBAA is recommended to make regular evaluation and analysis of conducted training programmes and develop policy which will enable trainees to practice acquired knowledge and skills.