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Performance of trade unions in alleviating the employees’ disputes in Tanzania: A case of Tanzania Teachers Union in Mpwapwa District
(Mzumbe University, 2018) Butiye, Juma N.
The aim of this study was to assess the performance of trade unions in alleviating the employees‟ disputes in Tanzania. Three specific objectives guided the study, namely to examine the teachers‟ perceptions on Tanzania Teachers Union, to determine the performance of Tanzania Teachers Union in meeting its member‟s needs and to identify the challenges facing members of the Tanzania Teachers Union. The study was conducted in Mpwapwa District Council and employed the mixed approach, qualitative approach being dominant, complemented by quantitative techniques. The data collection methods were in-depth interviews, documentary reviews, and focus group discussions. Qualitative data were analysed using qualitative content analysis and explanation building techniques. The quantitative data were analysed using percentages. The findings show that the majority revealed were not aware of the duties, obligations and responsibilities of TTU while few respondents were aware of the TTU duties. Also findings show that majority of teachers had a negative view towards the duties, obligations and responsibilities of TTU. Few respondents were impartial in perception in the sense that all they see is that TTU is still performing, while other respondents had positive perception towards the performance of the union. The challenges facing the union were: lack of autonomy mentioned as the major challenge facing the union; lack of Government support; as well as poor unclear polices guiding the union and inadequate funds which were ranked last by being mentioned by few respondents. To enhance a sustainability of the union the researcher recommends that there should be a regular provision of training and awareness among Trade Union Members so as to create a deeper understanding of their roles, responsibilities and rights in representing their needs and concerns to the respective bodies. Moreover, the researcher recommends that the trade union should be empowered with the enforcement mechanisms for them to negotiate freely without fear of harm from either of the parties. The union should be provided with autonomous of influencing decisions on behalf of the represented population.
The performance of women leaders in local government in Tanzania: The case of Mvomero District council
(Mzumbe University, 2013) Sechonge, Magreth
The study was conducted at Mvomero District Council, aiming at examine the performance of women leaders using some elements of good governance and general performance criteria. Specifically the study focused on the performance rate of women leaders based on selected elements of good governance, the factors affecting women leaders‟ performance, the current perception of organization employees on women leadership, and views on enhancing women leaders‟ performance. The study adopted a case study design where both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. Purposive and simple random samplings were used to select a sample of 75 employees at Mvomero District Council. In data collection; interview and questionnaires methods were used. Study findings were presented in tables, numbers, percentages and text. The study revealed that the performance rate of women leaders is very good (81%) with regard to participation, very good (90%) with regard to accountability is, good (69%) with regard to rule of law, very good (76%) with regard to fairness or equality and very good (76%) again with regard to responsibility. In additional performance rate of women leaders was good (52%) with regard to availability and accessibility of policies and seculars, below average (43%) with respect of seeking people‟s ideas, and very good (84%) overall performance. It was further revealed that the perception on women leaders is changing. In case of factors affecting women leaders‟ performance the listed factors include: lack of commitment, lack of support, corruption, sexual harassment, family responsibilities and political influence. Stakeholder views on improving women leadership included: transformation/change in leadership, women leaders to be more accountable, positive perception on women leaders. Study recommends that women leaders should be given support, be committed, confident and involve people in decision making processes, improve availability and accessibility of policies and seculars to employees and try to be fair to all employees. They should make sure that rules and regulations are followed at work.
Persistence of conflicts in secondary schools in Tanzania: A case study of Mvomero District council
(Mzumbe University, 2015) Matenga, Edwin
This study aimed to investigate the factors that generate the persistent conflicts between secondary school administration and students in Tanzania using Mvomero district council as a case study. Specific objectives of the study were to: find out sources of conflicts in selected secondary schools; explore the major causes of conflicts; examine the impacts of conflicts between students and management; and examine challenges facing secondary schools in conflict resolution. The study adopted a case study design. The sample used consisted of 125 respondents of which, 48 represented teaching and non-teaching, 60 represented students, 6 represented School board members and 11 different officials including DEOs, WEOs and school inspectors. The sample was attained through purposive and accidental sampling techniques. Data collection was done through questionnaires, interviews, documentary reviews and observation. The analysis was performed using Software Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Microsoft excel computer programme. The study showed that 77.4% of the respondent agreed to have experienced conflicts at their institutions. At least 29.6% and 20.7% of the respondents attributed the persistence of conflicts to bad leadership style and poor communication respectively. Other reasons for conflict persistence include food problems, lack of enough teachers, poor learning environment, students‟ bad behavior and lack of enough funds. Through this study it has been noted that there is a gap between school administration and teachers as some workers remained uninformed of important issues such as sources of revenue and expenditure. This scenario has consequently precipitated alliance between teachers and students against the administration/management. At the end, it is recommended that, there should be mutual cooperation between the three parties in managing students if the efforts to reduce conflicts in secondary schools are to be a success.
Impact of internal audit efficiency on effectiveness of financial management in public sector organizations: A case study of local government authorities in Shinyanga Region
(Mzumbe University, 2014) Kitojo, Christian
The motive of this study was to evaluate the impact of internal audit efficiency in improving financial management effectiveness in public sector, specifically just after establishment of the Internal audit General Division (IAGD). Fifty-eight responses from six district councils at shinyanga region were gathered using questionnaires, interviews and documentations and they were analyzed using descriptive analysis, simple and multiple regression from excel and SPSS software programs. The findings revealed that there was inefficiency of internal audit units that is two out of six councils had efficiency while the rest were not efficient. In addition, it found that two out of six councils had better in financial management. Moreover, there a positive was relationship between internal audit efficiency and financial management effectiveness in Shinyanga LGAs. It seems to be strong with positive correlation of about 87.3%. Results also revealed that there were many factors that hindered financial management effectiveness these included: poor leadership in finance department, low salary, political interference and inconsistency of government policies. In the meantime, inadequate resources, lack of experience and poor relationship between internal audit efficiency and financial management effectiveness were main factors hindered efficiency of the internal audit. This study recommends the government and responsible agencies to increase efforts in ensuring the internal audits in public sector are strengthened in order to meet citizen’s expectation towards public funds
Impact of internal controls on execution of payroll system :A case study of Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs – Zanzibar (MoFEA)
(Mzumbe University, 2013) Ahmada, Ridhwan I.
Many of the organizations’ activities are not attained due to poor or ineffective of internal controls system; with proper internal controls however guarantee the efficiency of a particular system (activities). Therefore, this study aimed at assessing the impact of internal controls on execution of payroll system to the Ministry of finance and economics affairs Zanzibar (MoFEA). The research methodology used case study research approach. A sample size of 60 respondents who comprised of MoFEA’s employees and other staffs working with the government of Zanzibar was involved. The methods of data collection involved both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected by using questionnaires and interview guide whereas documentary review was used in secondary method. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software, and simple calculations by calculator were used to analyze the data where simple frequencies and percentages were created. The study findings observed that, internal controls were available on the payroll system of the organization; these were 78.3% of the respondents. Specifically 83.3% said that pay slips are issued, 65% segregation of duties is available, 95% block of salaries is exercised and 80% government payroll review is too exercised. Also the study revealed that some payroll activities were good enough for the efficiency of payroll system. In addition to that, it was found that there was compliance of internal controls in relation to the payroll system through punishments and having responsible parties to monitor the compliance. The study however portrayed that, almost 31.7% of the total respondents said that there were some weaknesses in relation to internal controls over payroll system. Following these results the researcher therefore calls for the Ministry to analyze and take the corrective measures with those weaknesses of internal controls over payroll system. The ministry also should pay salaries based on time (attendance) as this will discourage employees being absent from their work, independent check by the auditor and governments’ payroll review should be carried on in a scheduled manner. i.e. at a regular interval.