Statistics for Mzumbe University

Total visits

Need assessment for the deployment of an Institutional Repository at Mzumbe University 287
Compensation for victims of sexual offences through criminal justice in Tanzania: a case for a human rights-based approach 258
The effects of customer services on organisational performance: A case of KCB Bank Morogoro Municipality 128
Reflection on e-learning system of the Mzumbe University in Tanzania: Successes, challenges and way forward 94
Factors to determine the adoption of online teaching in Tanzania’s universities during the COVID-19 pandemic 94
The effectiveness of students’ knowledge ambassadors in promoting the usage of e-resources: A case study of Mzumbe University 90
An assessment on the effectiveness of parliamentary control over delegated legislation in Tanzania: a case study of parliamentary committee on subsidiary legislation 89
Factors affecting continuity in attending antenatal care services among pregnant women in Chemba district 80
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Investigation of risk management in small and micro enterprises: A case study of Mwanakwerekwe Zanzibar 76