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Teachers' perceptions of public employees' performance management Information system effectiveness in government secondary schools in Mzumbe Ward, Tanzania
(African Quarterly Social Science Review, 2024) Komba, Mercy M.
The Public Employees' Performance Management Information System (PEPMIS) was the focus of this study, which evaluated its effectiveness in government secondary schools in Mzumbe Ward, Tanzania. The expectancy theory guided the study, which provided a framework for understanding employee motivation and behaviour. A qualitative case study design was used, involving qualitative interviews with 13 teachers purposively sampled from Mongola and Mzumbe Secondary Schools. Data saturation determined the sample size. Thematic analysis was used to analyze data. The findings reveal that while PEPMIS enhances administrative efficiency and supports professional development, its effectiveness is hindered by challenges related to fairness, transparency, training, technical functionality, and network reliability, necessitating improvements for greater usability and satisfaction. Addressing these challenges through targeted interventions can enhance the system's effectiveness, user satisfaction, and overall impact on organizational performance. The study recommends training programs for teachers and school administrators, addressing technical infrastructure issues, and incorporating feedback mechanisms into PEPMIS to make it more responsive to teachers' needs and expectations. This paper contributes to the understanding of PEPMIS from teachers' perspectives. It highlights important insights for policymakers and educators in improving PEPMIS implementation and its impact on the country's education sector.
Service quality delivery and its impact on customer satisfaction in the bank services in Tanzania: The case of Moshi Uchumi Commercial Bank
(Mzumbe University, 2015) Shanghali, John Wifred
Service quality and customer satisfaction are very important concepts that companies must understand in order to remain competitive in business and hence grow. It is very important for companies to know how to measure these constructs from the consumers’ perspective in order to better understand their needs and hence satisfy them. Service quality is considered very important because it leads to higher customer satisfaction, profitability, reduced cost, customer loyalty and retention. Purpose – The main purpose of this study theoretically is finding the interrelationships between service quality delivery its impact on customer satisfaction and to I identify the usefulness of approved service quality models, when applied to banking sector in Tanzania and empirically, describe how consumers perceive service quality and whether they are satisfied with services offered by these Uchumi Commercial Bank. Design/methodology/approach – A self-completion questionnaire was developed from the SERVQUAL instrument and distributed using a Simple random sampling technique to customer of Uchumi Commercial Bank to determine their perceptions of service quality in Commercial Bank. Findings – From the analysis carried out, it was found out that, the SERVQUAL model was a good instrument to measure Bank service quality delivery in Tanzania context. Therefore, Bank Managers can use this instrument to assess the bank service quality in Tanzania. Research implications–Theoretically, from the findings; it implies that the SERVQUAL model is the best tool to use measure service quality in Commercial Bank. The findings suggest that Commercial Bank need to improve all the dimensions of service quality from the gap analysis carried out. Moreover because all the dimension of service quality are attributes are positively correlated with customer satisfaction, Tanzania bank managers should emphasize all the service quality dimension in maintain and improving the service quality that they provide. This study contributes to the already existing studies examining service quality in Commercial Bank using the SERVQUAL model and also provides empirical results that could guide management dealing with bank activities to take corrective actions that lead to growth in the company.
SMES growth challenges in Mwanza city: Evidence from food industry
(Mzumbe University, 2015) Renatus, Deogratias
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Mwanza are very important to economic growth. They have a significant effect on employment and economy of the country. The enterprise structure is mainly dominated by micro enterprises and the growth intensity is steady but still at a low level. Since SMEs are important contributors to economic development, it is therefore relevant to study challenges hindering their potential growth. These challenges are looked from two different perspectives; external and internal challenges which have an impact on the growth of SMEs. This research is an evidence of four SMEs (FURAHA, NDIYO, KUKU POA and SIMBA) in food industry at Mwanza city, and together with previous literature a conclusion of internal and external challenges influencing their growth can be reached. The primary data was collected through both qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (questionnaire) approaches with operators of the selected SMEs. The data was analyzed by using a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Specifically, descriptive statistics were taken from this tool. Descriptive analysis was used to reduce the data into a summary format by tabulation and measure of central tendency. The findings of the research reveal that there are a number of significant factors affecting SMEs growth. The major factors being financial and politico-legal factors followed by working premises, entrepreneurial factors, management, technological, marketing and infrastructural factors. They also speculate the reasons to why some of the SMEs in food industry grow while others do not. The study suggests that, The Bank of Tanzania should review the interest rates on loan because it seems to be very high; otherwise the government should find amicable solutions either to subsidize the SMEs with some sort of incentives. To make the selected SMEs competitive and profitable, increasing the capacity and skill of the operators through continuous trainings, experience sharing from successful enterprises, and provision of advice and consultancy are crucial. Moreover, improved provision of necessary infrastructure and enabling the environment for business operations is generally an imperative.
Service quality in tourist hotels in Tanzania: The case of Dar es Salaam
(Mzumbe University, 2015) Mwijarubi, Mkama
Tanzania’s hospitality industry has expanded rapidly in recent years, and is currently the leading source of foreign exchange earnings. However, tourist operators indicated a drop in cash flows up to 20%, with tourist cancellations of 30-50% for the season starting January 2009 (URT, 2009). Literature on the growth of the hotel industry in Tanzania tend to focus on macros, such as the sector's contribution to the GDP, statistics on tourists (international and local) and revenue growth. Least has been written about the fundamental issue of quality of service. Marketing appeals likewise almost singularly brand Tanzania as a vastness of tourism natural resources leaving a blind spot on quality of services to be expected. This vacuum has been vaguely filled with perceptions and associations. It is therefore important to find from the perspective of customers what attributes of quality in hotels contribute to customer satisfaction. Specifically, this study sought to know: (i) What attributes are the important in the perspective of customers in the hospitality industry? (ii) What attributes of the service from the perspective of customer can be categorized as threshold, performance and excitement? (iii) What do service providers in the hospitality industry perceive as important attributes of service. Data was collected and analysed based on Kano Model of classification of quality attributes of services. Findings show that customer regard professionalism and responsive of attendants higher and take fluency of English and friendliness as attractive attributes. Moreover, while many hotels lack emergency medical services, tourist customer think it is an important service. Service providers may get insight from this study and apply them to designing their service experience and focusing their investment.
Tanzania revenue authority tax audit units: does it promote voluntary tax compliance? A case of Mwanza tax region
(Mzumbe University, 2014) Moshi, Cyril Emmanuel
The collection of tax revenue from the public in low-income countries is very difficult because of low voluntary tax compliance (Coolidge 2010). Hence, tax revenue collection is costly, involving heavy enforcement measures such as use of fines, penalty and sometimes employing court brokers in collecting tax arrears. On ensuring effective and efficient tax collection Baurer (2005) believes that the tax audit services must provide an even playing field for business by ensuring that all taxpayers meet their tax filing and paying requirements. This study assess if tax audit units do promote voluntary tax compliance at Mwanza Tax Region (MTR). The sample size of 120 respondents was purposively selected from the list of taxpayers available at MTR. The study utilizes interview and questionnaire methods to obtain primary data from respondents. However, secondary data were obtained through use of documentary review such as published and unpublished reports of MTR. Descriptive analysis was conducted to enable the researcher to summarize the collected data and organize in a way that the researcher was able to answer the research questions. The use of different tools like tables, graphs and percentages or means will be utilized, also where necessary further analysis was conducted. The findings shows that tax audit unit do provide advanced rulings to explain tax consequences of the proposed transactions to taxpayers mean of 1.59; Tax audit units do assist taxpayers in detecting and deterring non-compliance for taxpayers mean of 1.61; The business enquiries addressed by business auditors to taxpayers the results shows mean of 1.66 which mean the statement has been agreed. The causes for non-compliance by taxpayers at Mwanza are; business activities are now very competitive hence low income so not paying tax gives relief; it’s better to take the risk as its minimal to be detected; the system of tax payment is unfair in all grounds e.g. tax rates, incentives and inequity; it requires too much time to complete tax returns, and the paid taxes are not used properly so not paying tax become an option all these factors scored the mean less than 1.5. tells us that the independent variables (tax audit unit services) can account for 10.2% (0.102) of reported sales. That is to say, in other words, only 10.2% of reported sales can be influenced by tax audit unit services. Therefore the study concluded that tax audit unit services have significance effect to the reported sales by tax payers. The β value is 0.035 which proves there low positive relation as the value of R 2