The influence of price on seaweed farming growth: A case of East coast region of Zanzibar.
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Mzumbe University
This thesis aimed at Assessing the Influence of Price on Seaweed Farming Growth in East Coast Region of Zanzibar. The question behind is to explore the seaweed farming activities which carried out by seaweed farmers so as to alleviate poverty in order to improve their standard of living. The study intended to identify steps taken by seaweed farmers to get competitive price and find out steps taken by government to promote seaweed farming in East Coast Region of Zanzibar. The research was conducted in three levels, East Coast Region of Zanzibar, Seaweed Companies and Government organizations which were concerned with seaweed farming. The study covered three wards namely, Paje, Bwejuu and Jambiani. Two types of data were collected primary and secondary data by using questionnaire, observation and documentation. The findings proved that there has been a negative influence of price on seaweed farming growth hence causes the low production of seaweed. The study revealed the obstacle which seaweed farmers faced include low price of seaweed to compare with the cost that the cultivators deserved, Stealing of seaweed during cultivation and drying season, Sometime seaweed was cutting in small pieces and lost in the water. Presence of seaweed diseases such as fungus/fungal disease, conflict between seaweed cultivators and other people who use marine for their economic purposes, for example fishermen and tourism investors., Increasing of investment of tourist hotel in the area of seaweed farming, lack basic farm inputs to enhance the production of seaweed and lack of knowledge for the competitive price of seaweed in the world market. The study come up with recommendation that, provision of training, improving technology and seaweed market strategies will help seaweed farmers and government at all to achieve their goal.
A dissertation submitted to Mzumbe University as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of of Degree Master's of Business Administration in Corporate Management ((MBA-CM) of Mzumbe University
Price, Seaweed farming, Poverty alleviation