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Item Service quality delivery and its impact on customer satisfaction in the bank services in Tanzania: The case of Moshi Uchumi Commercial Bank(Mzumbe University, 2015) Shanghali, John WifredService quality and customer satisfaction are very important concepts that companies must understand in order to remain competitive in business and hence grow. It is very important for companies to know how to measure these constructs from the consumers’ perspective in order to better understand their needs and hence satisfy them. Service quality is considered very important because it leads to higher customer satisfaction, profitability, reduced cost, customer loyalty and retention. Purpose – The main purpose of this study theoretically is finding the interrelationships between service quality delivery its impact on customer satisfaction and to I identify the usefulness of approved service quality models, when applied to banking sector in Tanzania and empirically, describe how consumers perceive service quality and whether they are satisfied with services offered by these Uchumi Commercial Bank. Design/methodology/approach – A self-completion questionnaire was developed from the SERVQUAL instrument and distributed using a Simple random sampling technique to customer of Uchumi Commercial Bank to determine their perceptions of service quality in Commercial Bank. Findings – From the analysis carried out, it was found out that, the SERVQUAL model was a good instrument to measure Bank service quality delivery in Tanzania context. Therefore, Bank Managers can use this instrument to assess the bank service quality in Tanzania. Research implications–Theoretically, from the findings; it implies that the SERVQUAL model is the best tool to use measure service quality in Commercial Bank. The findings suggest that Commercial Bank need to improve all the dimensions of service quality from the gap analysis carried out. Moreover because all the dimension of service quality are attributes are positively correlated with customer satisfaction, Tanzania bank managers should emphasize all the service quality dimension in maintain and improving the service quality that they provide. This study contributes to the already existing studies examining service quality in Commercial Bank using the SERVQUAL model and also provides empirical results that could guide management dealing with bank activities to take corrective actions that lead to growth in the company.Item SMES growth challenges in Mwanza city: Evidence from food industry(Mzumbe University, 2015) Renatus, DeogratiasSmall and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Mwanza are very important to economic growth. They have a significant effect on employment and economy of the country. The enterprise structure is mainly dominated by micro enterprises and the growth intensity is steady but still at a low level. Since SMEs are important contributors to economic development, it is therefore relevant to study challenges hindering their potential growth. These challenges are looked from two different perspectives; external and internal challenges which have an impact on the growth of SMEs. This research is an evidence of four SMEs (FURAHA, NDIYO, KUKU POA and SIMBA) in food industry at Mwanza city, and together with previous literature a conclusion of internal and external challenges influencing their growth can be reached. The primary data was collected through both qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (questionnaire) approaches with operators of the selected SMEs. The data was analyzed by using a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Specifically, descriptive statistics were taken from this tool. Descriptive analysis was used to reduce the data into a summary format by tabulation and measure of central tendency. The findings of the research reveal that there are a number of significant factors affecting SMEs growth. The major factors being financial and politico-legal factors followed by working premises, entrepreneurial factors, management, technological, marketing and infrastructural factors. They also speculate the reasons to why some of the SMEs in food industry grow while others do not. The study suggests that, The Bank of Tanzania should review the interest rates on loan because it seems to be very high; otherwise the government should find amicable solutions either to subsidize the SMEs with some sort of incentives. To make the selected SMEs competitive and profitable, increasing the capacity and skill of the operators through continuous trainings, experience sharing from successful enterprises, and provision of advice and consultancy are crucial. Moreover, improved provision of necessary infrastructure and enabling the environment for business operations is generally an imperative.Item Service quality in tourist hotels in Tanzania: The case of Dar es Salaam(Mzumbe University, 2015) Mwijarubi, MkamaTanzania’s hospitality industry has expanded rapidly in recent years, and is currently the leading source of foreign exchange earnings. However, tourist operators indicated a drop in cash flows up to 20%, with tourist cancellations of 30-50% for the season starting January 2009 (URT, 2009). Literature on the growth of the hotel industry in Tanzania tend to focus on macros, such as the sector's contribution to the GDP, statistics on tourists (international and local) and revenue growth. Least has been written about the fundamental issue of quality of service. Marketing appeals likewise almost singularly brand Tanzania as a vastness of tourism natural resources leaving a blind spot on quality of services to be expected. This vacuum has been vaguely filled with perceptions and associations. It is therefore important to find from the perspective of customers what attributes of quality in hotels contribute to customer satisfaction. Specifically, this study sought to know: (i) What attributes are the important in the perspective of customers in the hospitality industry? (ii) What attributes of the service from the perspective of customer can be categorized as threshold, performance and excitement? (iii) What do service providers in the hospitality industry perceive as important attributes of service. Data was collected and analysed based on Kano Model of classification of quality attributes of services. Findings show that customer regard professionalism and responsive of attendants higher and take fluency of English and friendliness as attractive attributes. Moreover, while many hotels lack emergency medical services, tourist customer think it is an important service. Service providers may get insight from this study and apply them to designing their service experience and focusing their investment.Item Tanzania revenue authority tax audit units: does it promote voluntary tax compliance? A case of Mwanza tax region(Mzumbe University, 2014) Moshi, Cyril EmmanuelThe collection of tax revenue from the public in low-income countries is very difficult because of low voluntary tax compliance (Coolidge 2010). Hence, tax revenue collection is costly, involving heavy enforcement measures such as use of fines, penalty and sometimes employing court brokers in collecting tax arrears. On ensuring effective and efficient tax collection Baurer (2005) believes that the tax audit services must provide an even playing field for business by ensuring that all taxpayers meet their tax filing and paying requirements. This study assess if tax audit units do promote voluntary tax compliance at Mwanza Tax Region (MTR). The sample size of 120 respondents was purposively selected from the list of taxpayers available at MTR. The study utilizes interview and questionnaire methods to obtain primary data from respondents. However, secondary data were obtained through use of documentary review such as published and unpublished reports of MTR. Descriptive analysis was conducted to enable the researcher to summarize the collected data and organize in a way that the researcher was able to answer the research questions. The use of different tools like tables, graphs and percentages or means will be utilized, also where necessary further analysis was conducted. The findings shows that tax audit unit do provide advanced rulings to explain tax consequences of the proposed transactions to taxpayers mean of 1.59; Tax audit units do assist taxpayers in detecting and deterring non-compliance for taxpayers mean of 1.61; The business enquiries addressed by business auditors to taxpayers the results shows mean of 1.66 which mean the statement has been agreed. The causes for non-compliance by taxpayers at Mwanza are; business activities are now very competitive hence low income so not paying tax gives relief; it’s better to take the risk as its minimal to be detected; the system of tax payment is unfair in all grounds e.g. tax rates, incentives and inequity; it requires too much time to complete tax returns, and the paid taxes are not used properly so not paying tax become an option all these factors scored the mean less than 1.5. tells us that the independent variables (tax audit unit services) can account for 10.2% (0.102) of reported sales. That is to say, in other words, only 10.2% of reported sales can be influenced by tax audit unit services. Therefore the study concluded that tax audit unit services have significance effect to the reported sales by tax payers. The β value is 0.035 which proves there low positive relation as the value of R 2Item The role of financial statements in investment decision making: A case of Tanga port authority(Mzumbe University, 2015) Haji Nkuhi, AminaThis study intended to investigate the role of financial statements in investment decision making. The study questions were to examine how financials aid investors in decision making, evaluate the performance of a company for investment decision making, and appraise the fundamental use of financial statement information. The approach was to work with the TPA and general public to achieve the set objectives. In summary, the approach and research methodologies involved; desk study to review current literatures; pilot study and the actual field research study. Data analysis was conducted on the basis of data collected. Explanatory analysis using Ms Excel, and SPSS were used. The findings show that financials are critical in investment decision making. Investors are confident with TPA financials. Majority of the respondents appeared to be knowledgeable with financial variables specifically, the gearing ratios, liquidity ratios and profitability ratios. TPA faces government interventions in financial reporting, and qualified audit reports. Conclusion was based on findings that investor need to get proper interpretations of financial reports, making consultations and get other none financial information in investment decision making. The study recommends; both females and males must be included in any study, need to use informed sample, encourage usage of financials in investment decision making, need for TPA to fully apply the IFRS principles in the preparation of its financials and investors to seek consultancy services in the use of financial reports to make investment decisions.Item Influence of quality customer service management in employees satisfaction in public organization : A case of Sengerema district council – Mwanza(Mzumbe University, 2014) Anthony, AdrianThis research aimed at assessing the influence of Quality Customer Service Management in Employees Satisfaction in Public Organization. The researcher conducted a survey study at Sengerema District Council to find out the elements of quality customer service management used in public organizations; the influence of quality service management on employee satisfaction, and to identify strategies used to improve quality customer service management in public organizations. The study employed a non-probability sampling mainly through qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The study further used survey method where data were collected through 25 administered questionnaires and reviewing some of the documents related to the study. The study reveals various weaknesses that can be termed as challenges of Quality Customer Service Management in Employees Satisfaction in Public Organization. These challenges includes poor knowledge of employees on quality customer services, lack of knowledge on who should exactly enforce quality customer service management in public organizations, the exact meaning of quality customer service management, characteristics of quality customer service management, creation of environment that can force customer to provide bribe to get services in public organizations, and finally ways that can be used to improve quality customer service management in public organizations. The study recommends that the Government should seek governance or hierarchical order which will include employees in decision making so that employees could identify their role on serving valuable customers. Public organization should apply customer centered method in their operations so as to satisfy customers that could bring good reputations to the Government. All factors that show dissatisfaction by employees to customers in public organizations should be reviewed by fulfilling the employees‟ needs to improve quality performance. Public organizations should arrange training on employees on customer service management and should enforce transparency, team work, and accountability among employees.Item The influence of Serengeti national park ecosystem tourism on improvement of rural livelihood development: A case of Robanda village(Mzumbe University, 2015) Joseph, VictoriaThe study was about effectiveness of the influence of Serengeti national park ecosystem tourism on improvement of rural livelihood development in Serengeti district. Conducted at Robanda village in Serengeti district with the aim of achieving the following objectives; first, identifying the nature of Serengeti ecosystem services on local people; secondly to assess the influence of Serengeti ecosystem on rural livelihood development and the last objective was to identify ways to improve influence of Serengeti tourism on rural livelihood development. The study population involved households living in the selected village of Robanda, household living out of Robanda village and national park officers. The sample was obtained through simple random and purposive sampling techniques. The sample size for the study was eighty (80) respondents. Data are collected through primary and secondary, where primary data collection involved interview and questionnaire tools. Data are organized and presented using tables and charts. The analysis tool involved the use of frequencies and percentages. The study revealed that; first, types of Serengeti ecosystem services to local communities are employment opportunities, improvement of social services and establishment of social relations. Secondly the study found that influence of Serengeti ecosystem on rural livelihood development is very effective. Lastly the study found four ways of improving influence of Serengeti tourism on rural livelihood development, these are; education on tourism activities, infrastructure development, entrepreneurship skills on tourism sector and advertisement of Serengeti national park worldwide. In view of the above, the researcher recommends that; First, the government through ministry of wildlife and tourism should put more efforts in advertising Serengeti national park worldwide. Secondly, the government through ministry of infrastructure in collaboration with ministry of wildlife and tourism should make sure that all the infrastructures such as roads are constructed. Thirdly, government and other stakeholders should provide entrepreneurship skills to Robanda villagers so as to benefit the available opportunities on tourism sector. Fourthly, government should provide education to Robanda villagers on the importance of keeping the nature of Serengeti national park so that it may last longer.Item The Influence of service quality on customer retention in commercial banks in Tanzania: The case of CRDB bank in Dar es salaam region(Mzumbe University, 2013) Mwikwabhi, Mary M.This study intended to assess the influence of service quality on customer retention. The SERVQUAL model was used to analyze data. The study investigated the influence of service quality on customer retention by CRDB bank in Dar es Salaam. Statistical Package for Social Sciences Vision 16.0 (SPSS) was used to process and analyze data where descriptive statistics were calculated. The research findings revealed that, overall, service quality provided by CRDB bank influences customer retention. Tangibles of CRDB bank were found to be the variable which influences customer retention the most, followed by responsiveness, Empathy, Reliability, and lastly Assurance. The study recommends as follows: CRDB bank should maintain tangibles of the bank since they were found to be the most important variable which make customers remain loyal to the bank. For responsiveness of bank employees it is recommended that the management of CRDB bank should make sure that employees should respond to customer needs and queries efficiently. The management can do this through training especially on the aspect of responsibility of bank employees to give, accurate and prompt solutions to customer problems. It is further recommended that the bank should improve on reliability of bank services. However it is recommended that employees be more empathetic to customers. This will make customers feel comfortable with the bank. Lastly, it is recommended that the bank should increase the number of ATM machines and expand network coverage in Dar es Salaam in order to reduce the incidence of ques and unnecessary delays in provision of bank services in the city.Item Influence of soft drinks branding on consumer buying decision: The case of Nyanza bottling company(Mzumbe University, 2015) Mageni, JosephThis research study examined influence of soft drinks branding on consumers’ buying decision the case of NBCL in Mwanza city –Tanzania and later the study recommends appropriate measure to be taken by NBCL and other companies to improve on brands influence to their products. This report comprises five chapters. Where chapter one presents background to the studied problem, justification for study and research objectives. Chapter two gives reviewed of literature and conceptual framework for this study. Chapter three presents methodology, chapter four analyzed findings and five summarizes, concludes and gives out recommendations. Study included 150 respondents. In this sample size of 50 respondents from inside of the company and another 100 were consumers of the company’s products from outside the company. The data were collected through interview and questionnaires The study, findings revealed that; nature of branding at NBCL is done or created basing on two things. At NBCL local products like juices (Fruitree) they have been branded locally while those products which were fallen under Coca-Cola brand, the need for brand was proposed first to Core brand owner (Coca-Cola International) for approval. In most cases the approved brand should be in association with the existing brands under the core brand. Also, buying decisions of consumers on NBCL’s soft drinks were influenced by factors like brand loyalty, products’ packaging, promotion, wide distribution coverage, reliability in quality of the products, standards which carter for health security and safety and weaknesses available in other brands. The researcher recommends that NBCL to increase speed number of times for promoting their brands as other companies’ brands have been promoted so as discourage consumers not to switch on other brands. In addition, NBCL and other companies dealing with soft drinks to continuing research on consumers’ black boxes (minds) as now days consumers’ brains change very quickly to or from the decisions to buy.Item Role of foreign direct investments on reducing unemployment rate in Tanzania: A case of Alliance one Morogoro tobacco processing company(Mzumbe University, 2013) Munanka, Peter M.This study aimed at finding the role of FDI on reducing unemployment rate in Tanzanian. The interest to conduct the study was prompted by the recognition that most important factor of shifting poor people out of poverty is access to employment being it formal (employed by an organization) or informal (self-employed). The study was conducted at Alliance One Tobacco Tanzania Limited, specifically to find out people’s awareness towards organizations under FDI, to determine people’s perception towards being employed under FDI firms, to find out the kind of training package provided by organizations under FDI, and to determine the level of employee’s turnover within organization under FDI. The sample size was 60 respondents who are currently employed by Alliance One Tobacco Tanzania Limited (AOTTL) and 10 respondents who were formally employed by AOTTL. Structured questionnaires were used to interview employees of AOTTL together with those who were formally employed by AOTTL. Check-list was also utilized to collect information form key informants. The data was analyzed statistically by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) computer program to obtain frequency distribution and percentages. It was discovered that FDIs’ contributes in reducing unemployment rate in Tanzania although is of a diminutive percentage compared to the present population. It has as well been discovered that FDIs’ including AOTTL are facing different challenges like employment turnover which is caused by factors like ; new posts, management style, job environment, employment security and salary to mention few. It was also been discovered that most of people have no or very little knowledge about FDI. It has been therefore advised that, the government should encourage more foreign investments so as to increase the government fund and to reduce the unemployment rate in Tanzania. Knowledge on FDI should as well be disseminated to the community. The existing FDIs should improve the employment security to their workers, management style should be personalized, job environment should be tailored and salary should be related to the employees’ level of knowledge and positions they hold in the company to reduce the rate of employment turnover.Item The role of internal control system for the enhancement of cash management in the Tanzanian public sector: A study of Tanzania Public Service College (TPSC); Tabora(Mzumbe University, 2014) Buhero, KileoInternal control system ensures separation of duties at every stage of activities and clearly indicates who does what and who authorizes each process of operations conducted. However, despite the fact that internal control systems exist in various public service sectors, Tanzania Public Service College being among them; the act of financial crime still continues e.g. fraud irregularities and even breaches of other control and little or no any strong measures are being taken to prevent such occurrences. The general objective of the study was to examine the role played by internal control system for the enhancement of cash management at TPSC. A cross-sectional research design was used whereby a sample size of 35 respondents was involved. The data collected were analysed and processed by SPSS computer software version 16 through the utilization of descriptive statistics where; frequencies, percentages and tables were run. The findings from the study indicated that, 84% of respondents were in opinion that internal control system reduces the impact of unexpected cash misallocation and misappropriation events or even to avoid them altogether when facilitated with proper procedures. Moreover, 81% of respondents were in opinion that lack of properly trained and knowledgeable internal auditors envisaged was a hindrance towards successfully management of internal control system. Like wise, 82% of the respondents suggested the need to promote transparency and accountability among employees as well as linking internal control system to individual performance because each individual should be held accountable for the attainment or nonattainment of objectives. It is concluded that, for proper internal control system to flourish, incentives and rewards to auditors and other professionals dealing with internal control system need to be enhanced. The research adds to the argument for collaborative efforts among employees such as accountants, auditors, users and stakeholders to examine and eliminate internal control system challenges.Item Influence of training and development on organizational perfomance in Tanzania : The case study of Bollore Africa logistics Tanzania limited.(Mzumbe University, 2014) Chumu, DanielThe study was carried to investigate the influence of training and developments on organizational performances. Bollore Africa logistics was chosen to be the area of study where the responses were obtained from employees of which 10 were at the managerial positions, 15 at supervisory positions while 15 were normal officers and 5 casual labors making the total of 45 respondents out of 50 previously targeted respondents which are at the rate of 90 %. The methodology used in this study was case study model of which both qualitative and quantitative approach were deployed. On data collection, both primary and secondary data were used and to capture those data questionnaire, interview, observation and documentation methods were used .On the analysis of the data obtained the quality of the data was assessed using questionnaires distributed to the intended respondents while the analysis of the data was done using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS). It was found that majority of the respondent which is about 89 % believe that training and development has a high influence on organization performance. Also majority of them indicated that on the benefits of training in relations to organization performance will result to Higher Production. It was again noted that majority of the respondents strongly agreed that training and developments affects organizational performance. And other respondents believe that Cost has a strong effect on training and development while 2% of the respondents believe that lack of proper training needs assessment has a slightly effect on training and development challenges in the organizations. As regards to the nature of the research topic, behavioral theory was used as training and developments focuses on changes in attitude and capacity building of an employee which relates much on behavioral changes where by training may result to changes positively or negatively depending on the content of the trainings. xv It is recommended that, to achieve organizational performances, the there is a need to increase the number of trainings on key performance areas, the need to have a proper recruitment and selections of the candidates, and also the need to provide the best approach on training needs assessments so as to win the management supports on training related issues. Lastly, it was recommended that the government agencies and Bollore to produce the best approaches and methods for Training needs assessments that will offer the best training that will produce positive impacts to a firm while the further area of study was the need to assess the factors for organizational poor performances so as to know the real impact of training on performance.Item Internal audit and corporate governance in local government in Tanzania: A case of Mwanza city counci(Mzumbe University, 2013) Njunwa, FlorianA considerable number of items were covered by this study on the analysis of factors contributing to ineffectiveness of internal audit function in promoting good corporate governance in Public Sectors in Tanzania. The study employed a case study technique, where Mwanza City Council and few Staff and Councils were selected as sample size to provide information to this study a total of 136 (30%) of respondents out of 453 were drawn also all 17 councilors were drawn randomly . Both primary and secondary information were used in this study. Primary data through questionnaires was analyzed using Micro Soft Excel frequency tables. The results were presented using histograms, pie charts and tables. The major argument was that, efficient functioning of internal audit require among other things independence of auditors and internal audit function; proficiency of internal auditors; high ethical behavior of auditors and good coordination of internal audit functions. Ethical values are fundamental for the internal auditors because of two important reasons. However, Tanzanian public sector faces a perception and, to some extent, a credibility problem as a value adding unit of the organization. The results from the analysis of all respondents’ responses revealed that factors plays a major role on contributing to ineffectiveness of internal audit function in promoting good corporate governance in Public Sectors in Tanzania. Thus, according to the conceptual model of this study, these factors are independent variables and dependant variable. The study concluded that ineffectiveness of internal audit function in promoting good corporate governance in Public Sectors in Tanzania have influential factors. Recommendation was made to the Local Government Authorities and Central Government to take a leading role in the design and formulation of policy and standards and monitoring practices respectively. Also auditors to play their role of willingly improve their skills for the betterment of themselves and public at large.Item An investigation of relationship between corporate governance and financial performance of savings and credit cooperative Societies: A case of Tanga region(Mzumbe University, 2015) Olomy, Cletus C.Corporate governance is a concept that involves practices that entail the organization of management and control of companies. It reflects the interaction among those persons and groups, which provide resources to the company and contribute to its performance such as shareholders, employees, creditors, long-term suppliers and subcontractors. Corporate governance has received much attention in the accounting literature, with studies focusing on the impact of corporate governance and the financial performance of the firm. None of these studies have focused on the relationship between corporate governance and financial performance of the deposit taking Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Tanzania. This study aims to explore the relationship between corporate governance and the financial performance of the deposit taking Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Tanzania. The main objective of this study will be to investigate the relationship between corporate governance and the financial performance of the deposit taking Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Tanzania. This research problem will be studied through the use of a descriptive research design. The population of interest of this study will be the SACCOs that are operating in Tanga Region. The study will target the 1000 respondents from the SACCOs within the Region and more particularly on the top, middle and lower level management staff. A sample of 10% will be selected from the 1000 target respondents. This will generate a sample of 100 respondents which the study will seek information from. Data collection will involve a self-administered questionnaire Observation and interview. The researcher will drop the questionnaires physically at the respondents place of work. The researcher will select a pilot group of 5 individuals from the target sample of the staff working in deposit taking SACCOs to test the reliability of the research instrument. Data collected will be purely text and it will be analyzed qualitatively. Tables will be used to summarize responses for further analysis and facilitate comparison.Item The role of packaging and its impact on consumers’ preferences: A case of Azam soft drinks products, Dar es salaam(Mzumbe University, 2013) Mwisho, Mwella, A.The study was conducted at Bakhresa Food Products Limited (BFPL) at Dar es Salaam. The study area was chosen because of being convenient to the researcher in obtaining data from the management and consumers of Azam products. However, upon these products, less has been done on Azam soft drinks products to explore the role of packaging and its impact on consumers‟ preferences for the success of the company; hence, requiring a study. The general objective of the study was to explore the role of packaging and its impact on consumers‟ preferences regarding Azam soft drinks products. Cross-sectional research design was used in the methodology. A sample size of 120 respondents was involved. Data collected were analysed descriptively by SPSS version 16 computer software. The findings showed that packaging materials have the function of facilitating storage, use and convenience of the products, protect products and consumers because these are performed not only for physical functions such as transit, but also for environmental influences such as moisture, gases, light, temperature etc. Likewise, social factors, the readily available/timely availability of the product and good packaging done by trained personnel were factors that influenced consumers‟ preferences and buying decisions. However, high cost of packaging materials and brand familiarity were challenges consumers encountered because some could not distinguish between Azam products and other products produced for example by Pepsi and Coca cola companies. The study concludes that the mode of payments, colour of the products and the appearance of the product did not attract consumers to buy the products. Yet, after sales services, education of the consumers, high cost of packaging materials and brand familiarity were challenges consumers encountered. Policy makers have to see a need for the adoption of packaging strategies to maximize consumers' preferences by enhancing product quality in order to create a competitive advantage.Item The influence of provision of bank credits to women owned entrepreneurial ventures performance: A case of Tanzania Women Bank Limited (Head Office) Dar es Salaam(Mzumbe University, 2016) Magesse, Robert S.This study aimed at assessing the Influence of Provision of Bank Credits to Women owned entrepreneurial ventures, a case study of the TWB. It focused on attempting four key issues including; to examine the types of bank credits offered by the TWB to women entrepreneurs, to examine the influence of bank credits provided by the TWB to women entrepreneurs, to assess the ability of the TWB in providing bank credits to women entrepreneurs and lastly to explore the financial and non-financial challenges facing women entrepreneurs in accessing bank credit/loans from the TWB. In approaching research issues, the researcher used a cross section research design. Data were collected from a sample of fifty (55) respondents, whereby questionnaires were distributed to fifty (50) respondents, while five (5) respondents were interviewed. The findings of the study reveal that the TWB offers both secured and non-secured bank credits/loan to any qualified women entrepreneur clients. The study discovered that TWB provides sufficient bank loan to the women entrepreneurs. It was also identified that the bank credits/loans were provided effectively in most regards by the bank and confirmed to empower women entrepreneurs economically and socially. Although it was found that the TWB had established various special credits/loan programme, which have attracted women entrepreneurs to apply for the loan frequently, but yet, it was discovered that the majority of women entrepreneurs clients do not easily meet the conditions for obtaining loan from the TWB because of the limited access to collateral, lack of property right, poor business proposals, poor credit history while some clients claim that the interested rate offered by the bank is still not affordable. However, from these financial and non-financial challenges, the study recommends that TWB and other commercial should restructure their credit products in order to meet the expectation of the women entrepreneur clients and they should provide credit management training to their clients and simplify the procedures for securing credit facilities. Also the government through BOT should evaluate whether the interest rates charged by the commercial banks are significant to the women entrepreneur clients.Item The influence of price on seaweed farming growth: A case of East coast region of Zanzibar.(Mzumbe University, 2013) Seif, Riziki S.This thesis aimed at Assessing the Influence of Price on Seaweed Farming Growth in East Coast Region of Zanzibar. The question behind is to explore the seaweed farming activities which carried out by seaweed farmers so as to alleviate poverty in order to improve their standard of living. The study intended to identify steps taken by seaweed farmers to get competitive price and find out steps taken by government to promote seaweed farming in East Coast Region of Zanzibar. The research was conducted in three levels, East Coast Region of Zanzibar, Seaweed Companies and Government organizations which were concerned with seaweed farming. The study covered three wards namely, Paje, Bwejuu and Jambiani. Two types of data were collected primary and secondary data by using questionnaire, observation and documentation. The findings proved that there has been a negative influence of price on seaweed farming growth hence causes the low production of seaweed. The study revealed the obstacle which seaweed farmers faced include low price of seaweed to compare with the cost that the cultivators deserved, Stealing of seaweed during cultivation and drying season, Sometime seaweed was cutting in small pieces and lost in the water. Presence of seaweed diseases such as fungus/fungal disease, conflict between seaweed cultivators and other people who use marine for their economic purposes, for example fishermen and tourism investors., Increasing of investment of tourist hotel in the area of seaweed farming, lack basic farm inputs to enhance the production of seaweed and lack of knowledge for the competitive price of seaweed in the world market. The study come up with recommendation that, provision of training, improving technology and seaweed market strategies will help seaweed farmers and government at all to achieve their goal.Item Influence of hygiene factors on motivating employees in public sector in Tanzania: A case of health service in Nyamagana Municpality in Mwanza Region(Mzumbe University, 2015) Singandole, Eliasa AhmedThe study investigated the influence of hygiene factors on motivating employees in public sector in Tanzania, a case being health service in Nyamagana municipality in Mwanza. Motivation in this study was defined as individual's degree of willingness to exert and maintain an effort towards organizational goals, and hygiene factors on motivation are the factors that cause dissatisfaction. The study based on the Herzberg’s dual-factor theory of motivation, focused on hygiene factors on motivation. General objective of the study was to explore hygiene factors on motivation, which make public sector under health service satisfied. Specific objectives were (i) to identify hygiene factors that motivate employees in public sector in health services, (ii) to assess the rate of hygiene factors on motivation to stimulate commitment and job performance to the employees in public health sector, (iii) to suggest means and strategies to improve hygiene factors on motivating employees in public sector. The study adopted cross-sectional design and used combination of direct observation and structured questionnaires to collect primary data. Secondary data were obtained from reviewed related literatures. The study involved 89 respondents from 7 Wards in two Referral hospitals and one District hospital. Wards were purposively selected while simple random method was used in choosing respondents. The study report is presented using descriptive statistics namely, frequencies and percentages. Based on the findings it was found that, there is high relationship between hygiene factors on motivation and employee’s job engagement and performance. It was also found that, consideration of the Hygiene factors on motivation in Public Health service sector, have positive results in organization such as employee retention, motivating teamwork and increasing morale. The study identified hygiene factors on motivation that motivate workers in public health sector, being work-life balance, working conditions, job security and interpersonal relationship. vii If taken into consideration, these can stimulate morale and commitment of workers. Recommendations based on study findings, are for the policy makers and implementers to the public health sectors, not to ignore hygiene factors on motivation while thinking of ways to motivate workers. Instead, they should put more efforts and emphasize on improving them.Item The influence of financial literacy on the performance of small business processors of cereals in Morogoro Municipal Council(Mzumbe University, 2019) Godfrey, JustoFinancial literacy among the small business processors of cereals is increasingly drawing attention over business performance. Small business processors of cereals are obliged by restricted or limited knowledge, skills and ability to use financial sources for required business expansion. This study assessed the influence of financial literacy on performance of small business processors of cereals in Tanzania: The case study of Morogoro Municipality. This study used a cross-sectional structure that encourages and manages the accumulation of information at a single point in time. The sample size was 93 which were randomly chosen by the entire population. The purposive testing was utilized to choose 3 WEOs out of 15 WEOs and pioneers to give some official data on the influence of financial literacy on the performance of small business processors of cereal in Morogoro Municipality. The finding shows that, small business processors of cereals do not keep business record because of low education level as majority had primary education level. The loan was mostly utilized as one of the financial services and financial advice on the other hand was utilized as non-financial services. The small business processors of cereals produce 20,001-25,000 tons of cereals annually. The processed cereals take 21-30 days in which 9,000,100 -11,000,000 Tshs of sales are generated annually. These indicate the existence of poor performance for small business processors of cereals. The relationship between financial literacy and the performance of small business of cereals processors observed on the knowledge on recording, separating business profit and preparation of financial report. In order to improve performance of small business processors of cereals there is a need to provide financial literacy in terms of skills and knowledge. Financial institutions need to support small business processors of cereals in terms of loan, business advice and training to enhance credit accessibility, business advice and training towards the performance of small business processors of cerealsItem Influence of financial institutions in the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania: The case study of Morogoro municipal council(Mzumbe University, 2013) Mlise, Jane AThis research report presents the findings of the study done in Morogoro Municipality, “influence of financial institutions to the development of SME’s.” Specifically, the research was undertaken to determine the existing financial institutions financing SMEs in Morogoro Municipality, determining the extent to which financial institutions have helped to finance SMEs in Morogoro Municipality as well as to determine constrains facing SMEs towards financial institution support. The study draws on primary and secondary data. In primary data collection, interviews were conducted with SME’s owners whereby women, men, MFI’s officers of Morogoro municipality were purposely involved. Personal observations were also used to collect some of the data. Secondary data were collected from the government offices, MFI’s and other literatures. By using the sample of 60 respondents in Morogoro SME’s owners, field survey shows that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are constrained by financing and other institutional obstacles than large enterprises, exacerbated by the weaknesses in the financial systems of many developing countries. We use the concept of the access possibilities frontier to explain how difficulties in managing risk and transaction costs involved in SME lending make financial institutions and markets so reluctant to reach out to this group of enterprises, especially in developing countries. We discuss different policies and reforms that can entice financial institutions and markets to lend to SMEs and comment on the role of the Government in institution building, providing the regulatory framework and undertake market-friendly activist policies. However, we also point to pitfalls in government's involvement in SME financing and suggest that restricted conditions in obtaining financial support should be reviewed.