Dissertations (Masters)-BA-SOB

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    The performance of public organizations through effective workers’ participation in decision making at PPF organization in Dar es Salaam”
    (Mzumbe University, 2013) Mallya, Petro Zakayo
    Performance as a working process workers to participate in organizational decision making in PPF organization in Dar es Salaam. Performance of workers in many organizations through organizations policies segregates workers on some policy structuring of the organizations. And this has caused extension of the problems in many organizations. Performance of the workers is reduced by identified problems like decrease in Production, Morale decrease at work, conflict and friction at workplace are claimed effects due to employees not involved in crucial process of important deed which are very important for both workers likewise the organization. The main objective was to assess effects of Performance of workers at PPF organization in Dar es Salaam. This case study research employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The sample comprised 30 respondents out of 45 respondents who were the sample size for this study from PPF organization. Primary data was obtained through well administered questionnaires and secondary data were obtained educational documents with information about analysed by SPSS Programme. Findings of this study have revealed that workers somehow are involved in some issues but strictly on issues concerning organizational policy structuring, workers are not were given full participation since the management make the interest of the organization than balancing and that of workers’ advice the organization aims at achieving its goals interest then there after workers interest also are considered. However this have been implemented by the organization but workers evaluate this organization culture workers think could be modified workers advice and their interest provided are supporting the organization to meet the targeted goals. Therefore, challenge is seen on this case since on some issues workers are given chance to give their advice through Departmental meeting and with effect on implementation only except when the advice tries to touch the policy of the organization is workers advice have no effect.
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    The impact of electronic banking on operational performance of commercial banks in Dar es salaam-Tanzania: A case of commercial banks in Dar es salaam Region –Tanzania.
    (Mzumbe university, 2016) Lugano, Lidia
    Electronic banking has grown considerably as a means of financial intermediation and innovation. Commercial banks have moved from traditional paper and manual operations to electronic operations. Despite the increasing importance of E-banking services, its impact is not well documented and information on issues like the degree to which E-banking has contributed in enhancing the operational performance of the banks and the issues connected with its utilization is deficient. Therefore, this study set to investigate the impact of electronic banking on the operational performance of commercial banks in Dar- Es -Salaam region. A cross sectional study design was used and involved a sample of 120 respondents consisting of employees and managers of four commercial banks namely; National Microfinance Bank plc., CRDB Bank plc., NBC Bank Limited and Tanzania Postal Bank operating in Dar- Es -Salaam region. Both purposive and random sampling was used in selecting the banks and respondents respectively. The data collected was analyzed by using both qualitative and quantitative method with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science Computer Software (SPSS). Various aspects of bank operations were examined to ascertain the linkage between those of E-banking and operations performance. Results show that ATMs are the most commonly used e-banking service followed by mobile banking and internet banking. The finding revealed that the main outcomes of e banking on bank operations are profitability, operational efficiency and improved service delivery. Security was found to be a major challenge affecting bank operations in using of e-banking. The study therefore, recommended both the banks and financial regulators to take constructive measures to ensure that there is enough security to financial information and customers be reminded to always keep their passwords, PIN numbers safely, and report any suspicious transactions immediately to their respective banks. vii TABLE OF C.
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    Effectiveness of national parks employment opportunities in improving local communities livelihoods: The case of Serengeti National Park
    (Mzumbe University, 2015) Kehengu, Mtatiro Mangwe
    This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of employment opportunities in national parks in improving local communities livelihood; the case of Serengeti National Park in Mara region. This was pursued under the specific objectives that were to determine local people awareness of the nature of employment opportunities offered by Serengeti national park, to reassess the effectiveness of employment opportunities offered by Serengeti national park and to identify strategies that may cause improvement of livelihood. Both primary and secondary data were collected. Primary data were collected using checklist and structured questionnaires. Data collected were coded and analyzed with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer software. Data analysis entailed a number of descriptive statistics including frequencies, averages, cross tabulations and t-independent sample tests. Basing on results, this study concludes that the community has expectations of getting employment opportunities offered by SENAPA from different departments and sections like park rangers, drivers, operators, cleaners, revenue control, out rich works, Veterinary officers, Technicians, and accountants. Effectiveness of SENAPA in offering of employment of opportunities to the surrounding communities is of satisfactorily level and in addition that, SENAPA have increased its effectiveness by offering employment opportunities in permanent and contract basis than in temporally terms. Moreover, the study reveals that SENAPA have several strategies to improve the livelihood of the surrounding community, for example, provision of employment opportunities, financing programs like sports and games, provision of education to the surrounding community. The study recommended SENAPA to highlight several issues, special attention and strategies in order to improve local livelihood so as to become marketable and competitive in attracting the whole community
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    Effectiveness of application the provision of efficient and quality public services in Tanzania: A case of Tanga UWASA
    (Mzumbe University, 2015) Makoi, Joyce
    The objective of this study is to assess the Effectiveness of ERP Application in the provision of efficient and quality public services in Tanzania: Case of Tanga UWASA. Based on the objective and research questions, the research instruments such as questionnaires, interviews, observations and documentary reviews were used so as to get information that addresses the issue under study. The research instruments contained specific questions that answered research questions directly and other general questions that had no direct reflection to the objective of the study but added value to the research. Data were analyzed according to research questions which guided the study with support of tables and graphs. Both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used to analyze the data. Findings of the study show that the information technology is a key to performance of the Tanga UWASA and this is likely to boost growth of the organization. Specifically the ERP software was found to be effective in attainment of efficiency and quality objectives of Tanga UWASA. This study recommends and suggested that investment in information and communication technology should be key component in overall strategies. This will allow IT providers to market their innovations well hence better services for the public
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    Actors hindering tax compliance of traders in Tanzania: A case of Mwanza City council
    (Mzumbe University, 2017) Mafuru, Julius Ruguli
    This study aimed at assessing the Factors Hindering Tax Compliance of Traders in Tanzania with reference to Mwanza City Council. The main objective was achieved with the following specific objectives which were to identify tax challenges facing Traders to register themselves with tax laws, To examine the obstacles facing Traders in collecting 18% as VAT from their customers, determination of factors making Traders to become reluctant in using EFD Machines, and also to investigate whether all eligible traders are actually registered in tax system. However, the study also examined the issue of tax evasion and tax avoidance for traders as well as the possible solution to control tax evasion and tax avoidance so as to create voluntary tax compliance for small and medium entrepreneurs. The study used questionnaire, interviews and relevant documents in collecting primary and secondary data. The study found that tax compliance in Mwanza City Council of Mwanza Region has been facing a combination of challenges (problems) such as: misunderstanding of the public in general and the business community in particular regarding the tax laws. It was further noted that there was resistance against registrations for VAT and other taxes by some traders. Moreover, it was found that some traders provide understated financial statements, while others do not issue electronic tax invoices or issue illegal invoices. It is thus concluded that there are various problems in the administration of tax laws in Mwanza City. On the basis of these findings, the study recommends that the authority should train the taxpayers about the rules and regulations of tax laws continuously and recruit new employees
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    Factors leading to employee job dissatisfaction: A case of Kinondoni district,
    (Mzumbe University, 2013) Mwaisela,Flora A
    This study investigated the factors which lead to employees’ job dissatisfaction in Tanzania Local Government Authority. The study was conducted in Kinondoni Municipality in Dar es salaam region. A sample of 82 respondents was used in this study. Purposive sampling was applied in selecting of the departments and simple random sampling in selection of respondents from each department. Data were collected using questionnaire, interview and documentary review. Statistical packages for social sciences were employed in data analysis. It was revealed from the study that majority of employees in Kinondoni Municipality are dissatisfied with their jobs. The factors responsible for job dissatisfaction are insufficient salary and allowances, unsatisfactory working environment relation, few opportunities for career development, poor physical working environment, nature of supervision and low valuing and utilization of employees’ skills. The study also revealed that job dissatisfaction has consequences to employees’ intentions to leave the job in the municipality as well as poor services delivery. Pulling factors for intention to leave the job revealed to be high salary and attractive allowance, good working environment and achievements appreciated as well as availability of opportunities for growth. The recommendations given out to KMC is to improve management-employees relations, improve physical working environment, give weight to all types of communication (top down, bottom up as well as horizontal communication) and insisting on employee and management meetings. It is also suggested that KMC should be transparent in procedures involved in promotion, training and nature of supervision should be friendly.
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    The challenges facing revenue collection and Its effects on service delivery: A case of Ilala municipal council
    (Mzumbe University, 2013) Malai, Erastus
    This study presents on determining the challenges facing revenue collection and its effects on service delivery particularly at Ilala Municipal Council in Dar es Salaam Region. Specifically, the study identify procedures involved in revenue collection at Ilala Municipal Council; determine the level of involvement of stakeholders in revenue collection at Ilala Municipal Council; find out whether motivation affect revenue collection at Ilala Municipal Council; and determine whether accountability affect revenue collection at Ilala Municipal Council. However, the study covered by taking sample of 100 respondents. The study used case study design i.e. Ilala Municipal Council in which both qualitative and quantitative approaches of data elicitation were adopted. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews and documentary review. Quantitative data were compiled and coded to allow statistical manipulations using mathematical models, frequency, tables and figures using Microsoft Excel. The result of this study indicate that during the interview on Education to revenue payers at Ilala Municipal Council, most of respondents disagreed which implies that revenue players lacked enough education concerning revenue issues. Notably, some of respondents disagreed on motivation to revenue Collectors which implies that revenue collectors were not satisfied with the incentive given to them and therefore demoralized the performance of revenue collectors. This study recommends that drop in revenues from economically sensitive sources that led to budget shortfalls and deficits is the concern of many finance officers such as Municipal Treasury governments should consider the adoption of alternative sources of revenue to boost sagging collections.
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    An assesment of challenges contributing to poor performance of small and medium contractors in Tanzania: a case study of Lindi region
    (Mzumbe University, 2015) Ndulane, Francis
    This paper assessed the challenges facing small and medium civil contractor in Lindi region. The study used a case study design for methodology. It utilized both primary data and secondary data. Data were analyzed in both qualitative and quantitative methods. The overall findings indicates that, due to the combination of factors such as poor tendering applications whereby frequently the small and medium contractors place their tender at a lower rate/amounts of money and after being awarded, poor management and supervisory skills. The study has identified a number of factors that affects performance of small and medium civil contractor in Lindi region, among them; poor financial and technical capabilities; fraudulent practices, lack of coordination between designers and contractors and; poor monitoring and feedback are ranked as the first three factors that affected Small Civil Contractors. In addition, lack of training on quality for staff, lack of management leadership and lack of previous experience of contractor were also identified as factors related to contractors as the most critically ranked factors. It is therefore recommended that policy makers, researchers and practitioners look at improving the human resource base through continuous professional and skill development. In response to the poor performance of small and medium civil contractors in Lindi region, evaluating the performance is particularly important especially in Tanzania where construction works are largely manual.
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    Clients satisfaction on services offered by accredited health facilities: A case of national health insurance fund (NHIF),
    (2014) Mkwizu, Evarista
    The study on clients’ satisfaction on services offered by accredited health facilities was conducted at National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). The objectives of the study were to determine NHIF clients’ perception on NHIF services; to analyze problems faced by NHIF when providing services to customers; to analyze problem faced by clients when seeking services provided by NHIF and to assess the extent the problems have been faced by NHIF and clients. A case study design was used whereas a sample of 120 was involved. In collecting primary data, the study used questionnaire and in-depth interview. Secondary data were collected through documentary analysis. Data were analyses by using Microsoft Excel, tables and figures were used to present data. It was revealed from the study that, NHIF clients were satisfied by services provided by the fund. The study found majority of the respondents (95.8%) are aware of the existence of problems facing NHIF. Also, the study found there are different problems facing NHIF clients. It’s observed that out of 120 respondents, 49 (40.8%) identified shortage of medicine is a major problem facing NHIF clients. The study found majority of the respondents (64%) identified the problem face clients and NHIF for large extent The study concluded that NHIF members are satisfied with the services offered by the scheme. Moreover, the study concluded that, NHIF faced different problems; these include low awareness, forgery/fraud and low compliance. Finally, the study concluded that, for high extent the problems are facing NHIF and clients. The study recommended that all stake holders should facilitate the involvement of clients in decision making so that they can contribute to matters they are concerned, this will help to maintain the provision of quality health services
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    Challenges facing edible oil producers in accessing domestic market: A case study of Dodoma region, Tanzania,
    (Mzumbe University, 2014) John, Anjela
    In this study the challenges facing edible oil producers in accessing domestic market in Tanzania were addressed. The market infrastructure (e.g. transport facilities, supportive policies and technology), cost of production(e.g. production, marketing and transportation) and lack supportive services(e.g. extension services, financial services and marketing linkages) were assessed given the fact that many challenges still facing edible oil producers in accessing domestic market in Tanzania. A descriptive cross-sectional research design was employed using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study makes use of questionnaire with structured and open- ended questions. Multi-stage and stratified sampling techniques were used for research sampling. Data collected was processed using the software package (SPSS version 19) in which descriptive statistics methods such as frequencies and mean were used. The results from the study revealed that market infrastructures to a great extent affect edible oil producers’ access to domestic market. Poor roads, poor technology and processing facilities were among a lot of issues identified during the study as the main factors (infrastructures) behind the poor participation of local farmers at the end of the value chain. The findings also showed the sensitivity of cost in improving the participation of local producers in domestic markets i.e. Transaction costs, inputs costs, crops cess etc. According to most of respondents it is very difficult for them to foot the cost of production and results into low productivity. Lastly it was observed that support services to farmers in Dodoma is at the lowest level, most of the interviewees indicated very low support services from public and private sectors. It was thus recommended a need for government and policy makers in Tanzania to address thoroughly issues of market infrastructures, cost of production and lack of supportive services to edible oil producers. It is recommended that there is a need to promote aggressively the concept of market infrastructures, cost of productions and lack of supportive services properly in order to grasp the intended rewards.
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    Assessing contribution of microfinance institutions toward poverty reduction in urban communities a case of mwashita saccos in Dodoma urban
    (Mzumbe University, 2013) Kayamba, Diana Lucas.
    The study of Microfinance Institutions on their Assessment, Performance and Contribution to the Poverty Reduction in Urban Communities” A case of MWASHITA SACCOS was tested among 95 members of Mwashita SACCOS in Dodoma municipality. Simple random sampling and purposeful sampling was employed to select the sample. Four research questions guided the study. A well structured questionnaire that was tested for reliability and validated was used as the instrument for the study. The results obtained were analyzed using regression analysis. The findings indicated that there is the positive relationship between MFI financial stability, loan recovery efficiency, amount of loan and training services to poverty reduction in urban communities. The impact of MFI training services to the poverty reduction in urban community was revealed that the correlation between TS and PRUC is 0.622, AL and PRUC is 0.243, LRE and PRUC is 0.043 also FS and PRUC is 0.042 which indicates that increase in TS, AL, LRE and FS are resulting into increase in PRUC. The study concluded that microfinance institution is indeed a potential strategy to poverty reduction and a viable tool for purveying credit to the low income earner. However, microfinance can be a more viable tool for sustainable poverty alleviation if more is done on training on the uses of loan and how to recover it.
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    Assessment of the role of the Tanzania education authority in improving access to education: A case of Dar es Salaam institutions
    (Mzumbe University, 2014) Elifasi, Elizabeth
    The objective of this study is to assess the role of Tanzania Education Authority supports on improving access to education. The study was conducted specifically to determine the impact of loans and grants provided by TEA in accessing education facilities in different education institutions including primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities. The study employed survey as a research methodology. The choice of this approach was influenced by the nature of the study to assess the implementation of TEA supports including loans and grants extended to education institutions. The study was conducted in selected institutions in Dar es Salaam region where many education institutions are located. Data from 46 respondents comprising of primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities, TEA and MOEVT was collected through open ended and closed type questionnaires, analyzed and presented statistically on tables, charts and graphs based on the research objectives. Based on the findings from the study it was concluded that TEA supports on grants and loans to education institutions shows a good contribution towards achieving the improved learning and teaching environment, equipment and facilities that leads to improved performance, raise the level of total enrollments and achieved the objective of equitable access to education whereby 96% of girls eligible to education were enrolled. It was also found that total value of TEA support from 2010 to 2013 was about Tanzania Shillings 8 billion. The equitable access to quality education has been witnessed on the number of girls enrolled in primary schools. The findings of the study calls for Tanzania Government to give first priority on education sector and allocate consistency education budget. The efforts used to support the construction of schools buildings, classes and dormitories should be extended to supporting teachers and teachers` colleges in order to produce more quality teachers to support the enrolled students. Linking the supply side factors- vii teachers, books, buildings and demand side-teachers benefits may be the great idea towards achieving the objective of equitable access to quality education. These findings suggests among other things that as an institution TEA is relevant for Tanzania’s socio-economic development since its funds are channeled towards education which is a core activity identified in the country’s long term development plan, that is the Tanzania Development Vision 2025. In this regard, TEA is also relevant to other government initiatives including MKUKUTA and to the current Big Results Now (BRN) initiative. These results point to a number of policy actions needed on the part of the government as well as to development partners. The government of Tanzania as well as development partners, recognizing the important role played by TEA can allocate more funds this organization and charge it with the responsibility to rationally distribute the funds to needy institutions. Furthermore, the government is requested to charge TEA with the task of undertaking more studies related to the role of this institution in dealing with the education sector in Tanzania.
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    Assessment on impact of microfinance institution on growth of medium and small scale entrepreneur in Tanzania. A case of EFC”
    (Mzumbe University, 2014) Bakalemwa, Gaudensia
    The aim of this study was to to assess the contribution of MFI services on the growth of MSEs in Tanzania. Specifically to identify the benefits of MFI on medium and small scale enterprises growth, to assess the impact of MFI loans on livelihood of Medium & Small Entrepreneurs, to assess the costs that medium and small enterprises incur when accessing the microfinance services. The researcher used both random and purposive sampling to select subject of 120 Purposive sampling was used to 5 administrative staff and random was used to30 respondents who were operations department staff and 90 customers who were MSE . The collected data through (both primary and secondary) were coded and analyzed by using a special program known as Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel 2007. Most of the SMEs get business capital for their business loans from banks and MFI where by security is required for certain kinds of credits. Most of the business has turned into medium enterprises because of the extended support of these micro-finance institutions and among the appreciated services delivered by MFI, Microfinance enables the poor and excluded section of people in the society who do not have an access to formal banking to build assets There is some challenges facing SMEs in acquired loans from MFI like limited capital, Limited Capital, Poor Market strategies Innovation was a big challenge that Tanzanian SMEs faced. It is recommended that there is a need to help enhance an accelerated and sustained growth in the SME sector and also provide recommendations to help in the improvement of the services of MFIs. The MFIs may be quick to measure their success rate by considering factors like high repayment, outreach and financial sustainability, but these may not be success if their activities do not reflect in the growth of SMEs. The growth of SMEs does not only rely on access to credits but also the creation of favourable and formidable business environment. The MFIs have a great responsibility of ensuring the proper use of credit which is an important facility in business acceleration. To achieve this, credits should client-oriented and not product- oriented. Proper and extensive monitoring activities should be provided for clients who are granted loans
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    Assessment of street children in Tanzania: A case study in Dar es Salaam region
    (2014) Ngowi, Exavery Michael
    Tanzania is facing a rapid increase of street children. Street children are the ultimate consequence of urban poverty. Street this study was conducted in Dar es Salaam region. The study was conducted in three districts of Dar es Salaam namely; Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke. The study aimed at assessing street children in Dar es Salaam region. The main objective of the study was to find out the factors contributing to increasing numbers of street children in Dar es Salaam. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to determine how family conflicts contribute to increasing number of street children, to find out how peer groups influence children to live in the streets, to what extent does economic hardship contribute to children to opt for the streets, also to determine the effectiveness of government in control of street children. The study reveals that there are more than 5,000 street children living and working on the streets in Dar es Salaam. Most of these children come from rural village’s upcountry, about 72% of the street children they come from outside the Dar es Salaam, whereby 28% hail from Dar es Salaam. This study found that children are driven to the streets by “push” and “pull” factors. “push” factors includes, poverty, domestic violence and abuse, lack of parental guidance and support, urban migration and orphan hood. “pull” factors are income on the streets, substance abuse, peer group influence, independence and street culture. The study recommends that government should make effective legislation and ensure strict implementation of the laws concerning child rights, education system and awareness. All institutions, from top to bottom, should be activated to save children from un certainty and vulnerability .The government should establish rehabilitation centres where children addicted by drugs can stay until fully cured .Besides, awareness campaign should be launched as soon as possible to help people to realize the gravity of the situation of children who work and live on streets.
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    Graduates ’ perceptions of the contribution of university education to graduate employment in Tanzania
    (Mzumbe University, 2018) Anderson, Gloria
    Graduate employability has become a thorny issue in the economies developing countries like Tanzania. Since the literature is replete with reports and stories of hardships that graduates face in finding employment and employer dissatisfaction with graduates seeking employment despite the fact of them being seen as the key to economic success. Their poor professional preparedness for the workplace has resulted in the creation of the common descriptor of ‘half-baked’ by many employers. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on graduate employability and university education in Tanzania by shedding light and increasing understanding on the contribution of university education to graduate employment through the lens of graduates ’perceptions. Primary data were collected by means of an online questionnaire from a sample size of 100 graduates from various universities in Tanzania who happened to participate in the sales boot camp organized by Mzumbe University Dar es Salaam Campus College, whereas secondary data were obtained from various literature sources such as newspaper, scholarly articles, publications and journals. A survey design and an exploratory research approach was used to collect empirical data from the graduates. The collected data were analyzed by the use of SPSS software, where both qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques were employed. Major inspiration that made the graduates to choose those field of study was because of their strong link to the labor market, but they did not help them to secure jobs immediately after graduating but surprisingly only 34% out of the 100 respondents were able to be employed. However graduates were not satisfied with the content of the University curriculum as they have agreed that there was no stronger relationship between what they studied and the requirements of the labour market, as the skills did not match with the practical content that is needed in the labour market and therefore graduates called for incorporation of more practical aspects in the university curriculum that will better fit the requirements of the labour market.
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    Small business development in Tanzania: The accessibility / inaccessibility of bank finance
    (Mzumbe University, 2013) Magombe, Nuru
    This study investigated the influence of inaccessibility of bank finance and lack of financial management knowledge to people doing small business. The general objective of the research was to investigate the influence of accessibility/inaccessibility of bank finance to small business development in Tanzania. Specific objectives: To investigate the influence of accessibility and inaccessibility of Bank Finance on the Small Business management, to identify effects of accessibility/y/inaccessibility of bank finance to the development of small business and to determine challenges faced by small business owners as a result of inaccessibility of Bank finance. Both theoretical and empirical literature was reviewed and the latter revealed that many studies have been done on the similar issues. This was because of the importance of small business as a source of job creation and eradication/alleviation of poverty. The survey research design was used to gather information and the sample included 100 respondents who were randomly and purposively selected. Interviews, observations and documentary analysis were data collection methods used to collect both primary and secondary data. Analysis of data was done based on research objectives and research questions. Findings of this research showed that small businesses owners in the study area find it difficult to access bank finance. The research results also showed that inaccessibility of bank finance have a greater influence on the development of small businesses. It also highlighted that lack of financial management knowledge have an impact on survival and development of small businesses. Recommendations: Small business owners should be financed effectively, business education to be provided effectively, same research to be done in other places.
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    Total quality management strategy and its impact in banking organization: A case of CRDB Bank, Dar es salaam
    (Mzumbe University, 2014) Masamu, Belinda
    Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach for an organization centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long term success through customer satisfaction and benefits to all members of the organization and to society .This research work therefore aimed at assessing the TQM practices and its effect on organizational performance at CRDB Ltd. The company needs to find ways to surviving in the increasing competitive market and TQM as a strategic Management tool can be used for improving the competitiveness, effectiveness and flexibility of the whole organization. A population of 120 workers comprising both senior and junior staff was used for the study. Due to the relatively small number of workers at CRDB, the whole population was used for the study. Primary data for this research was collected using a well designed and structured questionnaire which was made up of both close ended and open ended questions. The key findings showed that CRDB is practicing TQM but it is yet to implement it to the highest level of subscribing to a quality award system. The implementation of TQM is at the quality assurance level. It was found out that management inactions undermined leadership commitment to quality and rendered TQM practices ineffective. It was concluded that there was the need to procure modern equipment to boost production. Again the firm needs to diversify key portfolio in order to spread the overhead cost. Management must work to build trust amongst staff to improve on team work. It is also recommended that the company subscribe to a quality award system.
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    Perfomance of outsourcingt revenue collection in local government authority: A case of Mbarali district council
    (Mzumbe University, 2013) Ngallawa, Rajabu Mohamed
    In recent years many Government Authorities have reformed their tax collection systems in order to increase revenue and minimize the operating costs that was associated in revenue collection.Being the case,most of the Local Government Authorities have decided to outsource the revenue collection activities to other organisations.Outsourcing is the art of assigning certain functions of a company to another external company or agency in bid to enhance quality of services,minimize costs and bring frexibilities to the operations.Mbarali District Council is among those organisations which decided to outsource the revenue collection activities.The reason behind was the large amount which was spent in generating those revenues. This study therefore aimed at determining the performance of outsourcing revenue collection in Local Government Authority taking Mbarali District Council as a case whereby specifically the study aimed at determining the determinant factors for outsourcing of revenue collections, assessing constraints experienced in the revenue collection practices and determining improvement measures for revenue collection through outsourcing. Design a research venture involved of data, organizing and analyzing data to achieve the research objectives and purpose whereby 80 respondents were involved in the study. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and excel computer programmes and results were presented in tables, charts and histograms. According to the study findings, it was revealed that, the major factors for determining outsourcing to be the district ability to outsource considering the constraints to the outsourcing which include according to the findings; workload to the district activities. There was found also measure for the revenue collection through outsourcing to be in place. In that respect it was concluded that the district should strive on outsourcing in order to improve district development and that all constraints should be worked on with collaboration between the government and other stakeholders.Also the private collectors should abide to contract signed which includes submission of revenue on time, returning the used books on time and follow up the procedure during the process of collection
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    Problems hindering the effectiveness of revenue collection: The case of Morogoro Municipal Council
    (Mzumbe Unversity, 2013) Michael, Neema
    This study examined the problems which hindered the effectiveness of revenue collection in Morogoro Municipality, inspired by the fact that there were statements of lower revenue collection making the national economy to remain stagnant and the causes were unexamined. The study looked at the institutional framework, the infrastructure and facilities, the others factors hindering revenue collection and the efforts taken in place. The study used a cross-sectional research design with a sample of thirty-four (34) respondents who were selected by using convenience sampling technique. Data were collected by using questionnaires, interviews, and documentary review method. Quantitative data were analyzed by using SPSS while qualitative required the use of Microsoft Word. Findings revealed that within the institutional framework the factor which hindered revenue collection was failure to put in place some of the procedures for revenue collection. The greatest problems were: political interference and or interference by policy markers, shortage of qualified personnel for revenue collection, lack of by-laws for some revenue sources, to mention just a few. These problems resulted to lack of effectiveness of municipal revenue collection to a great extent as affirmed by 83.3% of respondents. However fewer efforts were done to address these problems. The study recommended that the regulations and procedures be put in place, politicians communicate with the municipal council prior to taking any decision, facilities and qualified personnel be increased, corruption be fought, and that further studies be conducted while focusing on the daily challenges facing revenue collectors working under supervision of the accounting department.
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    Factors considered in the ratings of micro finance institutions and the applicability of these ratings in Tanzania: A case of Mwanza Region
    (Mzumbe University, 2013) Kishamba, Ansbert
    The major problem faced by microfinance institutions has largely been lack of self sustainability which calls for borrowing externally. These difficulties faced by Microfinance institutions (MFIs) have triggered a great deal of researches on ways through which these problems can actually be addressed. Concern form the financial providers has always been whether the money that they provide will be repaid together with the interest thereon. Addressing this concern, several agencies have been established to help rate the MFIs according to their credit worthiness. This research therefore had the main objective of assessing the factors considered in the ratings of the MFIs and the applicability of these ratings in Tanzania. With specific objectives of seeking to assess the contribution of social factors in ratings, assessing the applicability of the ratings in the Tanzanian context and assessment of procedures followed in ratings, the study deployed secondary as well as primary data. The research deployed the qualitative research approach and borrowing some quantitative measures by applying the ordinal/ordered logit model for the analysis of secondary data while the primary data were mainly analyzed using the percentage. The study found that only the financial factors are considered when rating the MFIs and that social factors have got no bearing at all in the rating that an MFI assigned. The researcher also found out that the rating system can be put into use in the MFI industry in Tanzania and therefore recommends that an agency is established that will help rating the Tanzanian MFIs and therefore getting rid of the current system of issuing the maximum liability certificate.