Agricultural financing initiatives in developing countries: Can microfinance fill The gap? The case of Iringa Rural district, Tanzania

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Mzumbe University
Developing country, are suffering from financial shortage in almost all economic sectors particularly in agriculture sector. The initiatives done by the government and different donor agency to finance the farmers have not been able to cover the costs associated with agricultural activities to farmers. As the result farmers continue using tradition farming and depend on informal financial institutions to cover up their financial costs (Wenner, 2010).The informal institutions charge very high interests and often do not meet the needs of the farmers. For this case, microfinance is considered as noble substitute for informal credit and therefore regarded as a powerful instrument for poverty alleviation among the farmers who are economically active but financially constrained (Murdoch & Haley, 2002). This study presents an empirical investigation on this considerable effect of microfinance toward agriculture financial predicament. The general question that guided the study was “Can microfinance fill agriculture financial gap in developing countries" with a particular focus to Iringa rural district in Tanzania. Cross- sectional, primary data from a sample of 188 farmers was analyzed using the binary logistic regression techniques, to see if microfinance can fill agriculture financial gap or not. The study shows that; 17% of the farmers depend on informal institution and those who depend on microfinance are only 9%. The supply of microfinance credit to the farmers is very limited and it’s only 27% of the respondent, who were able to receive the same amount they applied for. Furthermore its only 41% of the whole farmers who managed to finance their agriculture cost. The odds ratio in favour of scale of the farm increases the possibility of covering financial gap as the scale of the farm decreases. Government subsidies have negative impact on possibility of microfinance to fill the financial gap where as microfinance awareness has positive influence on the possibility of microfinance to fill the gap. This study therefore contributes to the understanding of the current situation regarding agriculture finance and fills the unknown knowledge of microfinance contribution toward agriculture financing gap.
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Economics in Project Planning and Management (MSC.PPM) of Mzumbe University
Microfinance, Agriculture finance, Access to finance