Human resource capacity of the council’s finance department in collecting own source revenue in Musoma municipal council,

dc.contributor.authorMuharagi,David J
dc.descriptionA thesis submitted to the School of Public Administration and Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of the degree of the Master of Science in Human Resource Management (MSc HRM) of Mzumbe University
dc.description.abstractThe study investigated the capacity of human resource in finance department in Musoma Municipal Council. The study was applied mixed approach. Purposive, quota and random sampling techniques were used to select a total of 56 respondents comprised by hon. Mayor, Municipal Director, head of departments and members from different departments. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources by use of structured questionnaires with mainly closed ended questions. The findings revealed that there is low human resource capacity in terms of the number of employees, their skills/qualifications, competences and their working experience. The study also found that Musoma Municipal Council is trying its level best in supporting the staffs, yet the support provided is not sufficient to all staff in the Municipal. The study also found that the output produced by human resource of finance department is very low due to the fact that no use of EFDs in revenue collection, no motivation to employees, absence of tax compliance as well as low education level to some staff. In this study concluded that human resource capacity in Council’s finance department in revenue collection is very important for the institution since the genesis of Local revenue is based on the decentralization policy and other legal matters. The study gives the following recommendations; It is recommended that, the staff in the finance department at MMC should be trained on how to collect maximum revenue from the own sources in the municipal. The municipal Council should establish Electronic revenue information system. It is also recommended that the municipal should adhere to the government rules and regulations in revenue collection. Employees in the finance department should be motivated so as to initiate morale in their hearts in collecting more revenue. Tax compliance should be introduced and lastly the committee/board whose members are outside the municipal workers should be formulated.
dc.publisherMzumbe University
dc.subjectHuman resource capacity
dc.subjectRevenue collection methods
dc.subjectRevenue sources
dc.subjectCouncil’s finance department
dc.subjectMusoma municipal councils
dc.titleHuman resource capacity of the council’s finance department in collecting own source revenue in Musoma municipal council,
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