Effectiveness of financial management control In local government authorities: A case of Mvomero district council

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The objective or purpose of this study was to examine the effective of financial management and control in local government administration, Mvomero District. Purposefully, the study was conducted to assess the extent to which local government financial management has impact on effective and judicious use of public financial resources in Mvomero District and the influence of financial planning and control on quality delivery of public services in local government areas in Mvomero District. The researcher use descriptive and case study design to carry out the study. There were forty (40), respondents recruited from accounting department, other department, Auditing department, and Administration department, drawn from local governments in Mvomero district council. The data was obtained through administering study questionnaire of (40) items to sixty (60) accounting department, other department, Auditing department and Administration department, having a response rate of 66.7%. The findings of the study revealed that 72% of the leaders had not received any training on financial management control which affected their readiness to accept and implement appropriately financial management strategies. Also 68% of the subordinates were found not possessing appropriate qualifications for financial management. 73% of the non – leader’s staffs never received on job training on financial management. These findings marked that there is still no effectiveness in Financial Management control system that’s why in the financial reporting from CAG shows that Mvomero District council getting more qualified report rather than un qualified report. Moreover this study recommends that financial management in the local government must be redefined according to the local environment so as to meet the working environment of the local government authorities. There should be in place a plan for enabling executive directors and head of departments in the local government authority should be providing with training, guidance and motivation implement timely financial management strategies, for ensuring quality delivery of public services in local government areas of Mvomero District; and also verified that the practice of public financial management enhance transparency and accountability in the use of public financial resources in Mvomero District.
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the ward of Degree of Master of School of Business in Accounting and Finance (A& F) of Mzumbe University
Financial Management, Local government, Government authority