National water policy (2002) implementation and the accessibility of domestic water supply in Sangasanga, Lubungo and Mafuru villages in Mvomero District

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Mzumbe University
This study aimed at assessing the implementation of the National Water Policy (2002) in Mvomero District. The main objective of the study was to assess the extent to which the implementation of National Water Policy (2002) had contributed to accessibility of rural domestic water supply in Mvomero District. In order to achieve the assessment, the study had four objectives as follows; The first objective examined the context in which the water policy is implemented. The second objective assessed the availability and adequacy of infrastructures. The third objective was to establish the nature and the extent of community involvement in the water policy implementation. The fourth objective was to determine the level of satisfaction of consumers. The research used cross-sectional design. Data collection was through face-to-face interviews, questionnaire, site observation and documentary review. The sample size was 120 involving 105 household heads and 15 key informants. Quantitative data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). Qualitative data were analysed by using content analysis. The results were presented in tables, charts, and figures. The findings for the first objective showed that the condition of water source was very bad, community awareness on the implementation of the National Water Policy (2002) was very poor, average distance to collect water for domestic use for the majority was between 400 and 1000 meters and there was frequent occurrence of water borne diseases such as diarrhoea due to lack of water treatment caused by wrong traditional beliefs. As for the second objective the findings showed that there were no sufficient and adequate water infrastructure in the study area. With regard to the third objective findings showed that there was negative community response to contribution in kind and cash for maintenance and running of water infrastructures. The findings for the fourth objective showed that the community in the study area was not satisfied with water supply services. Overall, the findings show that the implementation of the National Water Policy (2002) in the study area has not been fully achieved. The study recommends as follows: First, local the government should explore ways of utilizing Mindu dam which is close to the study area. Secondly, the local government should see how to collaborate with Mzumbe University to expand its water infrastructure so as to supply water in the study area. Thirdly, the government should increase water budget in LGAs. Fourthly, there is a need of raising community awareness on the importance of treating water
A dissertation submitted to Institute of Development Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of the Degree of Master of Science in Development Policy (Msc. DP) of Mzumbe University
National Water Policy (2002), water policy