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    The contribution of tourism to poverty reduction at household level in Tanzania: A case study of Arumeru district council
    (Mzumbe University, 2018) Massawe, Agape Anathe
    This study aimed at assessing the contribution of tourism in poverty reduction at household level in Tanzania the case study of Arumeru district council. Specifically, the study focused on determining the number of household members earning income from tourism industry, evaluation of the impact of tourism to household living standards, evaluation of the implications of the district council income from tourism on households poverty reduction and exploring the factors affecting effective contribution of tourism in poverty reduction at household level. The study adopted a case study design, targeting the households heads between 18 and 65 years and the tourism stakeholders at Arumeru district council. Sixty respondents were drawn as a sample using purposive sampling and systematic random sampling techniques. Questionnaires, interviews and observation methods were used to collect primary data while documentary review method was used to collect secondary data. Data collected were analyzed with assistance of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and presented in tables, figures, photographs and statements. The study revealed that 88.6 percent of the family members from the 41 households studied relied on tourism activities as a source of income when only 11.4 percent were engaged in non tourism activities. With regard to the standard of living, all family members had access to education, health services and food, a large proportion affording 3 meals per day. Furthermore, out of 41 households, 7 (17.1%) households had motorcycles, 32 (78%) households had television sets, 30 (73.1%) had livestock such as cattle, chickens, goats and sheep, 40 (97.6%) had land plots and 39 (95.1%) had their own houses but of different qualities. It was furher revealed that perceptions on life earning 30 (73.2%), ignorance 41 (100%), shortage of capital 41 (100%), lack of entrepreneurial skills 37 (90.2), and cultural factors 20 (48.8%) were the factors limiting effective contribution of tourism industry in poverty reduction at household level. Tourism activities are contributing to the reduction of poverty at household level but the nature of lifestyle and high cost of living reduces its impact. The study recommends that the district council should directly use a portion of its income from tourism in the development of local people.
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    The impact of migrant livestock keepers on the natives and natural resources of the Kilombero valley in Tanzania: The case of Kilombero district
    (Mzumbe University, 2015) Kabuye, Alto M.K
    This study investigated the impact of migrant livestock keepers on the natives and natural resources of Kilombero valley. Both descriptive and exploratory designs involving the use of various data collection methods such as questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. The study also used documentary review to collect secondary data from various report concerning migrant livestock keepers. Data were analysed by Microsoft excel and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16. The study revealed that migration of livestock keepers to the study area had both positive and negative impacts. As the results of migrant livestock keepers, agricultural activities, trade and animal keeping have increased in the area. On the other hand, activities such as fishing and hunting activities have decreased. The study revealed that migrant livestock keepers have caused small changes in cultural elements of the natives. It was established that migrants have brought a great changes in natives’ ways of perfuming works, marriage matters as well as food and eating behaviour. Other cultural elements were found not to be affected much. The study further showed that migrant livestock keepers used natural resources of the study area to large extent. Resources such as water, wetland, natural vegetation and land/space for carrying out human development activities were reported to decrease. The findings showed that natives have used land use plans, eviction, use of village security guards “sungu sungu”, and use of by - laws among other strategies to protect natives culture and natural resources from being engulfed by the migrant livestock keepers. But strategies used were reported to have done little work compared to the expectations. The study concluded that natural resources were mostly affected by migrant livestock keepers activities compared to the native activities and culture. It was recommended that co - existence approach between agriculturalist and pastoralist and cooperation between different government departments, local authorities and the general local community need be adopted for the sustainable management of the natural resources in Kilombero valley.
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    Need of effective land policy in Zanzibar: A case study of West District
    (Mzumbe University, 2013) Mtambua, Hamziji Haji
    The main objective of this study was to examine the need of effective Land policy in Zanzibar with reference to West District as a Case Study and the specific objective was to examine social and economic effects of land dispute in Zanzibar in relation to Land Policy of 1982, to identify the challenges of change of land use in Zanzibar in relation to Land Policy in Zanzibar and to identify the opportunities that can be created by Zanzibar land policy. The major methods used in data collection were questionnaires, structured interview, observation and focus group discussion to get relevant information from the respondents. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft excel programme were used to analyze data, which were then summarized into frequencies and percentages and presented in tables and graphs for easier and to give clear understanding of the study. The growing population and increasing of social and economic activities including Tourism and service development require effective management and administration of land in order to use scarce land resources for the development of Zanzibar. This study used 120 respondents including land owners, land officers and local government authorities. The results of this study show that, there is a need of effective land Policy in Zanzibar to guide various social and economic developments, control land use management, effective and easiest land ownerships as well as controlling land disputes. It also showed that land policy will reduce land disputes, proper land use as well as will identify the investment opportunities in west district. The study suggested the review of existing land Policy that will address the issues of effective land ownership and titling, introduction of effective legal instruments in every district to deal with land disputes, mobilize land departments and local government authorities and other land stake holders to work in strong collaboration.
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    Effectiveness of internal audit as an instrument for improving management in the public sector: A case study of Kibaha town council,
    (2014) Mosha, Angel
    The research centered on the use of auditing to improving public sector management using KIBAHA TOWN COUNCIL (KTC) in the Coast Region, as a case study. The main issue that guided this study was whether the internal audit department is discharging its responsibilities effectively. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of internal audit as an instrument for improving the management in the public sector in Tanzania. In realizing its objective, the study has employed a case study design which has provided the opportunity to such techniques as questionnaires, interviews, observations and documentary review in the data collection process. The target population of this study targeted the KTC employees who formed 69 respondents. The data obtained in this research provided descriptive statistics and narrations. The study also used a multivariate regression analysis to determine the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The study found that management support had the greatest effect to the internal audit department as an instrument towards improving management practices at Kibaha Town Council. This factor is followed by risk monitoring and on the other hand the internal controls were found to have the least effect. The study recommends that in order for the council to be effective in its operation and service delivery it needs to pay attention to the contribution of internal auditing on its operations. This should go hand in hand with instituting risk mitigation in council's internal auditing operation. Staffing of the internal audit should be considered critical for the effectiveness of the council internal audit department.
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    Assessing the impact of computerized accounting system usage on organization performance in Tanzania: A case study on LGAs in Arusha region
    (2018) Anaeli, adelisa
    Information communication technology on computerized accounting system was intended to be effectively utilized in local governments to bring impact in the accounting and organization performance in LGA`s. This study aimed at assessing the impact of computerized accounting system usage on organization performance in Tanzania with special focus in local government authorities (LGA`s) in Arusha Region. The study used mainly primary data from 90 respondents selected using purposive sampling techniques. This study employed both descriptive analysis and regression analysis. A probit model was used to examine the relationship between computerized accounting system and organization performance. Under the descriptive analysis the study found that, all respondents surveyed in the LGAs use Computerized Accounting System. About 42% of respondents use Epicor in accounting system in organization, 30% use Excel, 21% use Tally, and the remaining 7% use Pastel. There was a significant difference in the means of the four groups of users of accounting systems with higher performance being associated with Epicor users. On the challenges encountered with the use of computerized accounting systems, it was found that 39% of respondents complained that CAS necessitate training to staff, 26% reported that computerized accounting system caused loss of data, 21% are challenged with the associated additional costs, and about 14% claimed it has resulted into wrong data entry. About 61 per cent of respondent reported that the organization is taking measures to overcome these challenges. In investigating the factors that are considered in choosing the accounting software, it was found that about 57% of respondents consider cost of training, 23% claimed initial cost of installation, and about 20% consider the acceptance by users. The Probit regression results indicate that, Marital Status, Education, Experience, Awareness, Training, Access to Use, and Other Use are significant factors influencing organization performance in LGAs in Arusha. This implies that government should capitalize in providing trainings to its employees to keep them updated with the changes in technology so as to achieve higher performance.
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    Ethical consideration and accounting system: A case of Tanzania standard (newspapers) limited
    (2013) Amani, Leah
    The study was to evaluate ethical consideration and accounting system in Tanzania Standard (Newspapers) Limited located in Dar es Salaam city center where 60 respondents participated in the research. The specific objectives were to investigate the context of ethical consideration and accounting system within TSN; to analyze how the accounting ethics improve accountability, transparency and objectivity; and to explain how public accountability and ethical standards in public government to ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Case study design, qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed during the study. Data collection methods employed included interviews, observations and documentary analysis which was facilitated by research instruments such interview questions, observation and documentary review guides. Content analysis method was used to analyze data and analyzed data is presented in this thesis based on research questions and objectives. Findings indicated are to analyze the ethical consideration and accounting system in a public sector needed by TSN employees. The researcher recommends that professionalism should be impacted in the organization whereby the company ethics and accounting system should be implemented in order for them to produced and delivered in the right time; quality, quantity, place and source taking into account the technological environment over which are indicators of good performance for the organization in researched.
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    Microfinance and poverty reduction among women: A case of BRAC in Dodoma municipality
    (Mzumbe University, 2013) Rukia, Bakar Omar
    The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of loan provided by BRAC in reducing poverty among women in Dodoma Municipality. The study used cross sectional research design to achieve this objective. The target group was between women who had secured loans from BRAC and women who had not secured loans from any financial institutions at the time of the study. The study employed two main data sources, questionnaire and interview guide. The sample size was 100 respondents of which 47 were women who had secured loans from BRAC 47 women who had not secured loans from financial institutions and 6 officers from BRAC. Differences in poverty levels between loan beneficiaries and loan non-beneficiaries were analyzed using an independent sample t-test and chi-square test. Differences were observed among five poverty indicators, namely income, savings, assets, education and health. Findings indicate that BRAC reach poor women in Dodoma Municipality as most of the loan conditions are affordable for even to very poor women. However, the findings revealed that no association was found between assets ownership, savings, access to better health services and better education with respect to being a BRAC member. Moreover, it was found that majority of women did not face any major constraint during loan processing, but some of them complained on delays, long process and hard conditions. The control group (non-beneficiaries) had no plan to secure loans from BRAC due to various reasons including interest rate, amount of loan given and hard conditions. This study recommends sensitization of the community on the potential of interest free financial services provided by some banks in Tanzania. Finally, areas for further research are given to enhance our understanding on the research topic.
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    Small agro-processing industries and rural household livelihoods in Tanzania; A case of ginger factory in Same district
    (2017) Augustino, Innocent Kashana
    This study is an effort to determine the contribution of Small Agro-Processing Industries (SAPIs) on improving Rural Household Livelihoods (RHLs) drawing principally on examples from ginger factory in Same District in Tanzania. This study covered three specific objectives which are to assess the contribution of ginger factory to farming households’ income; also, to determine the influence of ginger factory to the accessibility of social services including education, health and water in the study area; lastly, to examine the capacity of ginger factory in consuming farmers ginger produces. The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive research design. Data were collected from 125 systematically sampled households and from purposive sampled select key informants. Data collection methods involved key informants' interview, observation and documentary review. The data of households’ income, food security and access to social services were analyzed descriptively in terms of frequencies and percentages using SPSS. Qualitative data were analyses using content analysis. The results showed that 29% of the respondents asserted that, their livelihoods have been improved through the presence of ginger factory during 2015 to 2016. However, 71% of the respondents claimed that they were not improving their livelihoods because they had to sell their ginger to middlemen at low price. Moreover, this study observed that the ginger factory did not operate effectively due to poor industrial machinery and inadequate capital. The study concluded that, SAPIs need to be improved due to its remarkable contribution in improving rural livelihoods. The study recommends the government through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) should promote ginger factory by allocating investors with enough skills and capital to operate this industry so as to improve people’s livelihoods.
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    Need of effective land policy in Zanzibar : A case study of West district;
    (2013) Mtambua, Hamziji Haji
    The main objective of this study was to examine the need of effective Land policy in Zanzibar with reference to West district as a case study and the specific objective was to examine social and economic effects of land dispute in Zanzibar in relation to Land Policy of 1982, to identify the challenges of change of land use in Zanzibar in relation to Land Policy in Zanzibar and to identify the opportunities that can be created by Zanzibar land policy. The major methods used in data collection were questionnaires, structured interview, observation and focus group discussion to get relevant information from the respondents. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft excel programme were used to analyze data, which were then summarized into frequencies and percentages and presented in tables and graphs for easier and to give clear understanding of the study. The growing population and increasing of social and economic activities including Tourism and service development require effective management and administration of land in order to use scarce land resource for development of Zanzibar. This study used 120 respondents including land owners, land officers and local government authorities. The results of this study show that, there is a need of effective land Policy in Zanzibar to guide various social and economic developments, control land use management, effective and easiest land ownerships as well as controlling land disputes. It also showed that land policy will reduce land disputes, proper land use as well as will identify the investment opportunities in west district.The study suggested the review of existing land Policy that will address the issues of effective land ownership and titling, introduction of effective legal instruments in every district to deal with land disputes, mobilize land departments and local government authorities and other land stake holders to work in strong collaboration.
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    Child policy implementations on preventing child abuse and violence in Unguja Island Zanzibar
    (Mzumbe University, 2019) Khamis, Arafa H
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the child policy implementation in preventing child abuse and violence, at the Ministry of Labour, Elder, Empowerment, Women and children (MLEEWC) in Zanzibar. The case study design was employed involving 46 respondents selected from the Ministry’s headquarters especially from two departments; Departments of Elders and Social Welfare and Departments of Women and Children’s Development. Likewise, cooperative organisations such as Zanzibar Legal services centre, Zanzibar Female lawyer Association, Religious leaders, Tomondo residents, regional and Districts Social Welfare Officers and One-Stop Centre in Zanzibar particularly Unguja Island were involved. Saturated sampling for sample selections were used to the officers of the two selected department of the MLEEWC. Furthermore purposive sampling techniques were employed to the workers from Non - Government institutions and Tomondo residents. On additional to that, interviews were administered, as well as documentary reviews were employed during data collections. Apart from that, the analysis was made through thematic analysis, the computer software for social science (MS-Excel) were employed to assist the researcher in data entry, data management and presentations of the findings. The major findings were as follows: despite the tangible efforts made by the Government and other supportive Agencies on preventing child abuse cases and violence, the problem of child abuse and violence persist in Zanzibar. It is recommends that for effective implementations, the Government has to create an enabling environment as one of the critical requirement for protecting children. Such environment consist enactment of legislation, policies and strategies that protect children against child abuse and violence. Further recommendations, the established committee at levels identified in the study which are Ministry responsible for children, Regional, Districts, Shehia levels, community members and other Government department dealing with protection of children against abuse and violence they should create a broader coordination with other stake holders so as to fight war against child and among them, women and child, laws, justice, health, education finance, police and local Government and NGOs together with multilateral sectors of FBOs.
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    Assessing implementation of Zanzibar forest policy (1999) on major reforestation challenges in North A District: The case of Jongowe and Mkokotoni Shehias
    (2015) Haji, Mwadin
    The study designed to assess the implementation of the National Forest Policy for Zanzibar (1999). The focus was to assess major reforestation challenges in North "A” district – Zanzibar including the community's support of tree planting, other socio-economic effects on the program, the availability of seedlings, and perception about the program. Data were collected from a sample of 90 community members and 1 Forest District Officer, 1 Assistant Planning Officer and 2 She has from the selected village in the district. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, charts and tables were used. The key finding of the study shows that the community was supported in some areas on tree planting but that this was not enough. Also, people have positive perception on tree planting but there was poor community participation in tree planting meetings and programmes, shortage of land for planting trees, difficulty in obtaining tree seedlings and shortage of extension services. The study concluded that the tree planting campaigns will not be successful to the extent that people may not participate in those campaigns; more support is needed to enable the community to plant more trees; the efforts made to promote sustainable forest-related community activities were not effectively implemented; the size of land owned by the community in the study area was small; and it was difficult to obtain tree seedlings for the community. Policy implications are that there is the need, first, to have policy interventions to enable community to access enough land for tree planting; second, to provide adequate support to the community; third, to obtain relevant information concerning tree planting; and, fourth, to have laws and regulations that enable community to access land for forestation and to have knowledge and skills on production of tree seedlings and of forest in general
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    Assessment of Tanzania national water policy (2002) implementation in accessing domestic water supply in Mufindi district
    (2015) Mohamed, Mcheka
    This study examined on how National Water Policy of 2002 was implemented in accessing Domestic Water use in Rural Part of Mufindi District especially in Rungemba Ward. The study objective was to assess the implementation of Tanzania National Water Policy, 2002 in the accessibility of clean and safe water for domestic use in rural community of Mufindi District. Study comes out with several specific objectives first, to explore how water sources are being protected in rural community. Second, to examine the status of domestic water supply and thirdly, to identify challenges facing community in accessing clean and safe water for domestic use. This Study adopted cross-sectional descriptive research design. Data were collected checked for relevance and edited to remove some errors. The collected data was coded for analysis. On entering the collected data from questionnaire survey into computer, Statistical Package for Social sciences (SPSS) was used. This was done by numbering them so as to match with SPSS statistical package for the analysis procedure. After conducting research data presented in the form of tables, charts and graphs as the way to keep them clear and understandable to anyone who came across the document and read it. Results showed that, community were involved in water source protection, as in study area there were village water committees, byelaws, village water funds, also results showed that many villagers access water more than 400metres differently from what Policy recommend, and majority used stream water rather than other water sources. Moreover, results showed community faced several challenges in water source protection like majority they don’t want to pay for services, limited community involvement in water source protection, theft of metal iron parts and lack of maintenance of hand pumps and tapes. It is concluded that, people should be aware on all issues concerning water source protection so that they can be able to take all precautions measures relating to water source protection. The study recommended that, water tapes and pumps should be maintained, so that the households can get water throughout the year. Also, the government should support community on the improvement of water sources by providing training on issues related to water sources management in order to enhance water supply sustainability.
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    An analysis of challenges facing folk development colleges in the southern highlands zone, Tanzania
    (2013) Kalole, Josephine G
    This study examined the challenges which faced the development of FDCs in the Southern Highland Zone of Tanzania. It was inspired by the fact that FDCs’ development was moving backward, and the challenges were less known. The study specifically identified the causes of the challenges facing FDCs, found out how the challenges facing FDCs in the southern highlands zone of Tanzania could be addressed, and explored measures for strengthening FDCs. The study used a cross-sectional research design with a sample of 36 respondents who were selected though convenience and purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected by using questionnaires, interviews, and documentary review methods. They were analyzed by using SPSS and Microsoft Word for text processing and editing. The study shows that inadequate facilities, poor infrastructure, shortage of qualified personnel, inadequate technological tools, and community’ negative attitude were the challenges which affected FDCs in the study areas. The effects of those challenges were lack of qualified teachers, poor teaching, dropouts, students’ poor performance, students’ failure, unwillingness to teach, teachers’ resignation, and hence bad reputation of FDCs. Measures such as enough budget allocation for FDCs, employing adequate qualified personnel, increasing facilities, involving stakeholders in planning, were proposed. There was also a need to strengthen FDCs through involving development partners, conducting fundraising activities, staff capacity building. Relevant recommendations are made.
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    Challenges facing private health service providers in Tanzania: A case of accredited drug dispensing outlets (ADDO) in Tabora municipal council
    (Mzumbe University, 2015) Kulwijira, Abiud J.K
    The study aimed at examining the Challenges facing private health service providers in Tanzania. Specifically the study focused at examining the Performance of private Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDO), the challenges facing private Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets in the provision of heath services, the causes of the challenges facing the private Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets in the provision of services and measures in improving the performance of private Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets in provision of service in Tabora Municipality. This study applied a case study design, which targeted ADDO owners in Tabora Municipal Council as the private health service providers. A sample size of 100 respondents was drawn by using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. Questionnaire, Interview and Observation methods were applied in collection of primary data, whereas documentary review method was adopted for collecting secondary data. The collected data were analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Excel Software and Content Analysis then presented in tables, figures and texts. The findings from the study revealed that; Unavailability of qualified staff, Poor storage facilities, shortage of required drugs, Low purchasing power, difficult drug policy, poor Government support, selling expired drugs and high training costs reported by respondents are the challenges facing ADDO. To overcome the challenges facing ADDO, the study suggests; adherence to the Government medical policies, Proper Dispensing of required drugs, effective and efficiency drug planning, improving drug storage and dispensing enough of the required drug.
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    Assessment of the relationship between motivation and performance of public secondary school teachers: A case of Morogoro municipality
    (2015) Ludovick, Eugene
    Motivation is the great observable fact that drives employees toward better performance. If employees are well motivated, it is believed that their morale to work can be raised and hence their performance can be improved. It is considered as managerial measure in stirring up employees better performance. In Tanzania, many organizations use various ways most of them being monetary ways to ensure that employees demonstrate better performance. In the context of teaching career, the situation is different simply because most of the planned motivation measures are still in papers since there is no much effort which has been done to ensure proper implementation of motivation strategies to teachers especially public secondary school teachers. Many education stakeholders argue about poor performance of public secondary school teachers due to poor motivation. This is what calls for the need to undertake this study to assess the relationship between motivation and performance of public secondary school teachers. The study assessed the relationship between motivation and performance of public secondary school teachers using Morogoro Municipality as the case study. The research design used was the case study. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods. A sample of 130 respondents was selected for the study. Data were collected through questionnaire, interview and through documentary method. The general finding of this study revealed that, motivation to public secondary school teachers is poor. Also the performance of public secondary school teachers is poor and this indicated that there is a great relationship between poor motivation and poor performance which is demonstrated by public secondary school teachers. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that the authorities that deal with public secondary school teachers to ensure that all means of motivation (both financial and non-financial) to teachers should be managed and provided to teachers effectively to raise their morale and improve their performance.
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    Assessment of National water policy (2002) implementation in accessing domestic water supply:A case of Mufindi district, Tanzania
    (2015) Mcheka, Nounou Mohamed .
    This study examined on how National Water Policy of 2002 was implemented in accessing Domestic Water use in Rural Part of Mufindi District especially in Rungemba Ward. The study objective was to assess the implementation of Tanzania National Water Policy, 2002 in the accessibility of clean and safe water for domestic use in rural community of Mufindi District. Study comes out with several specific objectives first, to explore how water sources are being protected in rural community. Second, to examine the status of domestic water supply and thirdly, to identify challenges facing community in accessing clean and safe water for domestic use. This Study adopted cross-sectional descriptive research design. Data were collected checked for relevance and edited to remove some errors. The collected data was coded for analysis. On entering the collected data from questionnaire survey into computer, Statistical Package for Social sciences (SPSS) was used. This was done by numbering them so as to match with SPSS statistical package for the analysis procedure. After conducting research data presented in the form of tables, charts and graphs as the way to keep them clear and understandable to anyone who came across the document and read it. Results showed that, community were involved in water source protection, as in study area there were village water committees, bye-laws, village water funds, also results showed that many villagers access water more than 400metres differently from what Policy recommend, and majority used stream water rather than other water sources. Moreover results showed community faced several challenges in water source protection like majority they don’t want to pay for services, limited community involvement in water source protection, theft of metal iron parts and lack of maintenance of hand pumps and tapes. It is concluded that, people should be aware on all issues concerning water source protection so that they can be able to take all precautions measures relating to water source protection
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    The influence of culture on sustainability of donor funded community projects: A case of world vision water projects in Ngerengere division.
    (Mzumbe university, 2018) Simon, Mayeka
    This study assessed the influence of culture on sustainability of donor funded water projects (DFWPs) implemented by the World Vision Tanzania in Ngerengere Division, in the five selected villages. It specifically focused on status of infrastructures of World Vision water project facilities in relation to: conceptions of community members about DFWPs sustainability, management approaches to make Ngerengere community participate in sustaining DFWPs, and cultural practices which influence sustainability of DFWPs in Ngerengere Division. The survey research design was used. The purposive and quota sampling techniques were employed to obtain a sample of 65 respondents. Data were collected using questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion (FDGs), observation and documentary review methods. The study ascertained that World vision constructed about 27 pumped wells out of which only 11 wells are functioning at present. The non-functional wells were abandoned and regarded to be beyond repair by the villagers‟ efforts. Only two wells out the functioning wells were properly maintained hygienically. The water project lasted for 20 years under four phases (1995- 2015).This status is linked to: community conceptions that DFWPs are an assistance given to transform their prevailing difficulties especially in access to water services. Though 78% of the respondents have an attitude that DFWPs was of great importance and a privilege to the villages; behaviour wise, 78% of the respondents preferred taped water to river. This is contrary to findings from interview and FDGs which showed that the community prefers water from the river to taped water from wells with reasons that water from the river are reliable, cheap and saltless soft water. Traditionally people were not accustomed to care for a public property like the pumped wells .It was further found that The World vision involved the community in the project design (especially in baseline survey) by 96% and it used participatory approaches like meetings with leaders, trainings and sensitization of water safety. Despite the use of these approaches, community participation volunteerism during implementation was 64% as a result WV performed all activities by its workers letting the community being simple observer recipients. This was attributed to cultural practices i.e. customs and traditions that hinder community attributes of vii sustaining DFWPs such as mind set, people behaviours, and local innovation. The dependence syndrome and laissez-fair leadership characters on individual behaviours caused the community to be less adaptive to projects development. The study concluded that culture influences sustainability of water projects. The study recommends imploring efforts to ensure involvement of the community during implementation phase possibly through capacity building/more awareness raising. The importance of monitoring of the projects should not be underestimated to determine the complexities associated with implementation and foster sustainability.
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    Persistence of sexual violence against females: A case of North A district Unguja
    (Mzumbe university, 2017) Mussa, Mwanakhamis Amour
    The topic of this study was the persistence of sexual violence against females using North “A” District Unguja as a case study. Specifically the study was dealing with examine the persistence of sexual violence against female in the North “A” Unguja, to identify factors contributing to sexual violence in the study areas from 2005 – 2015 and to examine the government strategies on curbing sexual violence in North “A” Unguja. This study adopted descriptive research design simply because this method is more elaborative information to the reader about the topic under the study. Furthermore, the method describes the characteristics of the population being studied. This research included 100 respondents who represented the entire community from the study area. The study will also be qualitative and quantitative by using numerical data and showing phenomena relating to quality of individual or group. A number of sampling techniques were used including interviews, questionnaire, documentary analysis and focused Group Discussion (FGD). The study revealed that, sexual violence against females existed despite of the community members. Factors contributing to the sexual violence identified include western culture and lack of ethics. Other factors contributing to sexual violence in the study areas included drug abuse and lack of ethical values. The study concluded that, a number of factors triggered sexual violence but the community themselves were not taking it as a serious issue because from the research findings it was noted that, the respondents were aware of the issue and its effects but only the government was taking some measures and not the community, for example, implementation of strategies against sexual violence and monitoring policies on sexual issues. The study recommended that the community should control sexual violence by using policy intervention as introduced by the government.
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    Institutional factors contributing to ineffective monitoring and evaluation of public projects implemented by Municipal officials in Kinondoni district, Tanzania.
    (2018) Joel, Nashon
    Effective and efficient Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a necessity for the successful realization of the objectives of the municipal projects. Despite the recognition of the importance of M&E in enhancing the realization of expected project outcomes, quite often municipal official in most LGAs fail to meet their potentials in monitoring public social projects for unknown reasons. This study explores institutional factors contributing to ineffective monitoring of public projects implemented by municipal officials in Kinondoni District. The study employed a descriptive, case research design. A mixed research approach was adopted in which qualitative data feature more than quantitative ones. The tools for data collection included interviews, questionnaires as well as documentary reviews. Both, probability and non-probability techniques were utilized towards selecting a sample size of 120 officials from all the 12 departments and 4 sections of the Kinondoni Municipality. While thematic analysis was utilized in analyzing qualitative data, descriptive analysis was employed towards analysis of quantitative data using measures of central tendency such as mean and standard deviation through a Software Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20, and presented by using tables and figures. In the light of the study findings, the study revealed that municipal officials were knowledgeable and had capabilities of conducting M&E practices. However; due to various factors such as unavailability of resources, socio cultural factors, poor means of effecting strategies, as well as low perceived self efficacy towards meeting targets, their capabilities were constrained. Based on the findings, the study concludes that both, individual and institutional factors contribute significantly in execution of M&E activities at the municipal level. However, institutional factors surpass the individual factors. Notably, regulative factor was a leading institutional factor compared to others in limiting the capabilities of municipal officials in undertaking M&E. The study ends by recommending several regulative and cognitive measures to enhance effective engagement of municipal officials in undertaking M&E. Among others include institutionalization of M&E framework and establishment of legal framework for effective and efficient execution of M&E practices. Further, it calls for review of Local Government Reform Programmed of 1998 to address institutionalization of M&E framework and establishment of legal framework for effective and efficient execution of M&E practices.
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    Citizens’ expectations towards the achievement of development policy goals in Zanzibar: A case of oil and gas exploration in Mjini District.
    (Mzumbe university, 2018) Omar, Omar M
    This study on citizens‟ expectations towards the achievement of development policy goals with respect to oil and gas exploration and was conducted in Mjini District of Unguja, Zanzibar. The study intended to identify the perceptions of ordinary citizens about the expected public benefits and anticipated challenges emanating from the exploration of oil and gas in their ordinary life. It also intended to compare citizens‟ expectations with the national policy arrangements in the oil and gas sector; and lastly to explore the policy options for harmonizing citizens‟ expectations with documented development policy goals in the oil and gas sector. A cross-sectional research design was adopted to guide the whole study. The study used triangulation methods, thus adopting multiple data collection methods and data sources. The quantitative data were collected through administration of a structured questionnaire to 100 citizens. The questionnaire was supplemented by qualitative data collected from 10 key informants in order to enrich the quality of the study findings. Documentary review was also applied in collection of the secondary data that informed the study. The data collected using a questionnaire were coded and analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics software package and the frequency analysis outputs were subjected to further analysis by using Yeh‟s Index of Perception (YIP). This index was used to estimate the magnitude of citizens‟ expectations along a three-point Likert scale. Regarding the perception of the citizens about the expected public benefits emanating from the exploration of oil and gas in their ordinary life, the results showed that a greater proportion of the respondents expected good outcomes. The results also indicated that there was no perceived expectation that oil and gas exploration would result in liberation of the country from donor dependence. The results showed, that despite the good outcomes expected, a great proportion of the respondents anticipated development challenges might occur leading to political disappointment or relative depravation among citizens. The perceived expectation vi that oil and gas exploration would result in threat to the status of the environment and land grabbing was very high compared to other anticipated development challenges. With regard to comparison between citizens‟ expectations and national policy arrangement in oil and gas sector, the results showed that some of the citizens‟ expectations were in line with the documented development policy goals. This indicates the shared vision between the narrow interest of government and broad interest of the citizens leading to collective satisfaction. While some others were not in line with documented development policy goals, they indicate mismatch between the narrow interest of the government and broad interest of the citizens leading to relative deprivation. The study recommends the need to strengthen institutional framework (establishment of coordinating unit among different policies in oil and gas sectors) and adoption of the environmental mitigation strategies from the beginning of the process of exploration of oil and gas to the final stage and dissemination of the accurate information to citizens. Lastly, this study advocates the use of public choice and relative deprivation theories together to provide a good blend of research findings.