Challenges facing auditors in the practice of internal audit: The case of Morogoro District council.
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Mzumbe University
The central aim of study was to find out the challenges facing internal auditors in the practice of internal audit in local government authorities in Tanzania; the case of Morogoro District Council (MDC), Morogoro Region. Specific objectives were: to assess whether lack of peers’ cooperation and reluctance to provide information relating to their resources utilization is one of the sources for ineffective internal audit practices in LGAs; to examine whether there is low management support to internal auditors; to assess whether the way public servants view internal audit task is one of the sources for challenges facing internal auditors in effective practice of internal auditing; and to furnish recommendations on the best way to be used by internal auditors in alleviating challenges faced during the practice of internal audit in LGAs. The methods employed by this study were questionnaire, and interview and documentary review. A sample of 50 respondents was used in collecting data. The data were presented and analyzed using techniques like; SPSS and Excel – out of which Tables and figures were constructed – which were all supported by percentage rates. The study found that public servants working with MDC were lacking interest in giving cooperation to internal auditors. Thus, the study had concluded that public servant have negative attitude and feeling against the audit practice in their organisation. As the consequence, such problems of lack of cooperation have been posing great challenges to internal auditors and in turn, majority of audit reports have been seen to be lacking consistency and reliability. The study also concluded that one of the great sources and even the challenges facing internal auditors include the lack of cooperation from peers, negative attitude, and dislike from majority of public servants – whose effects tend to result in the scenario, whereby, audit practice lacks essential information required for it to issue reliable and effective report. The study recommended the government to be prudent and strategic in putting measures that would regulate the appropriate use of its resources allocated in different local authorities. The study also recommended other studies to cover similar areas of knowledge for them to extent the notion or awareness pertaining to internal audit.
A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Award of the Degree of Master of Science in Accounting and Finance (MSc. A&F) of Mzumbe University
Cooperation-internal auditors, Management support-internal auditors, Internal auditing performance, Public servants and audit