Determinants of job satisfaction at work place: Empirical evidence from Alliance one Tobacco Processing Industry in Morogoro-Tanzania

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
Satisfying employees at job places is very importance for better organizational performance. Organizations have been working hard to influence employees to perform better. This study was aimed to identify factors that may affect employees’ job satisfaction for better organizational performance. The study used a case study survey design to collect data. In data analysis, the study used SEM where by a path model was used to analyse the data. In this study, it was found that job enrichment, job enlargement and job rotation are factors that influence employees’ job satisfaction. Other factors that influence employee job satisfaction are employees’ involvement in decision making and involvement of employees in quality management issues. Therefore, for better organizational performance, organizations should concentrate at satisfying employees at work places.
Article published by the International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 4 Issue 07, July-2015
Job satisfaction, Job design, Quality Management