The dynamism of communication technology adoption, market information and welfare: evidence from Nile perch (Lates niloticus) fish market, Mwanza, Tanzania

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Likes & Reservoirs : science, policy and management for suistanable use
Despite the growing importance of digital technology in modern society, its adoption in some sectors and regions has been slow. One such sector is fishing in developing countries, where the potential benefits of technology have yet to be fully realized. This study examines the adoption of communication technology among Nile perch fishers on Lake Victoria in Mwanza, Tanzania. Using a Probit model and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimations with Robust Standard Errors (OLSR), the study analyzes the impact of technology adoption on fishers' welfare, with a focus on income. The results suggest that the type of mobile phone, fishing experience, and the desire to exploit digital marketing are key factors in technology adoption among fishers. Furthermore, the study finds that technology adoption has a significant positive impact on fishers' welfare, indicating that digitalization can increase market competitiveness, openness, and improve livelihoods. To capitalize on these benefits, the study recommends that the government should support the digitalization of the fishing market and make accurate and timely market information readily available to fishers
A research paper submitted to the Likes & Reservoirs :science, Policy and Management for sustainable use,Vol.28 of 2023.
ICT adoption for fishers, Digital technology, Modern society with digital technology, fishers' welfare, Fishing Market, Tanzania