Research Papers (Articles)

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    Women’s career move from local to national politics: The case of Tanzania
    (Journal of Asian and African Studies, 2024) Yoon, Mi Yung; Swai, Idda Lyatonga
    This study examines women’s career movement from the highest local authorities (district and urban councils) to the national legislature in Tanzania, focusing on the latest three parliaments (2010–2025). Using both quantitative and qualitative data, we find that less than 10% of female parliamentarians in each parliament have prior councilor experience and most of them occupy quota seats. The low upward mobility of female councilors to parliament may be due to the difficulty of winning constituency seats, affected by gender stereotypes, and the availability of other pathways to parliament, such as party leadership and commissioner positions.
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    Factors to determine the adoption of online teaching in Tanzania’s universities during the COVID-19 pandemic
    (PLoS ONE, 2023) Mackfallen, G.Anasel; Swai, L. Idda
    Face to face mode of delivery has been a standard method of teaching courses in the majority of African Universities Tanzania included. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the closure of all schools and universities worldwide; therefore, face-to-face teaching is no longer the only appropriate and feasible teaching method. This requires changes in the teaching method with the remarkable rise of e-learning, whereby teaching must be undertaken remotely and on digital platforms.