Research Articles (ICTU)


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    Hypermobile learning in an immobilized society: Four Tanzanian universities and one globe
    (UGent, 2017) Ghasia, Mohamed (University of Mzumbe); Stroeken, Koenraad (UGent)
    The contradictions of depoliticized (economic) globalization in Africa south of the Sahara are reinforced by current communication technologies. Inadequate ICT skills among students and teachers, traditional philosophy of teaching and learning, lack of technical expertise on digital content production, lack of relevant e-learning curriculum, and selective investments in ICT infrastructure have led to ‘hypermobile learning’. We witness the imbrication of neo-colonial object-subject relations with the fractal of domesticated fertility (the lure of foreign novelty) characterizing ‘forest fringe cultures’ in Africa. The internet and smartphones are hailed for facilitating elegant assemblages of work and leisure, of private and public spheres, contributing to blurring the divides that traditionally maintained the integrity of individuals. Dealing with ailing ICT infrastructure in African universities, both lecturers and students are expected to produce coping strategies from their mobile devices. Our qualitative research shows both groups complain about the hypocrisy of the educational system, which bans the wayward smartphone in the formative primary and secondary levels, yet counts on that very tool for students to accomplish their university studies. Available mobile networks are overloaded such that students choose to wait until midnight to access them. The new forms of bricolage between technologies and life/work cycles, ambivalently propagated as m-learning, in fact, impede structural interventions, sustained power brokerage and lifetime mobility. The implied ‘human sacrifice’, we argue, is what occupy sites and recent student protests in (South) Africa decry.
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    Blended learning activities in blended learning environments: Experiences from Mzumbe University, Tanzania
    (EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2018 - Amsterdam, Netherlands, J, 2018) Ghasia, Mohamed; Musabila, Albogast K.
    In Tanzania, learning management systems (LMS) and content management systems (CMS) such as Edmodo, Blackboard, Moodle and Canvas are used as platforms for BL (BL) delivery. Such delivery requires a combination of a variety of digital educational technologies and traditional instructional delivery modes in which an assortment of academic activities support and enhance authentic academic learning. In this quasi-review article, we discuss several BL activities in BL environments (BLEs) concerning Mzumbe University LMS's nine years of experience. The paper used non-interactive research inquiry including literature review and quasi-participant observations. Ten BL courses including its actual practical execution both in LMS and traditional face-to-face were observed. Findings reveal that BL activities are conducted at distinct levels of learning and percentages. Further, the findings showed that traditional learning environments dominate e-learning environments with the percentage of utilisation. We observed both online, and offline BL activities based on the nature of the subject contents and the context of activities. For successful adoption and implementation of BL pedagogy, planning and designing appropriate BL activities need to accommodate five significant aspects: instructors’ professional development, learners’ help desk for e-learning courses, learner’s sociocultural background, institutional support and teacher and learner readiness to engage in authentic academic
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    Reflection on e-learning system of the Mzumbe University in Tanzania: Successes, challenges and way forward
    (International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 2020) Ghasia, Mohamed; Machumu, Haruni; Zhu, Chang; DePryck, Koen
    This paper explores the historical background of Mzumbe University (MU)’s approach to e-learning since its inception in 2009. It reflects on the successes and challenges, lessons learnt from the MU experience and recommends a way forward. The paper is based on case study research, making the use of observation and secondary data generated from previous e-learning utilisation reports. It discusses trends in e-learning system adoption, deployment, implementation and utilisation at the MU. Findings indicate that awareness of the e-learning system, adoption rate and use have been increasing, leading to significant results such as receiving extensive coverage in the university agenda such that campaigns on its utilisation have been evident. Moreover, the results show the existence of some critical challenges including limited Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) infrastructure, inadequate ICTs didactical skills among students and teachers, lack of technical expertise in digital content design and production, as well as over-reliance on the traditional philosophy of teaching and learning. Based on the findings, it is recommended to encourage continuous user support, going beyond uploading and downloading the University’s strategic policies. Despite the observed e-learning successes, the MU is still in need of an adequate, advanced and quality range of 21st century teaching and learning skills
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    Towards mobile learning deployment in higher learning institutions: A report on the qualitative inquiries conducted in four universities in Tanzania
    (2018) Ghasia, Mohamed A.; De Smet, Egbert; Musabila, Albogast
    Over the past two decades, mobile learning (m-learning) has been a purposeful area of research among educational technologists, educators and instructional designers whereby doubts and controversies over its relevancy and applicability have been keenly addressed. This paper explores stakeholders’ perceptions of m-learning deployment in Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs). Specifically, we examine the potential of m-learning for HLIs in Tanzania and the challenges that hinder successful m-learning deployment. We adopt a comparative qualitative case study design in which four HLIs in Tanzania were purposefully selected. The study uses a combination of design science research approach and qualitative methods including grounded theory, document reviews, and observation. The respondents included university lecturers, students and ICT experts, who were selected for the interviews through theoretical sampling. The transcripts were loaded, coded and analyzed in NVIVO software. The results indicate that mobiles (smartphones, tablets, laptops, feature phones etc.) are widely used in the HLIs. Stakeholders perceive that m-learning deployment is important and useful because it improves the quality of the learning experience. The results further indicate that there are financial, pedagogical, technological, infrastructural, individual – and policy–related challenges that hinder the successful deployment of m-learning in HLIs in Tanzania include limited network coverage, some students´ inability to afford mobiles, lack of qualified staff for mobile content and administration preparation, gaps in the existing policies, and faulty course design. However, our results show that participants are optimistic about the potential of m-learning in the HLIs of Tanzania. They expect m-learning will improve access to learning resources, and teacher-student and student-student interaction without being restricted by time or place. Thus, m-learning is considered to have the potential to address issues of crowded classrooms, expertise, access to learning materials, flexibility of the learners, and remote connectivity. We recommend that HLIs should prioritize m-learning and commit resources to the success of the related projects. We also recommend that the governments and stakeholders provide policy interventions, subsidize mobile technologies, expand network coverage, build capacity within and outside HLIs, and improve digital literacy by integrating ICT education at all levels of education
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    Contextualizing micro-learning deployment: An evaluation report of platforms for the higher education institutions in Tanzania
    (International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 2021) Ghasia, Mohamed Abdulrahman; Rutatola, Edger P.
    Micro-learning is a modern learning approach hailed for improved course completion by learners and retention capability. Micro-learning relies on technologies of various types to offer improved learning experiences to learners anywhere and anytime. Micro-learning platforms of various types offer course managers and educators features for managing courses, collaborating with learners as well as monitoring their progress. Unfortunately, due to the novelty of micro-learning as an area of research, there is a scarcity of literature guiding institutions and decision-makers concerning technological choices for the right deployment. This paper proposes eleven platforms for microlearning deployment in higher learning institutions (HEIs), particularly in Tanzania. The paper is influenced by the Design Science Research approach and the Critical Theory of Technologies. A stage-based methodology for software evaluation was used in the current study. Specifically, thirty-seven platforms from key industry trends were evaluated. The proposed eleven platforms are generically relevant for the Tanzanian context as they are affordable, customizable, and functionally able to offer quality micro-learning services. The paper adds knowledge to the micro-learning deployment domain as well as offers practical guidance to those intending to deploy micro-learning services.
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    Micro-credentials in higher education institutions: An exploratory study of its place in Tanzania
    (International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 2019) Ghasia, Mohamed A.; Machumu, Haruni J.; DeSmet, Egbert
    Micro-credentials represent an alternative approach to career and professional development whereby an individual’s skills, achievements, and accomplishments are recognised. They offer the possibility to enhance skills, manage career pathways, and add practicality to the academic content. Moreover, micro-credentials are cost-effective professional development strategies that significantly minimise employee training costs and time. Also, micro-credentials in higher education institutions (HEIs) allow for the integration of digital badges within the university curricular and community engagement activities to inspire connected and lifelong learning for the professional development of students, educators and communities in formal learning settings. This paper explores ways in which micro-credentials can be offered in Tanzanian universities. Specifically, we explore educators’ perception, readiness and implementation strategies. In-depth interviews with thirty-one lecturers, fifty-four students and twelve educational technologists were deployed. Purposive sampling was used to identify the four Tanzanian universities involved in the study, and theoretical sampling was used to identify lecturers, students and educational technologists. Data were analysed using NVIVO software in accordance with the Strauss and Corbin Grounded Theory. The results suggest that university lecturers and students are optimistic that micro-credentials will stimulate lifelong and connected learning as well as expand the scope of the universities’ mandate. However, to leverage from these potentials, multi-level interventions are needed. We recommend the creation of a micro-credentials ecosystem, formulation of strategies and policies, deployment of necessary infrastructure as well as building relevant skills. Implications, contributions and limitations of the study are discussed in line with the findings. Finally, the paper contributes to the literature on the implementation of micro-credentials in higher education (HE).