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Item An analysis of factors which contribute to loan deliquency among small medium enterprises : The case of National Microfinance Bank Plc(Mzumbe University, 2014) Malundila, Farida MshamThis study investigated factors which contribute to loan delinquency among small and medium micro enterprises financial institutions in Tanzania. National. Microfinance Bank (NMB) was a case study. The data for the study were collected from 35 clients of NMB who received loans from the bank. In addition, 18 NMB staff working in the credits departments provided information on specific aspects deemed important for the study. Two sets of questionnaires were constructed one set for clients and other for NMB staff working in loan department. The collected data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 12.0. Frequencies and their corresponding percentages were used to detect patterns of attributes of interest in the study. The Chi-square test of independence of variables was used to ascertain the independence of key variables. It is revealed that the most common borrowers from the bank are those aged between 30-40 years (60%) and employed in the informal sector (60%). It is revealed further that use of loan proceeds contrary to loan agreement is a major factor for loan delinquency among borrowers. Those who reported using their loan proceeds outside the agreement were more likely to delay payment of their loan instalments in due course (P<0.001).NMB often attach more importance to loan screening than to monitoring the use of credit. Proper documentation on customers files is done and use of strong collateral which means collateral must be of high value than a loan given to customer. It is recommended that in order to achieve a significant reduction in loan delinquency, the bank’s screening process particularly with regards to the nature of business, likely returns to the business, other sources of income to finance social or unforeseen events that are likely to interfere the development of the business.Item An assessment of consumer awareness and usage of e-banking transactions through mobile phones: A case of VODACOM Tanzania limited(2014) Mohamed,EgingaA study was conducted to assess consumer awareness and usage of e-banking transactions through mobile phones using a case of Vodacom Tanzania limited. The specific objectives of this study were to; identify factors influencing the adoption intention of e-banking transactions through mobile phones, identify attitudes towards usage intention of e-banking transactions through mobile phones, identify barriers on usage intention of e-banking transactions through mobile phones and suggest measures that should be instituted to improve the situation. The study adopted case study design; purposive sampling and simple random sampling were used to select respondents. Questionnaires and interview were used in data collection and a sample size of 55 respondents was used in the study. Findings revealed that 36%, 18% and 24% of respondents identified benefits, self-efficacy and ease of use respectively as key factors influencing the adoption intention of e-banking transactions. Findings also revealed that 45% and 27% of interviewed respondents identified perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use respectively as key attitudes towards usage intention of e-banking transactions through mobile phones. Moreover, the findings revealed that 42% and 25% of interviewed respondents identified insufficient understanding of the services and technical issues as the key barriers on usage intention of e-banking transactions through mobile phones. The study concluded that, benefits, self-efficacy, and ease of use exert significant influences on consumers’ perception towards e-payment. Also, attitude is the major determinant of mobile banking adoption intention, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use from the technology acceptance model influence usage of e-banking transactions. Similarly, with the recent and forecasted high growth of electronic banking, it has the potential to develop into a world-scale internet economy which has potential barriers that requires examination. Henceforward, the study recommends that, Policy makers and service providers should have an advanced knowledge since it has provided information on the current state of e-banking acceptance and use, particularly among Tanzanians as they develop strategies directed at increasing e-banking acceptance and use. Service providers should educate consumers through demonstrations and training in order to better equip them to master e-banking transactions in mobile banking systems so as to mitigate barriers on usage intention of e-banking transactions through mobile phones. Service providers should promote the use of mobile banking services to enhance e-banking transactions.Item Constraints on women business growth in Dar-Es-Salaam: Evidence from Kariakoo(Mzumbe University, 2014) Chuma, Ester RWomen entrepreneurs are already making important contributions to the industries development of their countries. Despite their contribution, women face a variety of constraints. The latter include poor access to market information, technology and finance, poor linkages with support services, and an unfavorable policy and regulatory environment. Due to that fact therefore the researcher investigated problem facing women entrepreneurs at Kariakoo in Dar – es – Salaam. Specifically, the researcher identified type of business of women entrepreneurs at kariakoo, identified the constraints facing them, and determined the ways of eliminating the challenges. In conducting this study, the researcher used case study design and the study involved 100 women entrepreneurs from Kariakoo . She collected and used primary data which were collected through questionnaires and interviews. Since the study was qualitative in nature, therefore, data were analyzed by using qualitative data analysis techniques. The study revealed that, women entrepreneurs at Kariakoo were had different types of business ventures which included 45 (45%) of the respondents were sole proprietors, 15 (15%) were in partnership, and 15 (15%) were owned companies, and 25 (25%) were in cooperatives. Further analysis showed that women entrepreneurs were faced lack of information 20 (20%), low level of education 15 (15%), impact of the legal and policy framework 10 (10%), lack of finance support, 30 (30%) and family responsibilities 25 (25%) were the challenges facing them. It was recommended that the provision of education to entrepreneurs, financial empowerment, creation of good business environment, and participation of men in helping their wives are likely to eliminate or reduce the challenges facing women entrepreneurs at Kariakoo and the rest of the countryItem The impact of interest rates on poverty reduction: A case of CRDB Dar es Salaam(Mzumbe University, 2014) Kassela, FlorenceThis study will be conducted in Ilala municipality, Dar es Salaam. CRDB Bank PLC (AZIKIWE) and more of microfinance department will be involved. The study intends to analyze the effect of interest rate on poverty reduction, and the findings of this study will help in one way or another to give out solutions or ways for Tanzanians to be helped out in this area. Different methods were used in obtaining the data. The researcher obtained a sample of 20 clients by using random sampling which is 50% of the targeted population. Both primary and secondary method of data was used. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews and documentary reviews. The study is qualitative research design which used case study. Findings of the study show that all of the CRDB clients in the study were already in the business before applying for the loan. Many of them engaged before applying for loan. Many of them engaged on different types of businesses immediately after standard VII or O ‘level education. Some of them got skills of the business from by inheriting from their parents while others were due to life hardship. The study recommends that interest rate charged by CRDB is very high compared to profitability of her clients business, make change method of repayment and introduce vi another repayment period because weekly repayment seems to affect majority of her clients. According to the CRDB mission is to create a sustainable financial and information service for small and micro entrepreneurs in order to promote their business growth, enhance their income and create employment in Tanzania. It seems the policy rejects many poor people who could participate in the whole exercise of poverty reduction.Item The impact of introducing Electronic Fiscal Device (EFD) system in revenue collection in Tanzania(Mzumbe University, 2014) Nzota, ErastoThis study was assessing the impact of introducing electronic fiscal device (efd) system in revenue collection in Tanzania. It was conducted at Temeke regional tax collection. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed using a sample of twenty six respondents. The main research instruments used were the questionnaire and interview. Both qualitative and quantitative data collected were analyzed using simple descriptive statistical methods such as frequencies, percentages and cross tabulations. The major focus was to examine the extent EFD has improved tax collection at Temeke regional tax collection, to investigate the performance of the EFD on revenue collection at Temeke regional tax collection, and To examine the system used by TRA for monitoring the use of EFD in business transactions at Temeke regional tax collection.The results show that, EFDs play a big role in the increase of revenue collections. The report also shows 2010/2011 revenue collected was (all amounts in Shs millions) TZS 800,285.23/= and the 2011/2012 collections was TZS 991,034.00. Electronic fiscal devices compliance monitoring progress report show that for the year 2014 the target of revenue collection before EFDs acquisition was 325,646,369.00/= but the actual collection was 378,069,279.71/= The revenue target after EFDs acquisition was 371,859,441.00/= the actual collection was 727,375,890.00/= This implies that the collection was extremely increased after the acquisition of EFDs machines at Temeke Tax Collection Region. EFDs have really helped increase profits due to their efficient nature, increased efficient on preparation of other sales report, increased efficient in stock taking, wise control of inventory is often a critical factor, easily timely preparations of reports and EFD has assisted ease the work of processing VAT returns. The response of regular breakdowns of the Devices should be done on time thus ensuring the usage of the machines to all registered VAT traders, moreover the existing devices should be subjected to a new test in order to minimize and remove substandard devices believed to be in the circulationItem The role of creativity and innovation in commercializing the dairy sector: A case study of sham diaries of Morogoro(Mzumbe University, 2014) Mhando, Samiji EneaThis research study has focused on examine the role of creativity and innovation in commercializing the dairy sector, SHAM dairies of Morogoro has been selected as case study in assessing creativity and innovation to dairy products processors. Basically the study has take a look on three major objectives which are: Consciousness of stakeholders on creativity and innovation towards growth of the dairy sector, investigation of the creative and innovative processes involved in dairy processing, and lastly to describe the marketing structures on how they can foster creativity and innovation in dairy sector. The study is qualitative research but it also have some statistics which present the datas from the respondents on different key issues that needed some mathematical presentations, the sample size of the respondents was fifty respondents who participated in the study and they were selected by the researcher through judgmental sampling where by a researcher picks only a person who he or she thinks that might come up with the good answers of the question to be asked. In analyzing the data the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) through regression method was applied in analyzing the information so as to build facts when it comes to discussion of the data collected and makes the positive arguments due to the relation of perceptions and statistical background of the actual experience in the field. Conclusion and recommendation which is the last chapter based on what has been observed concerning the research objectives which generated the research questions, challenges facing creativity and innovation in dairy sector and lastly the way forward for improvement.Item The role of innovation on organization performance: A case study of Dar es salaam Port (DP)(Mzumbe University, 2014) Ngonyani, Joachim WThis is a brief description on how the researchers accomplish the research study. The study topic is the” role of innovation on organization performance”. The study was conducted at Tanzania Ports Authority headquarter Dar es salaam, during the period of 07 th may 2014 to 20 th June 2014, and the research design was a case study. Innovation has been the crucial organization variable because of its contribution in organization performance. With today’s complexity and competitive business environment, it has become significant for business organization to expand and maintain their services. The expansion of exportation and importation services through water transport all over the world has caused most ports which do not engage in innovation Practices to face some difficulties. Thus innovation has been found to be one of the most important tools in any successful organization, which insure excellent business performance and contribute positively to the increase in its service. The objective of this research was to evaluate the role of innovation on organization performance. A case study design was used whereby the study was conducted at Dar es Salaam port. The research methodology in this study comprised of primary and secondary data collection methods. In primary data, questionnaires, observation and interview were used to collect data. Personal interviews were conducted to the top management as well as the distribution of the questionnaires so as to obtain the relevant information. Secondary data collection methods comprised of documents such as booklets, journals, newspapers and reports.Item Owner-managers' demographic characteristics and the growth of Tanzanian small and medium enterprises(International Journal of Business and Management, 2015) Nsubili, IsagaThis paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the demographic factors that influence the growth of Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania. A survey method was used to gather data from 300 small business owners and managers located in selected cities in Tanzania. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to analyse the influence of owner-manager demographic factors on the growth of SMEs. Three indicators for growth namely employment, sales and assets were used to measure growth. The results suggests that workshop, vocational training, industrial and managerial experience and family background do influence the growth of SMEs. Entrepreneurial experience and level education successfully completed by the owner-manager are not important in explaining SMEs growth. The results suggest that policy measures that promote workshops, role models and previous experiences may have the greatest impact in terms of helping to facilitate SMEs growth in Tanzania. However, the results are limited to a single survey and the data was collected from only one sector (furniture sector) in Tanzania. Replication of this study using larger samples to different sectors and a broader geographic base is suggested for cross validation purposesItem Factors causing commercial motorcycle accidents in Tanzania: The case study of Morogoro municipality(Mzumbe University, 2015) Ernest, Kowi ChristopherThis study paper focused on factors causing commercial motorcycle accidents in Tanzania; the case study of Morogoro Municipality. The purpose was to create awareness on how occurrence of accidents among commercial motorcyclists can be brought to a minimum level or completely eliminated through the use of information. The total numbers of one hundred fifty were considered for study from various locations within Morogoro Municipality. The locations including Kihonda, Mafiga, Morogoro urban bus stand, Msamvu bus terminal, Postal area, Regional hospital, Mazimbu campus and Misufini were considered for data collections. The same numbers of respondents were found valid for analysis. Data were analysed through Statistical Package for Social Science. The findings of this study showed that demographic information has significant influence on the causes of road accidents among commercial motorcycle riders in Morogoro Municipality. Among factors that significantly contribute to increasing rate of commercial motorcycle accidents are: over speeding, wrong overtaking, bad roads, alcohol drinking and driving, bad road, lack of training and non-observance of traffic law. It was discovered that commercial motorcycle riders do not comply with the Road Traffic Act, 1973 as amended 2002. It is recommended that motorcyclists be issued road license after attending formal training. There should be a creation of road safety awareness using media as a means of communications at national level. The infrastructures should continuously be improved and there should be strict penalties against anybody contravening road traffic rulesItem The role of microfinance institutions in development of women entrepreneurs in Zanzibar,Tanzania : A case of Women Entrepreneurship Development Trust Fund (WEDTF) in Urban west region of Zanzibar(Mzumbe University, 2015) Kirobo, Kiroboo KinoThe study aimed to analyze the role of MFI in the development of entrepreneurs in Urban West region of Zanzibar, Tanzania. The study was guided by the following questions: What are the various forms of supplementary services attached to microcredit?; What are the factors which pushes Zanzibaris women entrepreneurs to borrow microcredit at WEDTF?; and What are the challenges facing WEDTF clients to access microcredit in the study area?. The study used a sample size of 141 respondents includes a total of 136 respondents received microcredit services from WEDTF and 5 respondents (employees) of WEDTF was selected and data were collected using 136 questionnaires and interview guides to clients of WEDTF and WEDTF staff respectively. The findings showed that there are various supplementary services attached to microcredit products includes: Access to saving facility, access to training facility, access to group formation, access to exhibitions and trade fair. The study further showed that majority of WEDTF clients were self employed into different income generating activities including: small shop, “mama lishe” and agro-processing, tailoring, poultry keeping and vegetable production. The results show that increased employment opportunities, increased sales volume, increased income, increased profit margin are the outcome of the adequate micro credit access. The study revealed factors that pushed Zanzibaris women entrepreneurs to borrow microcredit from WEDTF to include: Interest rate is reasonable compared to commercial banks, no bureaucracy in loan application and disbursement of credit, access of supplementary services to clients. Also the study found that there are challenges facing WEDTF clients to access microcredit includes: In adequate loan funds, no grace period, initial ceiling amount, no microfinance policy, lack of permanent sales outlets. The study concludes that WEDTF played a positive role to the development of entrepreneurs in Zanzibar due to its integration of financial services and non financial services.Item The relationship of personality to cognitive characteristics and SME performance in Tanzania(Emerald Publishing Ltd, 2018) Nsubili, IsagaPurpose– Focussing on the relationship between personality traits and small and medium enterprise (SME) performance in Tanzania’s furniture sector, the purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of cognitive characteristics as a mediating variable. Design/methodology/approach– A total of 300 SMEs in furniture sectors from four different regions in Tanzania were involved in this study. Structural equation modelling approach was used to test simultaneously the direct and the indirect effects of the characteristics of the entrepreneurs on the SMEs performance. Findings– The findings show that personality traits have a significant influence on SMEs performance through cognitive characteristics. Research limitations/implications– The study’s data were collected from businesses in only one industry (furniture) in Tanzania. Future research may extend the approach to other business sectors. Practical implications– Since entrepreneurial characteristics are considered an important driver of a country’s economic development and performance, it is hoped that governments and sector associations implement suitable policies and incentives to develop an entrepreneurial culture among citizens. Originality/value– Current knowledge about entrepreneurial characteristics and their relationship with SME performance in developing countries, especially Tanzania, is very limited. The present study suggests that cognitive characteristics are necessary mediators of the link between personality traits and SME performance.Item Access to bank credit by smallholder farmers in Tanzania: a case study(Afrika Focus, 2018) Nsubili, IsagaTanzania like many other developing countries is highly dependent on agriculture for income generation and job creation for its citizens. Because the sector is mainly composed of smallholder farmers, lack of finance remains the leading obstacle to development. This study seeks to determine factors that affect access to bank credit by smallholder farmers in the Mvomero District of Morogoro, Tanzania. The study used a cross-sectional design, with data being collected via the survey method. Purposeful sampling was used to obtain the respondents who fitted into the study objective. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a logistic regression model. The logit regression model in particular was employed to determine factors that affect smallholder farmers’ access to bank services. The study reveals that the value of assets invested in farming activities, education and gender are significant factors affecting smallholder farmers’ access to bank credit. Policy recommendations include the establishment of a government bank that would exclusively provide financial services to agriculturalists by establishing a credit guarantee scheme, and the development of new financial products by the banks that would cater to the needs of smallholder farmers.Item The impact of workforce diversity on the performance of microfinance institution in Tanzania, an experience from NMB Bank Tanzania(Mzumbe University, 2018) Kileo, AngelaThe study assessed impact of workforce diversity on the performance of microfinance institution in Tanzania. The variables such as education diversity, seniority diversity and specialization diversity, age diversity, gender diversity and education diversity were assessed its contributions for organization performance. The study employed descriptive research design. The targeted population were 250 staff working at Head Office NMB Bank Limited in Dar es Salaam. The study employed simple random sampling techniques and convenient non-probability sampling technique to select sample size. The sample size in this study were 71 staff working at National Microfinance Bank Head Office. The data was collected using survey questionnaire and interview. The data were analyzed using content analysis, descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The researcher balanced two values which were the pursuit of scientific knowledge and the rights of those being studied to participate in the study to ensure ethical considerations. The study found that employees gender diversity, employees age diversity, employees education diversity, employees seniority diversity and employees specialization diversity has a positive contribution on performance of NMB Bank in Tanzania measured through bank perceived generating more profit over years. The study concluded that NMB Bank has to promote the working diversities in their recruitment process in order to promote organization performance. The study recommended that NMB Bank Human Resources policies has to encourage culture of workforce diversities in order to promote performance of the bankItem Assessment of the factors influencing consumer buying decision of mobile phone brands: A survey study among university students(Mzumbe University, 2019) Zephania, GloryDevelopment of mobile phones and such technologies has been growing fast in recent years, depicting a wide innovations and advancement. This indeed has emanated from consumer’s needs and preference. In this context, there is no doubt that mobile phone is one amongst the fastest growing product with the high rate adoption of new technological advancement. Therefore, studying determinants of consumer buying decision of mobile is important to manufactures as well as marketers. This study aimed at assessing the factors which influence consumer buying decision to mobile phones brand. Specifically, this study focused on identifying mobile phone brand features affecting consumer buying decision, assessing personal factors affecting consumer buying decision on mobile phones brands, and assessing social economic factors affecting consumer buying decision to mobile phones brand. Data were collected from 200 respondents who were university students, whereby the sampling technique used to select these respondents was convenience sampling technique. The data collection method deployed in this study was questionnaire, hence, the questionnaires were distributed to 200 respondents and all of them were successfully returned, which in turn it enabled this research to have i100% response irate. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), whereby the frequencies and percentage were determined and presented in tables and graphs. The findings of this study indicated that all selected brand features including brand name, phone durability, phone’s physical appearance and phone’s capacity of saving charge affects consumer buying decision of mobile phones. In addition, the findings indicated that consumer buying decision of mobile phone is highly influenced by personal factors including age, gender, lifestyle and occupation. Furthermore, the results indicated that socio-economic factors including group, income, price and socio-status also influence consumer buying decision of mobile phone. Therefore, this study concluded that consumer buying decision of mobile phones is influenced by multiple factors that should have the same consideration in the manufacturing and marketing processesItem Influence of business incubation on providing job opportunity to youth in Tanzania: A case of Zanzibar technology and business incubation center(Mzumbe University, 2019) Hamza, AzidaThe purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of business incubation in providing youth employment. To archive this objective, the researcher selects management competence, entrepreneurial skills, and technical skills as independent variables and job opportunities (youth employment) as a dependent variable. This study has been conducted in Zanzibar and has been selected as the study area because of easy access of getting information (data), the study used simple random sampling to get the questionnaire toward the respondents, 100 questionnaires were distributed to incubates of Zanzibar Technology Business Incubation Center and only 70 were collected used for analysis in this study. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis have been used in this study to analyze the results in order to arrive at a conclusion. Regarding the primary objective, this study has revealed a positive strong significant relationship between management competence and job opportunity for youth. Furthermore, it has been revealed that an entrepreneurial skill was also found to be a significant predictor of the job opportunity. Using regression analysis management competence provided by business incubation is the most predictor and ranked number one for the outcomes of job opportunity to youth, followed by entrepreneurial skills. Technical skills were found to be non-significant to job opportunities on the incubation center in Zanzibar. In general, the findings of this study indicate a significant association between management competence, entrepreneurial skills and technical skills provided in business incubation center with a job opportunity to youth. This study recommended that; the findings have revealed the existence of a significant relationship between youth incubators (business incubation centers) and the success of youth entrepreneurship as part of the job opportunity. The government is in charge of policies and being the biggest spender in the country needs to act as a strategic partner in incubation centers.Item HaInfluence of business incubation on providing job opportunity to youth in Tanzania: A case of Zanzibar Technology and business incubation center.(Mzumbe University, 2019) Hamza, AzidaThe purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of business incubation in providing youth employment. To archive this objective, the researcher selects management competence, entrepreneurial skills, and technical skills as independent variables and job opportunities (youth employment) as a dependent variable. This study has been conducted in Zanzibar and has been selected as the study area because of easy access of getting information (data), the study used simple random sampling to get the questionnaire toward the respondents, 100 questionnaires were distributed to incubates of Zanzibar Technology Business Incubation Center and only 70 were collected used for analysis in this study. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis have been used in this study to analyze the results in order to arrive at a conclusion. Regarding the primary objective, this study has revealed a positive strong significant relationship between management competence and job opportunity for youth. Furthermore, it has been revealed that an entrepreneurial skill was also found to be a significant predictor of the job opportunity. Using regression analysis management competence provided by business incubation is the most predictor and ranked number one for the outcomes of job opportunity to youth, followed by entrepreneurial skills. Technical skills were found to be non-significant to job opportunities on the incubation center in Zanzibar. In general, the findings of this study indicate a significant association between management competence, entrepreneurial skills and technical skills provided in business incubation center with a job opportunity to youth. This study recommended that; the findings have revealed the existence of a significant relationship between youth incubators (business incubation centers) and the success of youth entrepreneurship as part of the job opportunity. The government is in charge of policies and being the biggest spender in the country needs to act as a strategic partner in incubation centers.Item Influence of innovation on small and medium enterprise (SME) growth: The case of wood and steel furniture manufacturing in Dodoma city(Mzumbe University, 2019) John, StephenThe purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of innovation on the growth of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania majoring the wood and steel furniture manufacturing subsector. We examined i) the influence of product innovation on SMEs growth, ii) the influence of process innovation on the growth of SMEs and lastly we investigated the influence of management of innovation on the growth of SMEs in Dodoma city. The nature of the research design was quantitative; it involved the testing of hypotheses concerning influence of innovation on the small and mediums enterprises growth. Explicitly, we hypothesised that product innovation; process innovation and management innovation have an influence on the growth of SMEs in Tanzania. Data was collected from 91 wood and steel furniture manufacturing firms which were used as representative of SMEs in Dodoma City. In this study, descriptive statistics, Analysis of Variances (ANOVA), factor analysis, simple and multiple regression analysis were employed to analyse the data. Findings revealed that innovation has a positive influence on the growth of SMEs. Product innovation confirmed to have however higher influence on the growth of SMEs than process and management innovation. Findings from demographic characteristics showed that entrepreneurs who about 51.6 % of all who owned carpentry workshops had only basic education or had only completed standard seven; this affected management innovation capabilities in the firm. It was also revealed that carpentry is owned by men and married as it majority composing of small enterprises basing on the factor of the number of people they employed for the period of study. Due to these findings, there are policy implications such as policies that promote the use of recycled wood materials and protection of environment that was previous destroyed by the use of timber in making furniture. Moreover, the theories of innovation and RBV and their applicability in the context of Tanzania are addressed to improve SMEs sector and recommendation where there should be business incubator in which small business will be housed to gloom their ideas in businessItem SMEs’ Performance in developing countries: Suitability of personal wealth measures(European Journal of Business and Management, 2020) Kibeshi, Kiyabo; Nsubili, IsagaThis study tested the suitability of personal wealth in measuring SMEs’ performance as compared to already known firm growth measures. Guided by the knowledge-based view, the study aimed at determining the influence of learning orientation on SMEs performance under the mediation of competitive advantage using firm growth and personal wealth measures. A structured questionnaire was used to collected data from 300 owners-managers of welding industry SMEs located in Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, and Morogoro urban centres in Tanzania. Measurement and structural models were developed by the aid of SmartPLS 3 software through application of structural equation modelling technique. Determination of indirect influence of learning orientation on SMEs’ performance through competitive advantage was accomplished by bootstrapping the original sample using 5000 samples. Findings inform that competitive advantage mediates the relationship between learning orientation and SMEs’ performance for both firm growth and personal wealth performance measures. This study has contributed to the understanding that learning orientation influences SMEs’ performance under the mediation of competitive advantage using personal wealth as measures of SMEs’ performance. The findings imply that the knowledgebased view is suitable in describing not only physical resources but also intangible resources such as learning orientation. Literature will benefit from future studies that will investigate the influence of other constructs on SMEs’ performance under the mediation of competitive advantage using the same firm growth and personal wealth performance measures. Such studies will ascertain whether the findings of this study are specific to learning orientation construct or applicable to other constructs as well.Item Entrepreneurial orientation, competitive advantage, and SMEs’ performance: application of firm growth and personal wealth measures(Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2020) Kiyabo, Kibeshi; Isaga, NsubiliSMEs’ performance can be measured using various indicators. Guided by the resource based view, this study aimed at determining the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on SMEs’ performance under the mediation of competitive advantage using firm growth and personal wealth measures. Entrepreneurial orientation was adopted as an intangible resource in form of processes. A survey method with cross-sectional design was used to collect data from 300 owners-managers of welding industry SMEs located in Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, and Morogoro urban centers in Tanzania. By the aid of AMOS software, data analysis comprised of developing measurement and structural models using structural equation modeling technique. Sample data were then bootstrapped using 200 samples to determine the indirect effect of entrepreneurial orientation on SMEs’ performance through competitive advantage. Findings from this study inform that competitive advantage mediates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and SMEs’ performance for both firm growth and personal wealth performance measures. This study has contributed to existing literature by providing evidence on use of personal wealth as measures of SMEs’ performance. The findings of the study imply that the resource-based view is suitable in describing not only physical resources but also intangible resources such as entrepreneurial orientation. Future studies may investigate the influence of more constructs such as learning orientation on SMEs’ performance under the mediation of competitive advantage using the same firm growth and personal wealth performance measures. Such studies will establish whether the findings of this study are specific to entrepreneurial orientation construct or applicable to other constructs as well.