Instructors’ experience on the use of information communication technology in facilitating student -teachers learning in two selected teachers’ colleges in Morogoro, Tanzania
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Mzumbe University
This study mainly intended to examine instructors’ experience on the use of ICT to facilitate student-teachers learning in two selected Teachers’ Colleges in Morogoro, Tanzania. The study was guided by three specific objectives: (i) to identify instructors’ teaching skills on the use of ICT in enhancing student-teachers learning, (ii) to assess instructors’ gender differences on the use of ICT in facilitating student-teachers learning and (iii) to examine instructors’ experiences and opportunities on the use of ICT in facilitating student-teachers learning in Teachers’ Colleges in Morogoro region. The diffusion of innovation theory and technological acceptance model guided the current study. The study was conducted in two selected teachers’ colleges of Morogoro and Dakawa teachers’ colleges with a total of fifty (50) respondents who were obtained through simple random and purposive sampling procedures. The study used a descriptive survey design in gathering data through questionnaires, interview guides, and observation checklist. Qualitative data were thematically analysed while quantitative data were descriptively analysed, where frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were computed through SPSS version 20.
Quantitative data were presented in frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation within the tables while those from the interview were presented in the quotations for explicit interpretation. The findings reveal varied instructors’ teaching skills and experiences on the use of ICT in teaching and learning. The use of internet based, word processing, and power point presentation skills were common while the use of web-based video conferencing skills was hardly used among instructors. Moreover, the findings found gender difference on the use ICT. The disparity among female and male instructors was contextualised as all had equal opportunities for ICT use in TCs. Theoretically, the study implies that the use of ICT as innovation is individuals’ perceptions, hence should be timely adopted. Lastly, the study recommends that policymakers to establish guidelines that raise awareness to both instructors and students on the best ways to integrate and use ICT to facilitating T/L.
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Degree of Master of Art in Education (MAED) of Mzumbe University
Information Communication Technology, ICT in Teaching, ICT in Learning, ICT in instructor's skills