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Item Assessment of land use conflicts in Tanzania: A case study of Songambele and Mkoka villages in Kongwa district, Dodoma region(Mzumbe University, 2015) Mbonde, Francis JustineThe study was done in Songambele and Mkoka villages Kongwa District, Dodoma.The study focused on Assessment of land use conflicts in Tanzania. Taking Mkoka and Songambele villages as a case study. The study addressed the following three objectives(i) to access the causes of land use conflicts in selected villages in the study area.(ii) identify types of land conflicts in selected villages in the study area.(iii) to identify the effects of land use conflicts in the study area. The population of the study consisted of village land committee, Land tribunal, and villagers. The study involved a sample of 105 respondents including 90 respondents who were randomly selected and 15 respondents that were selected purposefully. A cross sectional research design was used however qualitative and quantitative approach were used to design research questions. Four methods were used to collect data to address the research objectives. These included a questionnaire, interview, observations, documents review.The data collected were analyzed by using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The research finding revealed that, the causes of land use conflicts in Mkoka and Songambele was pastoralist keep graze their cattle in the farms, removing of demarcation, and land grabbing by powerful individual, scarcity of grazing land, double leasing of plots ,no title deeds. Types of land use conflicts clashes between pastoralists and farmers, families and families and other between villagers. However, the effect associated with land use conflicts include: shortage of food to villagers, killing, and loss of peace among the villages, crop and livestock destruction, lose of originally owned land, development stagnation, decrease of income. The study therefore recommended that government should raise awareness on land use policy to the villagers through provision of seminars, workshops and leaflets on land use policy and the rights of people. The government should also put clear and permanent boundaries in surveyed land in the villages, The anti corruption institution should make frequent follow up of the village land committee and land tribunal on their judgements regarding land use conflicts.Item Contribution of farmers’ network to income poverty reduction: A case of Ludewa district(Mzumbe University, 2017) Lupembe, Gervas AlfredFarmers network (FN) have come to be seen as the basic fundamental solution and answers to income poverty reduction and food security in small - scale farmers in rural areas. On the basis of the available information on contribution of farmers' network in income poverty reduction, this dissertation presents the analysis of the extent to which farmers network groups alleviate income poverty to small- scale farmers who are poor in the wards and villages in Ludewa district. In this study, an exploratory research design was adopted, involving the administration of structured and unstructured interview tools for collecting data. A representative sample of 88 respondents were drawn from a sample frame of six selected villages. Purposive sampling was used to select FNs officials, leaders, and extension officers, while simple random sampling was used to select wards and villages. Data collected were statically analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) computer program version 6. Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequencies, and percentage were computed and research question was investigated. The findings have revealed that, farmer's network plays a significant role towards income poverty reduction in rural areas for 80%, helps in providing employment to many Tanzanians residing in countryside areas, improves living standards and improves income of the rural farmers. The study recommends that there is a need for the government through the ministry of agriculture, livestock and fisheries to formulate policies that will be favorable to rural farmers to enable them improve productivity and make sure that; the main option towards reducing income poverty to the rural farmer's network are successfully. Also further studies are proposed to acknowledge and encourage effort made by farmers in Tanzania. Agricultural policies should also focus on developing the agricultural sector by providing access to capital, market farm implements, extension services and markets.Item Potentiality of onion production to poverty reduction: The case of Ruangwa district, Tanzania(Mzumbe University, 2013) Mbiha, Joram ReubenThis study was conducted in order to examine the potentiality of onion production to poverty reduction in Ruangwa District. The study aimed at addressing the trend of onion production, magnitude of poverty in the study area, the market potential of onions and limiting factors facing onion production in the study area. The study involved 127 respondents selected randomly or purposely to meet the study objectives. The data were collected using interview and administration of questionnaires. The study showed that onion production is a potential activity in poverty reduction to farmers engaged in onion production. This was revealed by existing market potential, income obtained from sale of onions and its expenditure. Despite of this potentiality of onions to poverty reduction, its production was not consistent as there was rise and fall due to market fluctuation, frequent climatic change, high prices of agricultural inputs as well as application of poor farming methods. That is why people decided to produce other crops in order to reduce the magnitude of poverty. The income obtained ranged between 100,000 to more than 500,000 Tshs and expenditure priorities included health (21.1%), education (36.6%), purchase of building materials (22.5%), acquisition of furniture (18.3%) and other uses (1.4%). Hindrance to onion production was also caused by existence of different challenges such as lack of extension services (26.8%), low level of farmers’ education (19.7%), presence of poor roads (14.1%), poor farming methods (7.0%), poor agricultural tools (1.4%), unreliable market (18.3%), lack of government support (9.9%) and other (2.8%). From these findings, it was concluded that onion production has high potential to poverty reduction though it was still not delivering its full potential to poverty reduction. Therefore, the study recommended that there is a need for the government and other stakeholders to ensure that there is a reliable market, prices of agricultural inputs are reduced and ensure that cooperative societies operate to safeguard interests of onion producers. There is also a need to improve delivery of extension services and quality of roads. These measures in turn can increase opportunity to onion producers to earn more income at household and national levels as well as sales of onion in the foreign market.Item Small agro-processing industries and rural household livelihoods in Tanzania: The case of ginger factory in Same District(Mzumbe University, 2017) Augustino, Inocent KashanaThis study is an effort to determine the contribution of Small Agro-Processing Industries (SAPIs) on improving Rural Household Livelihoods (RHLs) drawing principally on examples from ginger factory in Same District in Tanzania. This study covered three specific objectives which are to assess the contribution of ginger factory to farming households’ income; also, to determine the influence of ginger factory to the accessibility of social services including education, health and water in the study area; lastly, to examine the capacity of ginger factory in consuming farmers ginger produces. The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive research design. Data were collected from 125 systematically sampled households and from purposive sampled select key informants. Data collection methods involved key informants interview, observation and documentary review. The data of households’ income, food security and access to social services were analyzed descriptively in terms of frequencies and percentages using SPSS. Qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. The results showed that 29% of the respondents asserted that, their livelihoods have been improved through the presence of ginger factory during 2015 to 2016. However, 71% of the respondents claimed that, they were not improving their livelihoods because they had to sell their ginger to middlemen at low price. Moreover, this study observed that the ginger factory did not operate effectively due to poor industrial machinery and inadequate capital. The study concluded that, SAPIs need to be improved due to its remarkable contribution in improving rural livelihoods. The study recommends the government through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) should promote ginger factory by allocating investors with enough skills and capital to operate this industry so as to improve people’s livelihoods.Item The impact of migrant livestock keepers on the natives and natural resources of Kilombero valley, in Tanzania: A case of Kilombero district(Mzumbe University, 2015) Kabuye, Alto MbikiyeThis study investigated the impact of migrant livestock keepers on the natives and natural resources of Kilombero valley. Both descriptive and exploratory designs involving the use of various data collection methods such as questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. The study also used documentary review to collect secondary data fromvarious report concerning migrant livestock keepers. Data were analysed by Microsoft excel and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16. The study revealed that migration of livestock keepers to the study area had both positive and negative impacts. As the results of migrant livestock keepers, agricultural activities, trade and animal keeping have increased in the area. On the other hand, activities such as fishing and hunting activities have decreased. The study revealed that migrant livestock keepers have caused small changes in cultural elements of the natives. It was established that migrants have brought a great changes in natives’ ways of perfuming works, marriage matters as well as food and eating behaviour. Other cultural elements were found not to be affected much. The study further showed that migrant livestock keepers used natural resources of the study area to large extent. Resources such as water, wetland, natural vegetation and land/space for carrying out human development activities were reported to decrease. The findings showed that natives have used land use plans, eviction, use of village security guards “sungu sungu”, and use of by - laws among other strategies to protect natives culture and natural resources from being engulfed by the migrant livestock keepers. But strategies used were reported to have done little work compared to the expectations. The study concluded that natural resources were mostly affected by migrant livestock keepers activities compared to the native activities and culture. It was recommended that co - existence approach between agriculturalist and pastoralist and cooperation between different government departments, local authorities and the general local community need be adopted for the sustainable management of the natural resources in Kilombero valley.