Assessment of transparency in tendering process in public organizations

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Mzumbe University
The objective of the research was to assess the transparency in tendering process in public organization. Thus the study identifies a problem that leads to poor performance in implementation of public procurement procedures, and also provides views on how procurement process should be carried out. Four organizations being a case that to achieve the objective of the study, interview, questionnaires, documentary sources and observation were used to obtain important information’s for research study. The targeted populations was mainly four public organizations that is MOI, MZUMBE, TANESCO and TASAF employees from both the headquarters where by qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques were used. The methodology above explains how the work was carried out as well as different techniques that were used on this research study. The data obtained were complied, tabulated, graded in percentages and analyzed in relations to research questions. The research findings were used in drawing conclusion on the problem. The research budget on time and money to be spent were considered and this enabled the researcher to fulfill his plan as well as the institutes plan on this study. However it has been revealed that, institutions whose research projects are not supported at 100% by the government, their project investigator/Research scientists involved in such projects tend to favor their professionals. In this study the researcher has found the following as major reasons for deviations of the public procurement Act policies and procedures. Lack of knowledge in public procurement Act Procedures. In adequacy of funds in the organizations and dependency of donor funds. Lack of capacity in procurement section, Improper positioning of procurement section. Poor implementations of well documented procurement procedures which lead to poor performance in public procurements. The public organizations argued to educate its employees in the application of the PPA procedures through workshops governed by PPRA and other stakeholders. Others are like failure to follow Public procurement Act of 2004 page 21 and its regulations of 2005 due to corrupt organizations bureaucracy
A research report to be submitted to Mzumbe University as partial fulfillment of an award of Masters of Science in Procurement and Supply (MSc.PSCM) of Mzumbe University
Transparency in tender, Public organizations