Teaching in the age of covid‑19

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Postdigital Science and Education Article Teaching in the Age of Covid-19 TESTIMONIALS Published: 07 August 2020 Volume 2, pages 1069–1230, (2020)
After several months of personal journey towards accepting that the coronavirus pandemic is real (see Jandrić 2020a, b), in early March, it dawned on me that the pandemic does not need only so-called essential workers. Self-quarantined after returning from abroad weeks before the Croatian government locked down the country, I immediately wrote an editorial for Post digital Science and Education and argued that ‘While doctors, nurses, politicians, food suppliers, and many other brave people self-sacrifices to support our daily survival, this editorial argues that academics have a unique opportunity, and a moral duty, to immediately start conducting in-depth studies of current events.’ (Jandrić 2020c: 234)I had no idea how to even approach these studies, yet I had a strong feeling that something needed to be done urgently. So, I just did what I know best and issued calls for 3 different types of Covid-19-related material to be published in Post digital Science and Education: short testimonies, longer commentary articles, and full-length original articles. I had no idea how much material I would receive, what this material would look like, and what I would do with this material. I just had a deep gut feeling that we are witnessing a unique time in human history, a once-in-a-lifetime event, that needs to be recorded as it unfolds. For better or for worse, I decided to follow that feeling. This general vision, without a clear idea of what I was doing, paved a bumpy road for the development of this collection. On 17 March 2020, I shared the Call for Testimonies on Post digital Science and Education social network sites and I emailed it to the journal’s mailing list. Based on my previous experience with similar calls, I expected to receive 10 to 15 contributions and produce a standard-length collective article aiming at post digital dialogue (Jandrić et al. 2019) about the pandemic. Yet my call went ‘viral’, at least for academic standards, and a couple of weeks later,
A research article submitted to the Post digital Science and Education Article testimonials Published: 07 August 2020 Volume 2, pages 1069–1230, (2020)
Teaching, Coronavirus Pandemic, Post digital science, Education in coronavirus pandemic