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Hatima ya maisha ya Waafrika katika Bunilizi za Kiswahili: Mwegamo wa kifalsafa
(Ruaha Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (RUJASS), 2021) Duwe, Martina
Makala hii imefafanua sababu za hatima ya maisha ya mwanadamu kulingana na fikra za Waafrika kwa kurejelea riwaya za Utengano (1980) na Tata za Asumini (1990). Data za msingi zilizofafanuliwa katika makala hii zimepatikana maktabani kwa kutumia mbinu ya usomaji makini. Nadharia ya Udhanaishi imetumika kama mwegamo muhimu katika uchambuzi na mjadala wa data zilizowasilishwa katika katika utafiti uliofanyika. Matokeo yanaonesha kuwa utajiri wa maarifa yaliyomo ndani riwaya teule husawiri maudhui na fikra halisi za Waafrika kulingana na tamaduni zao. Fikra hizo hudhihirisha falsafa inayotawala maisha yao. Pia, hubainisha sababu mbalimbali za hatima ya mwanadamu kulingana na mitazamo ya Waafrika. Kifo ni miongoni mwa sababu zilizobainika wazi katika riwaya teule kuwa kinasababishwa na maamuzi ya Mungu, maovu ya mwanadamu mwenyewe na watu wanaomzunguka katika mazingira yake halisi; na namna Waafrika wanavyofikiri juu ya sababu za hatima ya maisha yao. Mwandishi anayaonesha haya ili kudhihirisha uhalisi wa fikra za jamii yake kama sampuli ya jamii za Kiafrika. Makala hii inahitimisha kuwa fasihi andishi inahifadhi na kuonesha maarifa yanayoisawiri jamii husika.
Usawiri wa eskatolojia ya Waafrika katika mbolezi za Wangoni
(CHALUFAKITA 2020, JUZ. NA. 2, 2020) Duwe, Martina
Eskatolojia ni kipengele kimojawapo kinachodhihirisha falsafa ya jamii za Waafrika kulingana na mila na desturi zao. Tafiti nyingi zilizofanywa kuhusu dhana hii zimejiegemeza katika muktadha wa kiteolojia. Baadhi ya tafiti hizo ni zile zilizofanywa na Baloyi (2008) na Lup (2013). Licha ya kuwapo kwa tafiti hizo, dhana ya eskatolojia ya Waafrika hususani fasihi simulizi za jamii ya Wangoni bado haijamakinikiwa ipasavyo. Aidha, ni wazi kwamba fasihi simulizi ni fasihi inayobeba na kuibua maarifa ya kifalsafa yanayoisawiri jamii husika kulingana na kaida zao. Kwa mantiki hiyo, makala hii inajadili usawiri wa eskatolojia ya Waafrika katika kipera cha mbolezi hususani za jamii ya Wangoni ili kubainisha maarifa yanayobebwa katika kipera hicho. Makala hii ni matokeo ya utafiti uliofanyika kwa kutumia mbinu ya ushuhudiaji shirikishi katika matukio yanayoambatana na suala la kifo na mahojiano ya ana kwa ana na baadhi ya Wangoni katika mazingira yao halisi. Data zimechanganuliwa kwa njia ya maelezo. Data hizo zinaonesha kuwapo kwa eskatolojia ya Waafrika katika mbolezi za jamii hiyo. Hata hivyo, makala hii inajadili vipengele muhimu vitatu tu ambavyo ni: kuamini katika uwepo wa Mungu, mwendelezo wa maisha baada ya kifo na nguvu za waliokufa (mizimu).
Growth strategy, entrepreneurial capability and business success of SMEs in Mbeya city
(Mzumbe University, 2019) Seif, Juma
The purpose of this research is to investigate the business strategy and performance in Small and Medium-Sized enterprises (SMEs). The research focused on SMEs because of the importance of SMEs in the economy and the high percentage of them in the Tanzanian business population. The present research examined the relationship between entrepreneurial capability, growth strategy and SMEs business success. The entrepreneurial capability consisted of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and improvisational behaviors, and growth strategy included product development strategy, market penetration strategy and market development strategy. This research used a survey methodology, then analyzed by using a descriptive analysis, correlation and regression analysis. Findings showed that each independent variable had mixed results on SMEs business success. The entrepreneurial capability consisted of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and improvisational behaviors, and growth strategy included product development strategy, market penetration strategy and market development strategy have a positive influence in business success. This study contributed to the flow of RBV and provided important contributions for practitioners in developing policies and strategies for business success among SMEs in Tanzania
The impact of policies and regulations on the performance of commercial banks in Tanzania, The case of CRDB and NMB banks
(Mzumbe University, 2019) Mboje, Sylvester
This Dissertation studied what was perceived to be the current problem facing the banking sector today following the unsatisfactory performance for the past three years (2015-2017). Many have been said regarding the poor performance of the banking sector. Hence, this study examines the cause of the problem. The study used Questionnaires and interview methods to arrive to the conclusion. Case study research design was used where CRDB and NMB Banks were selected as our sample study.50 respondents were obtained using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. 10 key respondents were interviewed to get their perceptions on the banking sector's performance. The secondary data collected confirmed our prior suspicious of the problem under study. The findings indicated that poor performance of the banking was the result of introduction of new government policies and regulations found in the Banking and financial institutions Act,2014 and adoption of the international banking standards such as Basel I, II and III. Some of policies introduced by the fifth government of Tanzania such the tight spending, verification of civil servants, transfer of funds to BoT, squeeze of the money supply and government intervention in cash crops business were also factors for poor performance. The results have shown that the non-performing loans (NPLs) had a negative impact on the performance of the banking sector. This was the result of compliance with some regulations that shall be discussed in detail later. The results have also shown that both capital adequacy and liquidity positions of the banks were affected following the decision of the government to transfer funds to BoT and the tight spending policy. Some Banks especially NMB was affected by the decision of the government to remove the civil servants with fake certificates. The squeeze of Money supply in the economy had a great impact in the banking sector.
Human resource capacity of the council’s finance department in collecting own source revenue in Musoma municipal council,
(Mzumbe University, 2016) Muharagi,David J
The study investigated the capacity of human resource in finance department in Musoma Municipal Council. The study was applied mixed approach. Purposive, quota and random sampling techniques were used to select a total of 56 respondents comprised by hon. Mayor, Municipal Director, head of departments and members from different departments. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources by use of structured questionnaires with mainly closed ended questions. The findings revealed that there is low human resource capacity in terms of the number of employees, their skills/qualifications, competences and their working experience. The study also found that Musoma Municipal Council is trying its level best in supporting the staffs, yet the support provided is not sufficient to all staff in the Municipal. The study also found that the output produced by human resource of finance department is very low due to the fact that no use of EFDs in revenue collection, no motivation to employees, absence of tax compliance as well as low education level to some staff. In this study concluded that human resource capacity in Council’s finance department in revenue collection is very important for the institution since the genesis of Local revenue is based on the decentralization policy and other legal matters. The study gives the following recommendations; It is recommended that, the staff in the finance department at MMC should be trained on how to collect maximum revenue from the own sources in the municipal. The municipal Council should establish Electronic revenue information system. It is also recommended that the municipal should adhere to the government rules and regulations in revenue collection. Employees in the finance department should be motivated so as to initiate morale in their hearts in collecting more revenue. Tax compliance should be introduced and lastly the committee/board whose members are outside the municipal workers should be formulated.