Fadhil, Juma O.2024-11-212024-11-212016APAhttps://scholar.mzumbe.ac.tz/handle/123456789/1730A dissertation submitted to the School of Public Administration and Management for the requirements of partial fulfillment of the degree of Masters of Science in Human Resource Management(MSc-HRM) of Mzumbe UniversityThe study is about teachers‟ turnover in Public Secondary Schools with reference to Wete District, Pemba between October 2015 and February 2016. The study aimed to assess the existence of Teacher Turnover in the area of concern, to know its causes and effects as well as suggesting several remedial methods of combating teacher turnover in public secondary school. The case study design was used where 49 respondents were involved. 29 were selected via simple random sampling and 20 were obtained using purposive sampling according to their positions. The study used both primary and secondary data which were collected using different means of data collection; while the data collected were analyzed using various statistical means. Findings revealed that, Teacher Turnover has a great impact to all educational stakeholders even though it is not considered as a problem by the employer. The common causes of teacher turnover mentioned are; overburdening of duties, poor working environment, status of teacher in community, level of salary paid, employment security, students‟ behaviour and so on. While others are impacted by falling down of educational performance, un-manageable shortage of teacher, losing of students learning Morale, to enforce poor parents on paying over freelance teachers and alike. Apparently, this can be managed by the restructuring pay system, employing appropriate number of teachers per school, enabling conducive teaching and learning environment and ensuring equity and equality among public servant as well as close participation among educational stakeholders. The study has recommended that, there is a need of making teaching an enjoyable field like other in the public sectors, hence retaining teachers may influence educational improvement in the world of science and technology in Zanzibar.enLabour turnoverPublic secondary schoolsTeacher turnoverTeacher turnover in public secondary schools: A case of Wete district, PembaThesis