Siyao, P.O.Sanga, E.E.2024-03-212024-03-212023APADOI: 10.1089/scc.2023.0033 study assesses factors that influence access to and uptake of climate change adaptation information for awareness creation among smallholder tomato growers in selected rural parts of Tanzania. The study considers the demographic characteristics of smallholder tomato growers, finding that they are major factors in determining the acquisition and uptake of climate change information. The most needed information for climate change adaptation includes droughtand disease-tolerant tomato seeds and the application of pesticides and various types of fertilizers. Smallholder tomato growers prefer to acquire information on climate change adaptation from relatives, friends, neighbors, and sources like the radio and mobile phones.enadaptationclimate change adaptation informationIringaMorogorosmallholder tomato growersTanzaniaFactors Influencing Access to and Uptake of Climate Change Adaptation Information Among Smallholder Tomato Growers in Iringa and Morogoro Regions—TanzaniaArticle