Mamkwe, Claudia EdwardGenda, Elizabeth Lulu2024-05-142024-05-142023APADOI: paper submitted to the journal of Poverty, Inequality, and Innovation in the Global South (pp. 143-165).The Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) II is a national poverty reduction initiative that focuses on addressing income poverty and the shortage of social services. The study was cross-sectional in design with a sample of 60 household heads and nine key informants. Data were collected using questionnaires and key informant interviews. The findings show that TASAF II investments improved household assets, access to clean and safe water, education, health, and created employment through investments in new projects. It was adjudged to be an excellent development project model and viewed as best practice for improving wellbeing of low-income households through participatory and empowerment approaches in which the poor are provided with non-monetary start-up capital to generate income. The Chapter recommends the formulation of policies that reflect the lived experiences of the poor by making them participate in their development processes while itself and NGOs, CSOs and the private actor remain facilitators.enpovertyhouseholdslow-income householdsdevelopmentTanzania social action fund II implementation for the household socio-economic improvement: evidence from Arusha District, TanzaniaArticle