Mussa, Elisha2024-07-182024-07-182013APA dissertation submitted to the Institute of development studies as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of the Master of Science Degree in Development Policy (MSc. DP) of Mzumbe UniversitThis study aimed at examining the performance of Youth Development Fund (YDF) in promoting youth development in Tanzania using Kahama District as a case study. Specifically, the study focused at, youth access to YDF and their involvement in development activities; the performance of various YDF beneficiaries’ projects; factors influencing performance of YDF related projects; and stakeholders’ views on improvement of YDF programme and beneficiaries’ development activities. The study adopted a case study design, targeting the youths between 18 and 35 years as beneficiaries of YDF and or entrepreneurs in Kahama District. A sample size of 70 respondents was drawn using purposive and random sampling techniques. Questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussion and observation methods were used to collect primary data while documentary review method was used to collect secondary data. Data collected were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Excel software and presented in tables, figures and texts. The study revealed that although awareness was high (77%), youths access to YDF was low amounting to 718 (0.3%) youths out of 268,103. About 24 (80%) beneficiaries requested the loan to develop existing business rather than create new IGAs, hence YDF slightly promoted youth involvement. None of the beneficiaries shifted into advanced business compared to 7 (23%) non-beneficiaries. YDF beneficiaries employed fewer (44) youths compared to 66 by non-beneficiaries. Only 2 beneficiaries out of 30 have moved from lower annual income level (100,000 – 1,000,000/=) after receiving the loan compared to 12 non-beneficiaries. Besides, 14 (47%) beneficiaries failed to repay the loan. 22 (73%) YDF beneficiaries received less than 50% of the requested loan amount while 22 (67%) non-beneficiaries received 100%. Insufficient funds, deficient entrepreneurship training, and delayed loans were among the factors limiting business performance. Study recommendations include: increasing the budget for YDF programme, timely loan disbursement, intensive entrepreneurship training, involving the private sector, creation of enabling environment and proper targeting of beneficiaries.enYouth Development FundYouth Entrepreneurship TheoryEconomic Empowerment TheoryEntrepreneurship and Youth EmploymentIndicators of Youth DevelopmentYouth Development Challenges -Kahama-TanzaniaFree Market Economy TheoryThe performance of youth development fund (YDF) in youth development in Tanzania: the case of Kahama districtThesis