Ndimbo, Alfons S.2024-06-142024-06-142018APAhttps://scholar.mzumbe.ac.tz/handle/123456789/917A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Education (MAED) of the Mzumbe UniversityThis study addressed the influence of criteria for the appointment of women in leadership positions in primary schools in Ikungi district, Tanzania. The study aimed at examining the factors that limit women from participating into leadership positions, challenges that women head teachers faces in their leadership positions and perceptions of teachers and community members concerning female head teachers. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches and the methods of data collection used were questionnaires and interview. Content analysis was used in analyzing data obtained through interviews and those from questionnaires were analyzed through statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 16.0. The findings revealed that, the criteria of appointments limit women participation in leadership positions through personal factors such as refusal of leadership posts, lack of confidence, lack of qualifications and family issues, also societal factors such as negative attitude by the society and traditional believes (witchcraft and super situations),organizational factors such as weak policy, and biasness in appointments, and informal factors such corruptions, nepotism and political affiliations. Furthermore, the findings revealed that the challenges facing women head teachers includes jealous and conflicts from their husband, negative reactions from the community, poor traditional believes, multiple roles, and shortage of funds. The study recommended that the policy used for the recommendations of head teachers in Tanzania should consider gender balance, the policy for appointment should encourage transparency to avoid favoritism and biasness in the appointment and recruitment process, the activists and other stake holders should provide education based on gender equity in both rural and urban and also fight against negative cultural values emanating from the community which encourage negative perception and those marginalizing women in leadership.enWomen LeadershipFemale leadershipWomen HeadteachersPrimary school managementGender and leadership-educationLeadership challenges-womenThe influence of criteria for appointment of women in leadership positions in Tanzanian primay schools: A case of Ikungi DistrictThesis