Kibeshi, KiyaboNsubili, Isaga2024-03-222024-03-222020APAISSN 2222-1905ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)10.7176/EJBM/12-24-06 research article submitted to the European Journal of Business and Management Vol.12, No.24, 2020This study tested the suitability of personal wealth in measuring SMEs’ performance as compared to already known firm growth measures. Guided by the knowledge-based view, the study aimed at determining the influence of learning orientation on SMEs performance under the mediation of competitive advantage using firm growth and personal wealth measures. A structured questionnaire was used to collected data from 300 owners-managers of welding industry SMEs located in Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, and Morogoro urban centres in Tanzania. Measurement and structural models were developed by the aid of SmartPLS 3 software through application of structural equation modelling technique. Determination of indirect influence of learning orientation on SMEs’ performance through competitive advantage was accomplished by bootstrapping the original sample using 5000 samples. Findings inform that competitive advantage mediates the relationship between learning orientation and SMEs’ performance for both firm growth and personal wealth performance measures. This study has contributed to the understanding that learning orientation influences SMEs’ performance under the mediation of competitive advantage using personal wealth as measures of SMEs’ performance. The findings imply that the knowledgebased view is suitable in describing not only physical resources but also intangible resources such as learning orientation. Literature will benefit from future studies that will investigate the influence of other constructs on SMEs’ performance under the mediation of competitive advantage using the same firm growth and personal wealth performance measures. Such studies will ascertain whether the findings of this study are specific to learning orientation construct or applicable to other constructs as well.enCompetitive advantagefirm growthlearning orientationpersonal wealthSMEs’ performanceSMEs’ Performance in developing countries: Suitability of personal wealth measuresArticle