Mdula, Jane2024-03-182024-03-182018APA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of the Degree of Masters of Economics in Project Planning and Management (MSc. PPM) of Mzumbe UniversityThis study evaluated the economic impact of Tanzania Strategic Cities focusing on Mwanza City as a case study. The Tanzania Strategic Cities Project (TSCP) is funded by International Development Association (IDA) with the objective of enhancing accessibility of basic urban services. TSCP has been in operation for eight (8) years and therefore this study set to evaluate it. Specifically, the study intended to assess the cost of the projects under Tanzania strategic cities projects in Mwanza city; evaluate the benefits of roads projects under Tanzania strategic cities projects in Mwanza city and; assess the economic impact of roads projects on change of per capital income of road users in Mwanza city. The study involved 130 diverse respondents in terms of gender, education background and age group. Questionnaire was used as research tool for gathering information and that data was analyzed through frequency statistics, cross tabulation and other descriptive statistics. The study found out that income of road users has risen due to construction of the new roads and rehabilitation of old roads. The findings have also shown among the costs incurred by road users in regard to access and use of roads to include public transport fare, wastage of travelling and transporting time, maintenance cost, increase of house rent and fuel consumption. Road users also benefited from time saving on the roads, reduced transportation cost, availability of goods and services at lower price, opening of business opportunities, job creations, and population growth. Lastly the study recommends to the Government on the need to put much emphasis on road maintenance after on road constructed as it is cheap to maintain road than constructing it. Good road infrastructure will allow materials and goods transported in lower price to the industries and so join President John Pombe Magufuli on making “Tanzania ya Viwanda” a realityenStrategic Cities ProjectInternational Development AssociationTransportation servicesRoad transportImpact evaluation of international AID supported road project on beneficiaries income: A case of Tanzania strategic cites project (TSCP) in Mwanza city councilThesis