Theodory, Theobald Frank2024-03-212024-03-212022APA research article submitted to the Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift- Norwegian Journal of Geography Volume 76, 2022 - Issue 2The article examines the emerging and persistent challenges of water resources governance that contribute to unequitable sharing of water resources amid the different competing users in the Mgeta subcatchment in the Ruvu River Basin, Tanzania. The author used a mixed method research design to examine the challenges of water governance in rural Tanzania, with a focus on households (water users) in the Mgeta sub catchment of the Upper Ruvu Basin. Focus group discussions and key informant interviews were used to garner qualitative data, while a questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analysed. The results indicated that conflicts, inactiveness of members of the Community Based Water Supply Organisation (COBWSO) in Kibaoni village (one of three case villages), overlapping of responsibilities among key actors, as well as ineffective revenue collection were the main challenges facing water resources governance. The author concludes that concerted efforts are needed to address governance challenges hampering equitable access to water resources among different users.engovernanceformal governance structuresinformal governance structuresTanzaniawaterwater resourcesriver basinwater supplyrural householdsEmerging and persistent challenges in water resources governance in rural Tanzania: the Mgeta subcatchment of the Upper Ruvu BasinArticle