Tossy, Titus2024-04-172024-04-172014APA2223-4985 published by the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Volume 4 No. 7, July 2014 Pages 273-279This paper is located within the global debates about integrated Health Information Systems (HIS) in developing countries. From a Namibian experience, this paper examines the major challenges and constrains facing the integration of HIS. The rationale for the examination stems from the notion that the Namibia healthcare is yet to integrate the HIS, despite huge investments and efforts being made on ground. Based on own experience and backed up by a literature review, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation, major challenges and constraint in the integration of HIS and possible solutions are presented and structured. Finally the paper proposes measures within the HIS in the form of annual health provider’s workshop that could be implemented in order to share the experiences and lesson learned.enHealth Information SystemsintegrationchallengesconstraintNamibiaMajor challenges and constraint of integrating health information systems in african countries: a Namibian experienceArticle