Kway, Godfrey D2024-05-202024-05-202016 dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education (MA-ED) of Mzumbe UniversityThis study assessed the implementation of adult education in Finland and Tanzania based on three objectives; firstly to identify the status of adult education in Tanzania and Finland; secondly to determine teaching approaches that Tanzania and Finland use in implementing adult education; and thirdly identify the challenges facing implementation of Adult Education in both countries Tanzania and Finland. The study was conducted in two colleges; adult education institute in Morogoro region (WAMO) in Tanzania and Tampere adult education centre in Tampere region (TAKK) in Finland. The study involved 70 respondents from students, teachers and administrator categories sampled through purposive and simple random sampling. Data were collected through questioners, interviews, document review and observation. Qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis while quantitative were analyzed and presented with the help of SPSS software program 16 version where by tables of frequencies and percentage were presented to supplement qualitative information. Findings in this study indicate that implementation of adult education was hindered by number of factors such as adequate funds, time and family problems, although the findings presents the situation in Tanzania was worse compared to Finland. Some factors observed unique to Tanzania include poor working condition, lack of funds, heavy load and lack of teaching and learning material. The study recommends that the government should not depend on donors fund rather should allocate adequate funds to the department of adult education for effective implementation of the programs put in place.enadult educationEducationteaching approachesAssessment of implementation of adult education a comparative study of Tanzania and FinlandThesis