Edward, Suzana2024-11-212024-11-212019APAhttps://scholar.mzumbe.ac.tz/handle/123456789/1753A dissertation submitted to Mzumbe University as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Masters of Business Administration in Corporate Management (MBA-CM) of Mzumbe University.The study aimed at assessing the challenges facing delivery of free primary education in Tanzania, A case of Tunduma Town Council”. The research report comprises three objectives which are: To evaluate the challenges facing delivery of free primary education system in Tanzania; To assess the roles of Government in regards to sustainability of the free primary education in Tanzania and to establish the impact of availability of adequate classrooms as school infrastructure on high student enrolment as a result of introduction of Free Primary Education in Tanzania. The study was conducted at Tunduma Town Council. The study used a sample size of one hundred and twenty (120) respondents who are the staffs from different departments. Data collection was been done by the use of documentation, questionnaire and interview then analyzed by qualitative and quantitative method since the study was a case study design. The findings of the study were that there are many challenges facing the government of Tanzania in delivering a free primary education. The study reveals some of those challenges are the insufficient funds allocated to primary school, shortage of buildings for examples classes. The low ratio of teachers to students, poor infrastructure and the poor administration system of the free education system in Tanzania. Then the researcher recommends that the Government should increase the funds to primary schools and should recruit many staff i.e. teachers in order to have a good ratio between teachers to students. Furthermore, the staff who have the duty and authority to supervise the FPE policies in Tanzania should adheres the policies, process and procedures of the implementation of FPE in TanzaniaenPrimary educationRole of GovernmentSustainable educationThe challenges facing delivery of free primary education in Tanzania: A case of Tunduma town councilThesis