Sungau, JosephNdunguru, Philibert C.Kimeme, Joseph2024-08-122024-08-122013APA2236-269X10.14807/ijmp.v4i1.68 statement: Time spent by customers at a service organization is very critical in today’s business environment. Service organizations must change to provide services to customers within the minimum time possible. Business process re-engineering is one technique that improves business processes. However, despite documented advantages, most organizations have not adopted the technique. Purpose: The paper aims to determine and explain the effect of business process re-engineering on delivering speed for enhanced organizational performance. Methodology: The study used a cross-sectional survey design that included a sample of ninety-five (95) service organizations. Focused intensive literature review enabled to construction structural measurement model, formulation of testable hypotheses and operationalization of constructs. Results: From the study, it is revealed that BPR positively improves delivering speed of service organizations. Conclusion: The adoption of the BPR technique for improved business processes enhances delivery speed in service organizations.en-USBusiness process re-engineeringService organizationsBPR techniqueBusiness Process Re-engineeringService industry in TanzaniaService delivering speedBusiness process re-engineering: The technique to improve delivering speed of service industry in TanzaniaArticle