Chumu, Daniel2025-01-022025-01-022014APA dissertation submitted to Mzumbe University as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of Master's Degree of Business Administration in Corporate Management (MBA-CM) of Mzumbe UniversityThe study was carried to investigate the influence of training and developments on organizational performances. Bollore Africa logistics was chosen to be the area of study where the responses were obtained from employees of which 10 were at the managerial positions, 15 at supervisory positions while 15 were normal officers and 5 casual labors making the total of 45 respondents out of 50 previously targeted respondents which are at the rate of 90 %. The methodology used in this study was case study model of which both qualitative and quantitative approach were deployed. On data collection, both primary and secondary data were used and to capture those data questionnaire, interview, observation and documentation methods were used .On the analysis of the data obtained the quality of the data was assessed using questionnaires distributed to the intended respondents while the analysis of the data was done using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS). It was found that majority of the respondent which is about 89 % believe that training and development has a high influence on organization performance. Also majority of them indicated that on the benefits of training in relations to organization performance will result to Higher Production. It was again noted that majority of the respondents strongly agreed that training and developments affects organizational performance. And other respondents believe that Cost has a strong effect on training and development while 2% of the respondents believe that lack of proper training needs assessment has a slightly effect on training and development challenges in the organizations. As regards to the nature of the research topic, behavioral theory was used as training and developments focuses on changes in attitude and capacity building of an employee which relates much on behavioral changes where by training may result to changes positively or negatively depending on the content of the trainings. xv It is recommended that, to achieve organizational performances, the there is a need to increase the number of trainings on key performance areas, the need to have a proper recruitment and selections of the candidates, and also the need to provide the best approach on training needs assessments so as to win the management supports on training related issues. Lastly, it was recommended that the government agencies and Bollore to produce the best approaches and methods for Training needs assessments that will offer the best training that will produce positive impacts to a firm while the further area of study was the need to assess the factors for organizational poor performances so as to know the real impact of training on performance.enOrganizational performance.Bollore Africa logisticsTraining on performance.Influence of training and development on organizational perfomance in Tanzania : The case study of Bollore Africa logistics Tanzania limited.Thesis